
Viewing 1 - 14 of 14 results

Looking back and nostalgia. · 11:05pm Apr 25th, 2021

Hello everyone to anyone that sees this I would like to say this isn't an announcement of me coming back I just would like to say hi and talk about my old times here. When I first became a Brony during my college years I enjoyed a lot of fan fiction mostly adventure type affairs. It gave me joy in a time when I was looking. I wasn't depressesd but I was miserable that type of miserable where you know you could fix it but you didn't want to thinking it would be worth it in the end. For me it

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Life · 1:05am Feb 24th, 2021

So I spend like 14 hours on this site per day guys hello yes my life that meaningless haha :’D


Personal update. · 6:30pm Jun 18th, 2020

So, I have a job now, and my first shift starts tomorrow. At the Golden Arches/McDonalds literally a hop, skip, and a jump from my sudivision.

Pay's good at 8.25 an hour as I set my shift times instead of open hours, but it's okay. I get paid weekly, too. How that works, for those who are interested, is every week's shifts I work, the tuesday following I get paid for the previous week. So this week I'll be paid next tuesday.

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One year · 11:07pm Aug 6th, 2016

A year ago today I decided take a leap of faith and publish my first chapter of The Right that Returns. As the year moved forward I was astounded by the level support. let it be from coments saying great chapter to the PM's that of helpful tips and corrections. All of this made want to continue onward and make my story better, that's why I've been rewriting the chapters 1-6.

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Is It Too Late to Do a New Year's Blog? · 10:40am Jan 2nd, 2017

2016 sucked. There really isn't another way to put it. I've watched my country take part in a bitter, divisive referendum with a campaign that resulted in a significant spike in hate crimes, a quite alarming drop in the value of the pound, and something about the European Union. I've watched as the second female Prime Minister of my country rose to power on the basis of everyone else in the race dropping out and she happens to be the one politician I wouldn't want anywhere near 10

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Plans for the Future: Part 2 (What to Look Forward To) · 4:09am Sep 17th, 2022


Thoughts That Come Unexpectedly · 12:39pm Sep 16th, 2018

Last night I was talking with a friend I haven’t seen in a while over Facebook, and almost on the spot, I suggested a potential new public transit system. An inter-town trolley network, I know that sounds pretty odd and little old school. The idea behind it is pretty simple, the trolleys have tracks that move between towns and cities and go straight down the main street of the towns and cities they head into. Since laying chain under the streets is too risky, and maybe a bit too expensive, the

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State of the Fuzz 2019 · 8:39pm Jan 3rd, 2019

First, to start things off:

I am somehow all of these at the same time as I look over where I am as an author.

Second, let's take a moment to reflect on the best and worst parts of 2018. Or don't. I'm not your dad.

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Bigass Update Incoming!!! · 6:31am Oct 28th, 2018

It’s been quite a long time since I’ve posted anything, hasn’t it? Even longer still in regard to relevant updates for writing progress, since my previous blog was about me gushing over the fact DMC5 is a thing. BTW, everything shown (except for slo-mo cam and the song “subhuman”) is amazing. Also, Spyro is coming out VERY soon, so I’m excited about that. Not to mention Darksiders 3 is at the end of next month. So many good games on the horizon...

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Some of my favorite quotes 8: · 10:02am Jan 19th, 2022

Oh baby I’m not bad it’s just that villains have more fun. —Damon Salvatore

Heros have to win every time. Villains only have win once~ —Random YouTube commenter

Sometimes it’s not the people who change, it’s the mask that falls off. —not sure where it’s from

What is this Bro? Affection!!? NOT ON MY WATCH! -monke

Your apology should ALWAYS be as loud as your disrespect, and your disrespect —Twitter user after the Nux vs VShojo drama

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If you could give any pony a Pixar movie deal... · 6:08pm Nov 18th, 2022


What's treated as little things that might as well be Big things · 11:47pm Oct 18th, 2017

You read that right, in particular there's one thing that's been going through my head for a while now that needs to be discussed seriously. Pinkie's place of residence, so far she's been living in a room at Suguarcube Corner but that's going to need to change. I know change isn't addressed all that often in kids' shows, and a lot of people think this is something that shouldn't change or will not change but I think it does. Pinkie needs a place of her own, especially Pinkie needs a place to

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ELEMENTS 10th ANNIVERSARY! · 3:07pm Dec 12th, 2022

A decade has gone by since I first began this journey, pitting six different monsters within the confines of the lands of harmony, starting as a nine chapter one off about a stupid ice-frog from Devil May Cry 4. It had long since expanded into the multi-part series "Elements Change the Dark Hearts", threaded with an overarching plot asking WHY they were brought here, then further made into other projects, with recently capping off with a physical book of the original story. To say I'm proud of

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I forgot to ask this in my previous blog, but... · 12:38pm Oct 28th, 2023

Viewing 1 - 14 of 14 results