
Viewing 1 - 12 of 12 results

Back from the dead. · 4:27am Sep 1st, 2015

Not like most of you guys really cared anyways but just though I should let you know.:rainbowwild:


I Have Returned! · 11:01pm Feb 21st, 2020

After taking a long week off, I have returned! Now I am available to talk with others again. I was gone to think about my stories without any interuption. Thank you all for your patience!


A Hopeful Return · 7:05pm May 9th, 2022

I'm back, behbeh.
Turns out, school let out like a month earlier than I expected. I still have next semester's stuff to figure out, but I'm hoping this will be the start of an inspired summer of pone.
A little preemptive? Perhaps, especially knowing how inspiration strikes me. Still, I intend to get some stuff done on this website and nobody can stop me!


I'm Back! · 1:38pm Feb 6th, 2020

Hey, hello! It's been a while Huh?

A really long while :twilightblush:

I'm sorry to those who enjoy my stories for the long wait, but I just...Lost my mojo I guess.
But I'm going to be doing my best to start updating my stuff on a regular basis again, probably once or twice a week.
I'm going to be focusing on the Songbird of Tartarus for now, and hopefully finish that, before moving on to anything else, so Stay tuned for That!

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It's over. · 8:34pm Mar 13th, 2021

I was in violation of my household rules and thus I am no longer allowed to speak with her.

I will now be retreating from life for a while, and any responses to this will most likely be in vain. I shall return one day.


On Hiatus for now. · 8:22pm Apr 16th, 2020

Hey folks. I'm sorry to say this, but Stomach Stallion is temporarily on hiatus. I've been feeling a bit drained while trying to maintain several writing projects and I will be putting this story on a shelf until I've doing a bit better. Still, rest assured this will return once I'm more up to writing it once again.

I hope you all take care during these times and I hope you all stick around.

See ya then!


I'm baaaaaaaack · 5:49pm May 26th, 2019

Hello friends!

I am back and well. A LOT has happened in five years. A lot. I left the fandom for about a year before tuning back into the my little pony series itself. It was only a year ago that I finally joined a community, and it is a great community too! I've got so many good friends now and I'm a LOT happier than I was five years ago. A LOT happier. I could talk about all that's happened in the five years I've been gone but I don't think anyone is really interested in that.

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I have returned after a long period of absence. · 10:47pm Jul 31st, 2016

I've been gone for 2 1/2 days all because of problems with the cable. It went out on Friday afternoon and has now been restored. These problems also affected my viewership of the first My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic episode of the new half of the season. I've heard that one of the great people I've encountered, the great Stellar Bubbles, has resumed Internet activities. I wish her renewed success on the Net. Cox Communications have done a

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The Fandom's Dilemmna · 7:24pm Nov 28th, 2015

Hey look everybody, Starlight Glimmer has been redeemed! Isn't that swel-

Oh boy...

Oh, also, I am indeed back everybody! And I promise, there will be a story based off this episode coming! Maybe. Can ya guess what it'll be?


Just a Quick Thing · 9:10pm Jul 2nd, 2021

The bad news about yesterday is that my mental health is worse than it was two days ago.

The good news is that I appear to have more people paying attention to me.

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Hiatus announcment. · 2:50am Jun 26th, 2017

Yes, I'm taking another hiatus. I've just realized somethings that I need to resolve within myself and just...dangit, I'm bad with words. You know what, forget it. I'm not gonna try and make this emotional or overdramatic or anything like that. I've realized I've lost connection with myself, my faith, and my friends, and I need to fix that. I will not return before I do. I have no clue how long that will be. Before I go though, I'd like to give some quick shoutouts.

The Wandering Bard.

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Children of the Sun: New Chapter Out! · 5:54pm Jun 14th, 2023

Hello friends! It's been, uh... *checks watch* almost a year since I updated my beloved fic? Whoops!
The news with me (and my excuse) is that I graduated, finally! Got my BS degree! So now I've got more time to write. Thank you very much for your patience!

EChildren of the Sun
Our Goddess has told us we will finally reach the surface today, after nearly a thousand years' wait. As her Prophet, I will be the first to see the sun again. I can only hope Equestria is still up there.
Silent Whisper · 25k words  ·  232  5 · 2.3k views
Viewing 1 - 12 of 12 results