
Viewing 1 - 3 of 3 results

Regarding Hurricane Irma · 9:58pm Sep 5th, 2017

Hello there!

Hurricane Irma has strengthened past the Category 5 threshold to sustained winds of over 185 mph. This means the winds are not gusting to 185 mph, they stay at that speed. Gusts reported by hurricane hunters to well over 200 mph. To put that into perspective, that's EF-4 tornado winds sustained and gusts in the EF-5 tornado range. Complete and utter destruction.

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Report Dandereshy · 210 views · #hurricaneIrma

Hurricane Irma and Harvey · 1:46am Sep 9th, 2017

As some of you may know, around the world or in the United States, that the state of Texas (or to be more specific, the city of Houston), had to face Hurricane Harvey. I have a couple of friends/artists (donotcrosskilliross and Ink Quill), always friends first, from the project "The Mare Who Became Queen" who live in Texas and luckily, they didn't have to face the major during and after effects of the hurricane. They only had to face, which they considered to be, minor after effects of the

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The World only Turns One Way! · 11:55pm Sep 3rd, 2017

"Not even the great Nimue, can turn the world!" -Ancient Witch

Texas was hit by Hurricane Harvey as all of you know, now another manifestation of the most primal forces comes.... Irma!!!

Hurricane Irma could strike U.S. East Coast by next weekend, or it could curve out to sea

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Viewing 1 - 3 of 3 results