
Viewing 1 - 5 of 5 results

Harbingers 1: ♩ Punish Mankind For Their Sins! ♩ · 9:23pm Aug 6th, 2016

Ah, 2011. The summer when I got into the fandom, I absolutely immersed myself in a way I haven't since. (Not that that's completely a bad thing, given how I have much more resposibilities and interests outside Pony) The music, the fanfic (mainly through EQD at the time; I didn't get a FIMFic account until sometime in 2012) and all the copious amounts of fanart. Good times.

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Time for spoopy updates. New Chapter is live! · 6:52pm Oct 24th, 2015

If it ain't clear already, I am a big fan of Undertale. Message me if ya want to hear me go all Alphys on it, Heh

For those wondering where I've been these last few days. Well, the answer is work, work, and more work. Did I mention work already?

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To Avoid A Panic Attack: · 8:41pm Jun 28th, 2018

Here of now, A Thief's Tale: The Path To Penance is going to be delayed to a bi-weekly release because fuck. Redux: The Harbinger's Oath, is going to go to a monthly release schedule because Fuck. I need to have a more consistent schedule for this shit set up since I my new job is fucking with my writing times, so here's the deal: PTP is moving to a Sunday release because I have Saturday off to do my final edit, so the next chapter is coming July 1st for all of you factory fiends

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Recruiting! (Again!) · 7:45pm Jul 9th, 2018

So I currently have an Editor who's caught up on everything, one who's currently catching up, and myself. Thing is, I suck at editing my own work, and the other guys have hectic schedules, which is why I might get a chapter written in the course of a few days if I'm lucky, but wait until the release day to actually put it out. There are other factors in that, but editing doesn't need to be one of them, yeah?

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CGL's Stories: A Reexamination And Reboot · 4:11am Feb 28th, 2018

It's been a while. In the past year and a half, despite occasionally crawling back here to whine about the show's direction, I've largely stayed away from Pony and spent a lot of time in other fandoms. My writing and my understanding of writing has been improved in important ways, and I've come to realize certain bad habits I used to have, (primarily in jumping in before properly fleshing out my ideas.) Furthermore, this time away from Pony has extended to my own multi-chapter stories, which

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Viewing 1 - 5 of 5 results