
Viewing 1 - 2 of 2 results

The People of Bronycon · 9:30pm Jul 12th, 2016

Hey guys. I’m back.

So, I’m going to be breaking my blogging about Bronycon into a few posts based around theme, and first off, I’m going to start off with the thing that made the con awesome; the people.

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The Stories of Bronycon · 10:55pm Jul 16th, 2016

So, thanks to the con, I earned a handful more followers, pushing me all the way to 300. So, Mazel Tov.

That out of the way; Bronycon was an experience. What made it so great really was the people. Guests, panelists, everyone.

Of course, where people gather, things happen, and the following are some of what I feel are the more funny/interesting things I experienced at the convention. I hope you all enjoy.

Nyronus and the Bad Bad Terrible Awful Trip To Bronycon

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Viewing 1 - 2 of 2 results