
Viewing 1 - 20 of 22 results

Chapter 3 of Canterlot may be late. · 12:07am Jan 12th, 2016

Good afternoon mares and gentelstallions,

So, like the title says Chapter 3 of Canterlot in Flames may be a bit late this week. My plan has been to post one chapter a week, each week, as long as my buffer allows. I have Chapter 4 in the works, and likely chapter 5 won't be too hard to write (Though it'll be arguably one of the my darkest and likely the one that will justify the mature/gore tag), I am currently reeling for one of the worst weekends I've had in a very, very long time.

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CiF Chapter 14 · 2:09am Jul 24th, 2016

So, it's that time again!

Chapter 14 is a short one, and ties up some loose ends from the previous chapter, and also ties into PtH a little but (But I won't spoil how, you have to read it to find out), as well as delving in a little deeper into what exactly a Jaeger is!

Which, let me tell you, is not a pretty thing. I have to thank Jim Hoxworth, though on talking me through the Jaeger process, and making me feel dirty for writing about it!

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CiF Chapter 19! · 11:47pm Oct 12th, 2016

So, chapter 19 is here, and as soon as I am done writing this post I'll go hit the publish button!

There isn't a lot to say about the chapter, except that it's sad, and it wraps up the majority of the stuff left with CiF, anything that is leftover gets dealt with in chapter 20.

One thing I will say, though, is that the chapter is dedicated to my grandfather (Kenneth Darcy) and a friend of mine from Middleschool (Nick Change) who both passed away this year.

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Chapter 5 of Canterlot in Flames · 9:29pm Feb 10th, 2016

Good afternoon, Mares and Gentlecolts.

So, I've had it done for a few weeks, I've just been waiting to finish chapter 6 before I put this out here, but Chapter 6 was finished last night so now is the time to post this new one!

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Canterlot in Flames, Summary for Chapter 7-8. · 9:39pm May 22nd, 2016

So, before I get into anything else, I would like to post a small summery of chapters 7-8, as those were the violent chapters and I know a lot of people likely don't read the story because of the fact it's marked "gore". Because of this, I promised I'd post a small summary of the chapters so that, if people chose to, you may skip those two and just go to the (mostly) non-violent chapters.

So, Chapter 7:

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Canterlot in Flames, Chapter 10 · 5:20am May 30th, 2016

So, here I published the last chapter last week, but I've got a nice buffer built up so here is the next chapter! Chapter 10: Time!

This one is really just some world building and character development, nothing world or ground breaking, which after the last few chapters is out of the ordinary, but hey sometimes you need a break form the large whirlwind plots and epic action, right?

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CiF Chapter 17 · 10:18pm Sep 18th, 2016

Or, as my friend Zol likes to call this chapter "Lode Stone's shining moment".

So, this chapter is offically titled "Breaking the Bank" in which we see Daring, Dawn, Wind, Lode Stone, and another pony who has a very personal vendetta against the Shadowbolts go and take down Equestrian National Bank!

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CiF Chapter 20 · 5:51am Oct 27th, 2016

So, it's midnight where I am right now (Which is Minnesota, by the way, because I am going to be attending Ciderfest with the majority of the Troll Squad) and it occured to me that I didn't publish the final chapter of CiF!


So, for all of you who could not attend the convention, here is the chapter.

For all of you who are, I hope you all have fun! I know I will!


Canterlot in Flames, Chapter 11 · 6:06pm Jun 5th, 2016


I mean, uhm, yeah stupid jokes aside I shall soon present to you chapter 11 of Canterlot in Flames, which is titled "Discord's Traveling Puppet Show!" which, honestly, if that doesn't sound interesting I don't know what you people like, because as the title says this chapter has Discord, and puppets! Who doesn't like puppets!?

Anyway, it also has other things besides puppets, like foals watching the puppet show... oh and more Renegades showing up for a brief moment.

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Canterlot in Flames, Chapter 12 · 7:52pm Jun 16th, 2016

So, I was actually going to post this yesterday, but forgot because I am smartest pony!

Anyway, this chapter starts back up some of the political intrigue and introduces a few new characters, as well as advances the plotlines for some of them.

Oh, and also Daring is face down in a bowl of oatmeal, so that's a thing.

Anyway, have fun reading it!



Canterlot in Flames, Chapter 6 · 1:31am Feb 27th, 2016

Now, before I get into meat of this blog post, I need to say something first.

Up until now, the story has been tame, with some injury and some death in it. But never anything 'on screen' as it were. The Command Sergeant and the Captain of the Guard, along with all the Guards and Reserves who died in the initial attack died off-screen, and there was one guard who died near Daring but wasn't shown.

That all changes after this chapter.

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CiF chapter 16! · 2:43am Aug 12th, 2016

So, I just hit the publish button on CiF chapter 16, entitled "Spies"!

It was a fun chapter to write, though I think it was quite shorter than average.

As, sadly, is this blog post. I've been having a crappy week, what with the fact I attended a memorial service on Saturday, and today I learned my grandfather is deteriating faster than we'd thought.

Honestly, I'm glad I have a backlog, so I can keep posting chapters....

Until next time, though!



Canterlot in Flames, Chapter 9 · 9:46pm May 22nd, 2016

So, here is Chapter 9 for Canterlot in Flames!

It took me a while to write, seeing as the last chapter was the largest I've ever written...

But, anyway, it's the first chapter of the new arc, in which we're back to more normal things such as political intrigue and all that fun intellectual stuff.

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Canterlot in Flames, Chapter 8. · 11:37pm Apr 28th, 2016

Well, mares and stallions, this is it! Chapter 8: Inferno!

This is the end of the battle against Blueblood's forces, with Twilight bringing in the troops that the city has needed since the first hour of the battle. And she isn't alone in this, she is bringing in a host of new, and old, characters to help the city!

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Canterlot in Flames, Chapter 18 · 6:56pm Sep 29th, 2016


Welcome to Chapter 18, THE TRIAL!

In any event, this chapter is perhaps one of my longest ever written, and details the trial of the Nobility who fought beside our dear Archduke Blueblood! The chapter is one of my best, I think, as I put a lot of work into the language and the dialogue, but it's also a chapter I am quite nervous about how you all will react to it.

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Canterlot in Flames, Chapter 13 · 3:16am Jul 9th, 2016

So, even though I am not writing right now, I've got a good backlog so as well as it being the one year anniversery for Memories, I am posting another chapter of Canterlot in Flame!

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Canterlot in Flames, Chapter 7 · 8:37pm Apr 1st, 2016

So, I am going to publish Canterlot in Flames, Chapter 7: Drums in the deep, here shortly. Likely sometime tonight, since it's the middle of the day and I am pretty sure not all of my subscribers are out of school yet like I am.

So, a few things about this chapter.

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CiF chapter 15, and some news. · 9:19pm Jul 29th, 2016

So, I am going to publish Canterlot in Flames's 15th Chapter here shortly! Only five more chapters to go before the end of the story!

It's not a long chapter, and is more transitional than anything else, but it's still got some important stuff in it, so I hope you all enjoy it.

Onto some news, however....

So, I am working on the 18th Chapter right now, so I've got a good backlog, but I am going to be putting it on pause over the weekend for two reasons.

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Canterlot in Flames: Chapter 3 · 11:42pm Jan 15th, 2016

Good afternoon, and evening, everyone!

So, the next chapter of Canterlot in Flames is about to be posted. I figured I'd give you my usual heads up and point it out.

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Canterlot in Flames Update & other things · 1:21am Jan 7th, 2016

Good evening, everyone!

So, I am about to publish the second chapter of Canterlot in Flames, which will reveal the fate of our dear A.K. Yearling, who in the last chapter was more or less being hit full in the back by the shockwave of the Shadowbolts' cannon while protecting her soon to be nephew, Trick Step. Not to mention, the Captain of the Guard is dead! How many other ponies have suffered this fate? How bad off is Canterlot now? And for that matter, what happens now?

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Viewing 1 - 20 of 22 results