
Viewing 1 - 9 of 9 results

A Much Needed Update · 12:39am Jun 20th, 2021

Hey folks, Galaxy here. So! Where now for 2021? 6 months in, and I haven't really done a serious update, have I? Well, I'm changing that right now. So, where am I at with my stories? Bit of a revival of my old series? Bit of love for Pride Month? Well, sadly no. My main focus right now happens to be a story I've wanted to do for the longest time but never got around to it. Fall of An Empire.

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Back in the Saddle Again · 5:40pm Oct 2nd, 2017


Breaking News! Zombie Apocalypse or Immortal Man? User Once Thought Dead Returns! · 4:38am Oct 27th, 2017

Wow I made this back in 2013 and then kinda forgot it existed. Now I'm back and not really an avid MLP fan anymore. It's a strange feeling when remembering your password to your old account. Nostalgia is filling every every single sense for me right now and I'm now back in the saddle again. I also realized I was really good at storywriting for a youngling brony who hopped on every bandwagon imaginable.

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Update! · 1:31pm Feb 15th, 2017

Expect an update for a story I haven't worked on in a while today.

Have fun!

Just a quick notice.


As you know.... · 8:16pm Dec 6th, 2017

I got two updates out today, and here's what will happen next in City of Wolves and We shall Rise.

D2-In the frozen north, Herald discovers the Cabal have left the area around the Empire. And not much later, the Vex more. I don't want to spoil anything more.

Division-Sierra-Kilo is ambushed by Hunters, who also attack Twilight's castle in an assassination attempt. And Hunter Standish faces a tough choice.

Get pumped. They're coming very soon.


Update! · 3:34pm May 26th

So, I’m back in the saddle in terms of getting rid of my writer’s block. I have a chapter in progress for Days of Danger, and another for Echo Solace.

Stay tuned, and one or the other should be out later today!


Princess Power Boot Camp Lives! · 7:17pm May 12th, 2018

My friends, I have returned from the limbo of lethargy and procrastination! Furthermore, Princess Power Boot Camp has become my active project again! I'm aiming to have it mostly finished before season 8 wraps up, so I'll be shooting for Sunday releases from here on out, with the possibility of releasing even faster on occasion. What could possibly lend me such a boost in productivity, you ask? Two things.

  1. I watched Andrew WK live and he is very inspiring.

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New Story Tomorrow! · 2:00am Jan 24th, 2018

Hey, everyone! After ages, I have a new story:yay:. This will be my first in a long while and will once again feature a new character.

Anyway, it's back in the writing saddle for 2018 and should mark the start of a new set of stories I plan to write over the coming months. Not to spoil who I've included in this new story for the first time (though you can try and guess if you want to) I will just leave this here:trollestia:.

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New Story Out Sometime Next Week! · 11:48pm Sep 4th, 2017

Well, when I say nest week I mean it will hopefully be out for next week. So yeah this new story will be my first in a while and is set to feature a character I've never written for before. That could also be down to the fact that she hadn't been introduced to show when I started too, but oh well:derpytongue2:.

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Viewing 1 - 9 of 9 results