
Viewing 1 - 20 of 111 results

Call an ambulance... · 1:30am Sep 2nd, 2015

Somepony is getting rekt.

1 hour

Report Calm Wind · 545 views · #Burn

in major pain right now · 4:28am Jul 10th, 2018

Went swimming a week ago and me being an idiot forgot sunscreen.

Got 2nd degree burns and hurts like hell. Most of the dead skin is starting to peel, but skin is really pink under and hurts. It's mostly on the shoulders and arms. Have to work with it and takes me longer on my job, but I still get the job done. Most blisters are already gone. It's small ones left and a burning left arm, scabbed right arm. Still can't get a good nights sleep

Report Darth Redbeard · 216 views · #burned

Burning Star Saga: Possible Voice Actors · 3:10pm Jul 19th, 2018

So, I have been looking at some of my friends comments they have been saying to me off site (specifically the ones about the OCs), and who would voice them.

So, here is the cast that some of my friends proposed to voice the Masters of Nature and other OCs introduced in the series.

So let's start with the titular character, Burning Star.

Burning Star

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TO MY FOLLOWERS! ^_^ · 8:54pm Jun 9th, 2016

I'll personally will let you know each major update I have and open a pm port. If you don't want to be pm'd every major update. I'll set up a list who doesn't want pm.

I've been thinking a lot about the books I want to put out. But i never have much time to get it done. I'll be able to work on some of the stuff in a few weeks when, the soreness from working out goes away. (I play football, new workout routine).

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Mildly Spoiler-y for the new EQG Summer Shorts · 5:36am Jul 31st, 2017


Burning Star Saga: The Themes (According to A Viewer) · 1:50am Aug 10th, 2018

So yeah.. nearly done with Chapter 20 of Sundered Universes! You're probably going to love it, because of the final climactic battle, and more importantly... what it represents for Burning Star.

I recently talked with a dear friend and a fan of both me and my co-author Brady, and he has noticed something.

Each story of Burning Star Saga is somewhat similar to the mental stages that people go through as they mature and develop into an adult.

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An Ancient Letter to the Princesses · 6:38pm Oct 13th, 2018

So yeah... this was something I was gonna include with “Black Sun”... but due to time and writing constraints it had to be cut.

But... it explains a lot about Prince Eclipsio!

”To Princesses Celestia and Luna Aliconus,

“I am writing this letter with a heavy heart. It concerns my son Eclipsio, I remember that my heir Sombra left him in your care unknown to me, correct? I have heard rumors that he has grown unruly and wishes to start another war, this time to conquer Equestria.”

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Sadly true... · 5:22am Jul 11th, 2017

So, I was just RPing with a friend, and these two messages came up:
trgammill: (I have never broken a bone IRL.)
captain_Natjo: (Same. Probably because we are hermits who never leave the house and play on the computer all day and don't actually have a real lif- oh. Oh damn.)
That is very true.

Report Chambered · 340 views · #Burn #selfburn

Dat New Fic Queue · 3:42am Nov 3rd, 2015

NYAH HAHA HAHA...spaghetti!

Report Fuzzyfurvert · 433 views · #the wait #it burns

Send Help! · 1:01am Mar 22nd, 2019


(Insert Loud sirens blaring and flares being fired)

I... can’t... stop... watching...

It’s freaking Kill La KILL!

While I am many years late to the party, I finally got to sit down and watch this series in its entirety, and what a show it was.

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It's been a year · 5:51am Jul 15th, 2017

One year ago, I submitted I Burn's first couple chapters. I started with a backlog of chapters, which helped a bit in those first few weeks or months or so. Reception was quite good, partially for the uniqueness of the Displaced character not cosplaying as the character they turned into or being the target of the Merchant. I think I also got extra points for some degrees of reality out of Yang (Yes, I still know her original name. Duh) and her reactions to her new body and new world. I've got a

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How would Twilight react to book burning? · 8:21am Oct 10th, 2020

You know those times in history where a bunch of idiots (some of us humans in this case) decided to burn books? Or in fact, burn a library down?

Will she use magic to try stop the book burning if she had the power to do so? What would she say to the people burning the books? Will she attack the book burners? How would Twilight react to seeing such things?

Report Bendy · 241 views · #book #book burning #books

Bloag Poast · 1:07am Nov 8th, 2017

I was instructed under pain of excrement to inform you of a new contribution to enlightened ponyhood. Super Trampoline has led yet another odyssey of wonder and delight, and I have put hand to oar in service to this accomplishment. I am so proud to present Apples and Idols


My thoughts on Apple · 5:35pm Jan 22nd, 2016

Warning: Due to this topic, my language is as foul as it should be. If you don't like foul language, then proceed with caution. As for the Guess the tag, just P.M. me the response. Anyone who gets the right answer will get a shout out. If no-one does anything, then I will use it again at a later date.

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Story Character Explanation: Queen Diamanda · 1:26pm Dec 31st, 2017

Hello everyone! This is Super Ponyman, today I got an odd feeling that many of you are confused about Queen Diamanda (Or you aren't confused in which case oh well)

Today I will be explaining Queen Diamanda, her powers and abilities, personality, etc.

Queen Diamanda (The Windigo Queen)
Real Name: Queen Diamanda Sombra
Other Titles: Queen of Ice, the Crystal Queen, Windigo Queen of Terror
Height: 2.25 meters
Weight: 76 kilograms

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Indifferent, tired, burned out, and... lost. · 8:49pm Feb 23rd, 2021

I don't know what the hell is going on, but I've been feeling like a POS for the past few weeks. I'm either tired, nervous, or angry, and I can't focus on anything productive. Nothing seems to bring me lasting joy - just yesterday, I finally pushed myself to watch Avengers Infinity War + Endgame, hoping it would help... But my mood was 'meh' before and 'meh' after, and not because the movies were bad...

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Report Huk · 238 views · #venting #burned out #depression?

Wings of Glory · 3:46am Oct 11th, 2023

Eneasz Brodsky, author, blogger, LessWronger (I think), and some-time fimfiction reader, posted this video of a pegasus at the last Burning Man:


It's called "Wings of Glory". Designer and builder Adrian Landon made a web page about its creation. Looks like it first went to Burning Man in 2019.

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Report Bad Horse · 189 views · #cool #Burning Man #pegasus

Where I have been... · 4:02pm Oct 31st, 2018

Sorry that I’ve been absent from FimFiction for a while, but I had some real-life stuff to attend to.

Anyways, I wanted to hop on and say this...

Burning Star Saga Part 6 is going into production soon... it is going to be a prequel to the entire thing.

And a quick tidbit to let you know about the next major OC character... one that one of my friends has asked me to do a story on.

”Long Live the King...”


Important News on Sundered Universes! · 6:29pm May 21st, 2018

We interrupt your regularly scheduled fanfic reading and writing for this message!

Chapter 17 of Sundered Universes is apparently my most well written chapter! (According to my co-author) Yay?

In all seriousness, I would like to thank the people that read my stories and I always appreciate comments, it shows that I'm not irrelevant to people. If you have an opinion on the chapter, post it. I read the comments on my home page and my stories every day to look for ideas and fans.

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Next Story Update. · 1:22pm Apr 29th, 2018

So after a quick talk with my friends and my editor outside this site, I've narrowed my Persona 5/MLP crossover down a little. Here is the new changes.

• There will be no Burning Star, but it will take place in the same universe. The Main Six will be more, as well as ome of the smaller characters from the series, like Shadow Armor, Hiller, and Quickfire will be more focused.

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Viewing 1 - 20 of 111 results