
Viewing 1 - 3 of 3 results

Adventure Across Space: World Building notes · 11:27pm Jun 14th, 2017

So, as you may have guessed this is a blog post for Adventures Across Space to help do some more world building for the story. This highlights some major events that have been mentioned and some that have yet to be mentioned in story, but eventually will. It eve helps link certain events that already transpired together for those who can figure it out. Other than that the next chapter should be out tonight, I hope. I get distracted by shiny things a lot so it's hard to stay focused sometimes.

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What type of teacher do you have? · 3:54am Jun 28th, 2016

So when you went to school, what kind of teachers or professors did you have? The fun type? Strict type? Did you have any crazy times with your teachers or was it strictly work? I've always wondered and this video helped inspire me to blog about it.

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Update tonight. · 12:15am Nov 8th, 2016

Hello my loyal fans, readers, writers, and friends alike! Zalla here again for a quick update. I'll be updating LOS: Wild Vines tonight and Student of Friendship.

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Viewing 1 - 3 of 3 results