
Viewing 161 - 180 of 220 results

Soaring is back. Soaring is back. Soaring is back. · 5:08pm Nov 17th, 2023

M235. The old fic from 2013. It's finally back, it's finally being told. The original (non Fimfetch version) that everyone read before. Except, with a few twists and turns that had caused me to fumble the bag.

Out soonβ„’


New Fic: The Discovery Of ʜΙͺᴍ · 4:25am April 6th

New non-Anon HiE just dropped, and it's with a guy named Brick. He's found by Rainbow Dash, who is not happy to see him. Hopefully she doesn't die for saying Eric's name.

She totally has this under control!

TThe Discovery of 𝐇𝐒𝐦
Rainbow Dash finds... something while on her early morning flight over the Everfree Forest. She has no idea what he is, but she's determined in making sure nopony knows about him!
Soaring · 6.6k words  ·  130  10 · 2.2k views

New Fic: Holding Her Forehooves · 2:16pm March 8th

New Fic by yours truly. Check out the embed below!

THolding Her Forehooves (And Wondering If She Liked It)
Anon was holding Sunhorse's hooves. He wants to know if she liked it.
Soaring · 2.3k words  ·  278  6 · 4k views

Thanks to everyone who has already checked this one out. I am extremely grateful to everyone who has given the fic a shot. :twilightsmile:

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Updated A Slave's Freedom + Funny Project is Killing Me! · 4:01pm Oct 8th, 2015

If you haven't checked out that chapter, go read it. It's fu--very disturbing. O_o

Now you're probably wondering why I just dashed that swear word. Well, for school, I'm taking on a self-change behavior project that (over a six week period) I must change the behavior I picked to a goal that I have to set.

Guess what I picked?


I'm already doing my first day of baseline, and I've already sworn 26 times in four hours.

I so need an intervention...



Chapter 4 Complete! · 5:37am Jul 18th, 2015

I made you laugh in this chapter, and I think I made you ride the feels train at least twice in this bad boy.


I'll be getting some people to pre-read this before it goes up (that is, if it feels like it fits the story in its entirety), but put it this way...

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Streaming Horsewords · 11:51pm Dec 11th, 2015

Because that is normal.

Click this link if you have a livestream account. Make one if you don't, and come join!

I swear if I forget to save again, Nicky is going to laugh at me again.


New favorite anime + another new story idea! · 8:19am Mar 2nd, 2016

Holy hell. This is the first time I've ever recommended an anime.

But why was this never logged in the mainstream?

Warning: Very dark, some gore, and slight sexual themes.

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Been a few days. · 2:44am Sep 2nd, 2015

Been a few nights, too.

Well, folks. The grind (metaphorically, meaning I had done it in my head, but the results don't match) has gone to a slow halt (story updates). It'll be like that for a long while, due to my college schedule, which is a total of eighteen credit hours, with books coming (not literally) out of my ass. Reading about Puritans right now, and I'm writing a response to seventy-two pages of comedic, yet informational prose on the subject. Good shit.

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Got About Ten Minutes, But I'll Give You Five I Have To Spare. · 11:18pm Jun 24th, 2020

Wanted to post something since I hadn't done so in a while. After writing my previous fic, it's like my fluidity just took a nose dive, and I'm left with being cornered on a scene for Spike Hates Himself. Not sure if it's because it's a poorly written scene, or if I'm just overthinking it, but I know one thing is for sure: I'm stuck. Wish I could get passed this so I can tie a knot on this on-going chapter fic, but I'm just writing in circles at the moment.

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Outsiders: A Slave's Freedom · 2:58pm Apr 3rd, 2022

Uploading at 2 AM and not uploading a blog with it? Am I insane?

Anyway, I am finally awake and ready to talk. If you want to read the new chapter to A Slave's Freedom, click on this handy link! As for the rest of you that have already read the chapter, I just want to let you know a couple things:

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Once again, I was (and still am) burned out. · 3:56am Mar 16th, 2022


Stress + Work + More STRESS = Worst weeks I've had in a while.

Changing up some things both mentally and physically. Eating way less while getting to bed at a decent time.

Speaking of sleep, I need to catch them, so here's a final little blurb. Going to focus on writing some more. No gaurantees, because life is NUTS at the moment, but I will try my hardest to write some new content. Chapters, stories--idk. Whatever pops in my head will be what I write down.

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A snag. · 6:22am Sep 8th, 2015

Turns out my normal writing self hit a snag.

Well, here's the dealio. I've told you guys that I'm not that confident in my own writing because it doesn't feel right. That's why M235 was redone because it just didn't feel right. Now reading it over, it still doesn't feel right.

But w/e.

I finally found the problem as to why my stories don't really feel "right" to me. The reason?

WARNING: you may or may not disagree with me.

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Soaring in Little Wings reading! · 9:29pm Dec 1st, 2018

Just as a heads up to ya'll, Soaring on Little Wings has a reading by our very own Skijarama AKA Tone Shift! Well, it's been a thing for a while on his patreon, but it's finally starting its journey on YouTube!

Find the first episode here:

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"Worst Clopfic" Gets a Sequel... and Soaring is Helping! · 2:38pm Aug 5th, 2015

So the fabulous Soaring and I are collaborating on a Twilestia fic. It's a sequel to "The Worst Clopfic Ever" and lemme tell you... it's a ton of fun so far.

Stay tuned, everypony!

~Noir :heart:


Thanks for all your feedback, everyone. :) · 11:30am Oct 2nd, 2021

Really appreciate the feedback I got on my new fic. If you haven't read it yet, check the tagged story section. To all my new followers, welcome, I hope you enjoy your stay. :)

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Update: All You Need Is A Helping... Claw? · 5:31am January 12th

Literally wrote 3k words in a couple hours. Help.

Quick link to the chapter: link.

Crazy how words just happen. Three more to go! Hope you all are enjoying the fic thus far.


It's Joever - Spitfire's Day Off · 1:05am January 23rd

The final chapter has been uploaded (quick link here). So what does this mean?

First off, thank you everyone for giving the series a chance. You all are awesome, whether you liked, favorited, commented, or even just simply read it. Thank you.

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Afterthoughts - Barcast Interview + Recent Support · 7:22pm March 16th

So, the Barcast interview happened. First off, shoutout to every single one of you who submitted a question. You guys shocked them since there were so many, and I had a lot of fun answering them! The interview should be on YouTube sometime soon, so I'll post it in a follow-up blog once it's released so if any of you missed it, you can find it there.

Couple things to note from that interview:

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Plan of Action: Update Chapter Fics + 2024 Sitewide Wonderbolt Contest Entries · 7:48pm April 11th

It's in the title. I think I'm ready to really slam out some updates finally. Got all the ideas out there for people to see, and it's time I abide by updating all my chapter fics. No more slow rolling, just writing some updates.

Now, what fics are involved in this shitstorm I'm about to produce?

Great question.

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A Fic Recommendation Blog #3 · 6:06pm May 17th

Been a bit since I've done one of these (previous blog here) and since the drama has been resolved and I've said my piece on Anon, it's time to finally bring this back to put some positivity back on the site.

Today's little binge is going to be a mix-mash of several genres.

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Viewing 161 - 180 of 220 results