
Viewing 141 - 160 of 209 results

Goodbye... · 2:22am Mar 16th, 2016

Hey guys, I know I don't really do much here unlike other sites, but I decided it wouldn't be fair if I didn't tell you guys why I suddenly will disappear. I've been going through some feelings that I don't quite understand, or why I'm feeling them. So I've decided to take a break from everything until I figure out the problem and fix it. This could take days, weeks, or even months. So this is goodbye for now...


New Goal: Redaction · 11:13am Dec 15th, 2016

Ok so as you know I'm currently working on 3 new Rom/Clops for the "Romantic Equestria" Series. As of now I'm writting for Applejack, Rainbow Dash, and Fluttershy. The Rom clops from here on out will be different as in the concept of humans won't be foreign to the ponies as I will be referencing the other Romantic Equestria Stories. More importantly Im re writting "All I Want". It will not only be rated M. I'm adding my unique spicy sex romance as well as extending the chapters and doing more

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The Post Con Post (Part 2) · 6:09pm Aug 13th, 2019

:unsuresweetie: Immediately upon returning home, I was informed that my old dog could no longer walk. He was fifteen years old, and I initially got him as a puppy when I was nine. It was a pretty rough few days. I had no motivation to do much of anything. As a matter of fact, I was so upset about it that I invited my friends over and we drank until we puked by the fire side. To Boomer, born sometime in February 2004 to August 5, 2019. I had my hand on him when they put the needle in. It's a

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The worst news I've ever had to report here - it finally happened, she's gone · 8:28pm Jun 3rd, 2021

I got a call from my dad almost an hour ago to tell me that my grandmother has finally passed after a past year of being in and out of hospital and suffering with mental illness and health issues. She was apparently okay this afternoon, but dad had gone around to bring her a few things she asked for and he entered to find her in the living room like that.

I don't know any other details other than that. We all knew it was coming, but not this soon.

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Closure · 8:17pm Nov 23rd, 2019

Wow. It's really been, what, six to seven years now?

Time has passed by like a dream. It's as if my childhood was swept away by the wind.

I'm no longer nine years old; I'm an angsty fifteen-year-old now.

Looking back at my desire for becoming a beloved author, I am amused, to say the least. Seeing "A Derp in Time" and "Pomfalicious" again takes me back to my innocence. I'm reminded of who I was, and I compare it to who I have become.

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R.I.P. Kobe Bryant (1978-2020) · 8:42am Jan 27th, 2020

January 26 was the date of the tragic loss of an NBA legend. He died in a helicopter crash in Calabasas, California, along with his daughter Gianna and 7 other people. Even though I'm not a fan of sports, it's an absolute shock to hear about the passing of one of the most iconic basketball players of all time. Our hearts go out to their families, friends, and sports fans at this difficult time.

More info in this Wikipedia page.


Daft Punk is no more... 😭 · 3:23pm Feb 22nd, 2021

I'm completely devastated that it happened all of a sudden. :raritycry: There's no reason yet on why they broke up. I'll be playing some of their songs in a few days to pay homage to them.

Thank you for your wonderful music and bringing your creativity to the world. You will be remembered for your iconic helmets, as well as the anime movie where your music is featured.

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Offline · 6:59pm Feb 5th, 2020

I haven't been online for a while. This is mainly due to the fact that I've lost most interest in the show and fandom. Not Our Sunset II and You and I will be put on hiatus for an unknown amount of time. If I do return, it will most likely be for a short period of time, as I have no willingness to return.

Thank you all,



Net Neutrality Is Gone (Copy and Post this on your Blog and Share among your followers) · 8:20pm Dec 14th, 2017

The battle to keep it was one-sided as three of the Republican voters were personally selected by the fucktard of the President, and they won 2 to 1 in the voting process. Now everyone who uses the internet for pretty much everything are going to suffer because of those fucking shitheads. I'm already having issues with the internet even before this bullshit started. The link below will give more info.

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Deleting this account possibly likely · 10:23pm Nov 30th, 2015

As of lately I have been thinking of deleting this account and the group along with it (land of Heroes). Due to promises not being fulfilled on my end with my story, and I don't have a editor to help me anymore because I believe he/she just lost interest or other things, struggling to go to school, and getting a decent job that could allow me to do this. (Yes I know you should never me picky with any job offers, but its hard to find someone willing to work with you and not kill you with getting

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Out of Context Screenshot Theater #784! · 11:21pm Jul 2nd, 2017


Blacktongue · 2:34am Nov 11th, 2016

To anyone this may concern;

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I've resigned from work today · 2:46pm Dec 23rd, 2019

It's the very first job I've ever had and I'm absolutely grateful for the opportunity that was given to me. I'll always remember the convenience of having to go to my workplace which is just 2 minutes away from home. I'll miss my colleagues and I'm sure they'll miss me, but I won't miss the two assholes who took advantage of me. Now that the 20s decade is coming, I'm off to a new chapter of my life, ready to learn new things and make mistakes along the way.


The 2010s has been a questionable decade for me · 3:47am Dec 14th, 2019

Here is a timeline on what I've done throughout this decade:

2010-2013 - went to and graduated from college

2014 - unemployed

2015-2016 - took the personality development program at John Robert Powers

2016-2019 - worked for an HR agency near my house

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Happy New Year! (And a message of peace) · 4:57pm Dec 31st, 2019

Ladies and Gentlemen, I do declare, this year of 2019 has been, in a word, a clusterfuck.

Why, might you ask? It's been another decade that was no better than the last, with all the usual kerfuffle you get in the media and as part of this contractual obligation of being a human on the Planet Earth in the overflowing stream of everyday idiocy, conflict and bigotry. As cynical as it sounds, it's not all bad.

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Wait, hol' up, haven't we been here before? · 5:51am Dec 28th, 2019

Hey folks, Tact here for the Nth time. So, there's a reason why I kinda dropped off of the face of the Earth, for both my FanFiction and FiMFiction accounts; I moved!

Ya boi is moving on up in the world and he's happy. Internetless, but happy! Eventually, when I can stable myself enough, I'll be back and with a passion. Until then, I—wow, this almost hurts saying:

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I ain't gonna fight it anymore, but it's been fun y'all! · 12:47pm Apr 6th, 2023

This note will, as well, be on my profile's page just to get it out there.

Loved writing for all of you, but I believe my ship had finally sailed. Nothing to do with you lot, you're all cool. Simply put, I just don't think I can write horsewords anymore, being that I fell out of the show around season six or something. My knowledge is dated, my fanhood is aged, and I am free to write fuck-all elsewhere.

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Happy New Year! · 10:18pm Jan 1st, 2023

Here's to an awesome 2023~! :heart:


Snoot Game (Goodbye Volcano High Parody) part 6 - 13 · 4:56am Aug 28th, 2021


the Snoot Game (Goodbye Volcano High Parody) part 1 - 5 · 11:39am Aug 22nd, 2021

Viewing 141 - 160 of 209 results