
Viewing 121 - 140 of 324 results

Q&A Blog get to know what it's like in a wolf's day to day Life. · 2:25am Jan 31st, 2019

Here is a Q&A to get you guys to know more about me and so light the comment section up with questions and I will answer each and everyone of them.

Report Badwolf1175 · 208 views · #Q&A Important

Where is The Elder Scroll in Equestria? · 1:56am Nov 25th, 2019

I know it's been awhile so I decided to give you guys a update on the story. I am still writing the first chapter of the story and the reason why is because I am going to based Twilight and the Dragonborn's adventures through skyrim on my Skyrim character on my Nintendo switch. I have done this so it adds more variety into the story and it should also guarantee that there's never a dull moment. I am also going to be basing this on a more idealistic level. I am going to go into depth then the

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Want to play with me on Warframe Nintendo switch? · 2:48am Jan 13th, 2020

So I recently just started Warframe on my Nintendo switch and I don't have many Nintendo switch friends to play with since I use my switch as a secondary console. I mostly play both my Xbox one and my Nintendo switch but I have found myself enjoying Warframe but since it's not crossplay with the Xbox one I can't play with any of my Xbox live friends and since I mostly play singleplayer games on my Nintendo switch I don't have many friends that would want to play with me on Warframe. I guess I

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I HAVE A PROOF READER! · 2:42pm Dec 25th, 2018

I finally have found a proofreader, HURRAY

AuRons Clutch
his name :D

The next chapter may take one or two more days to come, but I am confident it will be worth waiting for.

We are now systematically going through my already released chapters and well... correcting and editing stuff, this all will take some time, but its Christmas and therefore I am confident we will get a hang of it...

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Report Nethiri · 196 views · #Important #Proofreader

Mlp RPG game Now Has a official name! · 4:30pm May 26th, 2019

The Name of the game is Called Equestria Castleblade. I like the name and think that it's suitable for the game. I am also still taking on new team members so if you want to join our team just PM me.


I have been working on a YouTube project! · 2:33pm Jan 25th, 2020

So I have been working on a project that consists of me finding Furry/Anime wolves music videos and putting them all into a playlist. The furry and anime Wolves videos are not cringy in any way. They are just slideshows of pictures and music is playing in the background. There is also NO NSFW which means that you are safe from that. Although some of the songs do curse sometimes so that is the only thing you can find wrong. I went through and grabbed random videos which means a diverse mix of

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Fundraiser Notice · 11:41pm May 1st, 2023


200th follower speical update · 2:32pm Jul 31st, 2019

I am still trying to get the capture card for my switch but while I try to do that how about I do a live stream on Fallout 76 on mixer. I will be doing it today somtime between 12 pm and 6 pm. My friends will be joining as well. Their will also be a chat for you guy's to ask us questions. My username on Xbox live is Badwolf1175 and I will see you at the live stream.


How many people have I helped? · 3:59am Oct 7th, 2019

I have been wondering how many people I have helped on this site and how many people actually remember me. I have been asking myself this question because I apparently have stopped a bunch of suicide attempts and I even ended a 2 year argument with just my own words. I can't believe I have done this amount of good and I still can't believe it. I am always going to continue to help people but I wanted to see if I have improved as many lives as I was lead to believe. I don't know how I help so

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The Future Of Me On This Site (*insert more Clickbait-titles here*) · 5:57pm Sep 25th, 2016


To anyone doubting themselves... · 1:55pm Feb 3rd, 2016

Please watch this video.

That was created by the endlessly talented AnimatedJames, who recently recovered from depression. That's a topic for another day, however. Right now, this is a message to any artists out there of anything, be it music, animation, writing; anything. I know this is a small sentence to say, but believe me when I say it is important beyond belief.

"Never give up."

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The Child of Chaos - Major Update · 5:35am Apr 15th, 2019

Some time ago - close to a month I believe - I received a PM from one of who was reading the story (Child of Chaos) and wondering when was the next update coming.

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My Reflection part 2! · 4:43am Jan 3rd, 2020

So some of you guys are probably worried about me but I guess I owe you guys a explanation of what I was talking about. When I first started to try and help people I was so optimistic but then for the last few years I ended up loosing my self. I looked up and didn't see the person who I was because I killed him. You see I started to understand that a person that I was couldn't be strong enough to make the right decision and in a way it killed him. So I could ended up becoming the person I had

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Important Update · 1:28pm Jan 31st, 2020

Hey guys. So, I'm putting my newest story on hiatus until further notice. I have quite a bit of stuff going on in my life right now, and important work that needs to be done.

Hopefully by the time I come back, I'll bring chapter 3 of my story with me.

Talk to you later.


My Reflection part 3 · 6:54am Jan 4th, 2020

So I have gave my issue some thought but then I realized something. I remember the one thing that I was ready to do for anyone and that was lay down my life but I realized that maybe that is really who I am! I am a fighter and I am destined to die a heroic death and I am glad because I see it in a whole new life who cares if I die doing a heroic deed and no one else will know. I realize that this is me! I will go through hell before I ever surrender and if I end up dying following my ideals

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I was able to get my meds. · 2:37am Jan 11th, 2020

I was able to get my medication and was able to get it in me. It's not going to work just on a snap on a Dime but I am glad to have it in my system nonetheless. Thank you guys I started to freak out a little bit there.


I am suffering! · 7:46pm Jan 10th, 2020

I feel like sh*t and I can barely get up anymore. This is all happening because I take medication for my epilepsy and guess what happened I ran out yesterday night so the day before that I asked my pharmacist to refill my prescription and so they said it would be ready yesterday but when I go to my pharmacy to pick up my prescription. They said that they couldn't refill my medication because there whole entire pharmacy was out of stock on my meds and so I asked them if there was another

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Final checks done! · 8:20pm Oct 2nd, 2020

Hello guys so I was testing something on my YouTube channel and wanted to see what would happen. I am in the clear to start making new videos and even start taking suggestions. I already have 1 request and so I hope to ask you my followers what games you want to see me play. There are some limitations still though such as the game has to be on steam for me to buy and download. This also means I am only doing PC games at the moment. Now please PM me with your requests or put it down in the

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Ellie’s gone now · 11:46am Dec 17th, 2017

So you all know that I posted the other blog about Ellie earlier well the time has come everypony she has to go to heaven now I took her to the vets this morning and gave her a shot RIP Ellie I love you and please PM me for the whole story on what just happened.
P.S. I’m very heartbrokened now. 😭

Viewing 121 - 140 of 324 results