
Viewing 1241 - 1260 of 1,269 results

F/F/T3K15 9/8: It's what Christ died on the cross for. · 1:08am Sep 9th, 2018


I'm in a Star Wars Podcast! · 9:47pm Apr 4th, 2020

Honored guests and applicable aliases, it's time for a slight paradigm shift from what we usually see around these parts. For the past few months, my buddy and I have been working on a fun project. Y'see, he's got to create a podcast for his college project, and he wanted to base it on something that was fun to talk about. The two of us routinely get into the nitty gritty about what we like and dislike about Star Wars, so it seemed a good fit for me to "guest" star.

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My Review of Star vs The Forces of Evil · 11:27pm Mar 8th, 2022

My TV Show Rating Score:

5/5: It is an awesome show!
4/5: It’s a good show with minor flaws
3/5: It’s overall okay/guilty pleasure
2/5: It’s bad but not awful
1/5: Look, up in the sky! It’s super bad!

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"The Sky is Gone: Acceptance" has released on Patreon! · 4:32am Jul 19th, 2023

The moment is here. After doing some more tweaking to everything, "The Sky is Gone: Acceptance" has been released on my Patreon account!

This is Part 3 of "The Sky is Gone" and it will release here on, too, but since Part 2 has yet to wrap up here, that will only happen in ten days from now, on July 28th.

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Part 2 of "The Sky is Gone" is released and continues Silverstream's story: "The Sky is Gone: Epiphany" · 10:15pm Nov 13th, 2022

We are back where we left off and continue to follow Silverstream's struggle for survival in an Equestria without light. Or, not exactly where we left off.....

Time has passed for Silverstream since Rumble's death and she is not the same anymore..... Alongside her world, Silverstream undergoes changes as she keeps progressing and discovering and trying to find the last light that might be left in otherwise complete darkness, the light that comes from friendship.

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Paul's Thursday Reviews CXV · 8:52pm May 10th, 2018


Silverstream needs you. · 6:28pm Oct 4th, 2022


"The Sky is Gone: Repentance" has begun on Patreon! · 7:40am Nov 24th, 2023

"The Sky is Gone" is moving forward. Yesterday, Part 4 of it, "The Sky is Gone: Repentance", has released on my Patreon!
Like before, this is an early access release and everyone who pledges to the 1$ reward tier "Faster through the Eternal Darkness" gets to see it first and ten days earlier.

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Another day with two sets of message releases..... · 6:12pm Nov 4th, 2022

I was sick in bed with fever yesterday night, so today will be once more the release of two sets of messages by Silverstream, first the ones for yesterday, than the ones for today. Somehow, this always happens when the messages of one of the more interesting days are supposed to get released..... It's the fourth time that something kept me from it. I really hope this won't be happening tomorrow.

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"The Sky is Gone: Epiphany" releases tomorrow! Here is another teaser for you! · 7:52pm Nov 12th, 2022

Only one day left until Silverstream's story continues! Here is another teaser for "The Sky is Gone: Epiphany"!

Something is happening on the surface of the Dark Equestria and the world Silverstream has gotten to know might not be the same anymore once again.....


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Return from writing break with two updates. · 2:02pm Aug 14th, 2023

This took a little longer than expected. I began the day with aching limbs, a result from the hiking trip the day before, had breakfast, did some things and prepared a release. But I suddenly started feeling nauseous from looking at the screen and went for a one hour nap. Then I didn't return from it because I couldn't get up with the remaining exhaustion.

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"Iron Horse" fans: New Robot Story news! · 9:49pm May 17th


Reference/Inspiration List for "Where Black Seas Lap the Shores of Dead Stars" · 11:39pm May 18th

Rather than litter the author's notes with references in my usual style, I thought I'd try something a little different. So, for the curious, I've made a separate blog post of all the references and allusions you might have missed!

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F/F/T3K19 8/10: Summer sweep-up. · 1:40am Aug 11th, 2020


what the fuck it's my fimversary · 10:33am Mar 25th, 2020

why is that even still in my calendar

feel free to leave questions ig? i'm likely gonna be super bored later [unless some stuff happens idk] so i'll prob pop on again and answer them [i'd also be down to just like, conversing or smth]

also like
what are we feeling for what to do while i'm here all day in May? i have no plans it some times it feels like it's coming fast haha

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*Sheepishly shuffles up to the mic* So, uhm... · 10:42am Mar 1st, 2019

I have a confession to make. I’ve been having troubles finishing what I’ve been trying to do, and instead of doing what I should be doing in terms of writing (or making title images), I’ve been faffing about, playing games (such as Ni No Kuni 2, Kingdom Hearts 3, and Darksiders 3), and keeping an eye on Devil May Cry 5. Speaking of, that’s a week away... sooooooo yeah... Gonna be playing that very soon.

Holy crap, so many good games lately...

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Let's Talk About Inspiration · 2:50pm Jul 20th, 2018

If you've read the latest interview from the Royal Canterlot Library, then you already know a bit about the story I'll be talking about. But what you might not know is that before I had a FimFiction account, I liked to read stories on the site still, and was fairly familiar with a few things and locating the Good Shit. This was a bit before I started writing, and the beginnings of the

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Apologies for Long Delay (Star Trek: Phoenix) · 9:09am Aug 3rd, 2023

Hello, my lovely readers. Just a quick update, yes, I know it's been a while since the last update, it is still being worked on, but there have been some things getting in the way. Nothing I can be specific about, but just please rest assured that more is still coming, it's just going to take a while, and I wanted to let you all know so you had something to go on. That said, there is going to be a special surprise relating to Phoenix that will hopefully show itself relatively

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Back to writing! ALSO GOOD ART! · 3:34pm Feb 24th, 2019

I've FINALLY got my new computer all set up and back from it's data transfer. Horse words should resume shortly. Enemy of Mine is certainly my top priority, writing-wise, and I've probably been set back by y'know, not having a computer. However, I might do a quick one shot or two to flex my writing powers, get used to the new keyboard, etc. Highly unlikely to be anything magnificent, but words are nice. Also, I would like to show off something potentially related to new stories.

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My Second List of Least Favorite Villains · 8:52pm May 17th

Following my previous post, I was immediately inspired to go ahead and showcase another ten of my least favorite villains. The biggest reason for why is because I enjoyed creating the last one so much that I couldn’t resist doing it again, and it felt good to get it out of my system as well.

The main difference this listing will have from the last one is that there’ll be more live-action villains featured, mainly to give greater diversification among others.

Take a look:

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Viewing 1241 - 1260 of 1,269 results