
Viewing 101 - 120 of 254 results

September Update · 3:13am Sep 2nd, 2018

So, September is here, and I am back off of hiatus. Sort of. I haven't been working on any stories outside of my Doctor Whooves arc, which I will begin posting on Sept. 15, so don't expect any stories before then. Once that date strikes, though, I plan to update every three days, so let's see how long I can keep that up. I will, however, be doing my best to keep you all mildly amused with blog posts and things. Unfortunately, I'm really not in a position to do much at the moment, partly because

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Review Incoming · 6:57pm Jul 13th, 2019

First, I need to express a little bit of disappointment. While I appreciate FanOfMostEverything expressing interest, I was hoping for more than one person responding. With such a lack of a response... honestly, it feels like no one really cares.

That said, the review is something that I really want to do, and this book is one I've wanted to talk about since I first learned about it. To that end, the review is still going to occur. And hopefully, some of you will actually enjoy it.

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Happy late Halloween, Act 2 Part 3 of The Curious Case of Vanishing Unicorns is out now! · 11:59am Nov 2nd, 2023

Hey all, Happy late Halloween, hope you all had a good time!

The next part of Act 2 of The Curious Case of Vanishing Unicorns is out now and ready to read!
This chapter went on longer than I expected, and there is still so much that I wanted to write down such as the big fight, but I am saving it now for Part 4 onwards.

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👀 new discord server coming soon · 7:01am Aug 3rd, 2020

When this thing goes live, I'ma post up the invite link. Instead of the scrappy lil' personal server I have at the moment, this thing's gonna be a beefy place with genre-specific writing channels, a dedicated gaming category, choose-your-favorite-color roles, and more!

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Looking For Contests · 7:11pm Jul 3rd, 2017

Hey guys, does anyone know of any upcoming contests? I know what I'm going to be writing next but it's really too long to start in the midst of all these pressing medical school applications- and I'd like the chance to put in some stuff to a contest where I can get a theme and submit a shorter one-shot.
Let me know in the comments or with a PM! Thanks!


Muddy Waters: My OC · 8:35am Jul 26th, 2015

In my last post, I mentioned my OC, Muddy Waters. Well, I've decided that while writing Love is in Bloom, I'd work on a few one-shots, which will all be posted in a book together on here, and they'd be focused on him, and his past. I'll show a few important parts of his past, including how he gets his cutie mark, and a couple others. It'll lead up to my main book about him, in which he will have his very own important things happening to him! I'll be posting the first one, in a couple of days!

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The harmony crusade upcoming ideas and asking for fan ideas · 7:33am Nov 25th, 2020

First of all, for those who are fans of The harmony crusade, thank you for reading, liking, commenting, etc. I'd like to share some ideas I'm slowly working on for the upcoming chapters(nothing is fully concrete yet and subject to change). The 10 ponemarch will name their respective legions and 3 of them will split their legions into smaller war herds(currently each legion is about 100,000 pony marines strong and the legions that will split their forces will split them into 10 herd each). The

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Coming Soon... · 9:24pm Jul 27th, 2018

Intended Release: TBA, 2020 [Subject to Change]

Poster designed by the talented: LifesHarbinger


Just a small update · 11:46am Jun 19th, 2016

Soooo one of these status updates again, I am not dead I swear! I have been very busy with a mixture of work and Writing really long chapters. So below I am going to give you a list of what I am working on and how far along it is.

Fallout: Equestria - The Genesis Expreiment

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New book, problems · 5:28pm Feb 11th, 2017

Hi There!

I am having trouble posting some book idea's
but if the upcoming book failed to be posted,
I will be on hiatus for a while




A little teaser · 9:14pm Aug 18th, 2018

So, work is coming along swimmingly on the next chapter. It took me a long while to get past initial nerves with writing Cherry again, as I was really, really scared of going back to her (much like I was with restarting the whole writing process in general, to be quite honest!)...

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New Story in the Works! · 8:09pm Mar 18th, 2023

That's right! I'm in the middle of writing another story! This one though is going to be a BIG project so I'm not exactly sure when I'll publish the first chapter.

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The Cover Story · 2:28am Jun 12th, 2018

I mentioned awhile back that I was thinking of drawing covers for all of my stories. At least, I think I did. I say a lot of things, and I don't always listen when I'm talking, because I am really quite boring to listen to after awhile and I can't ever escape from myself.

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I'd Say I Got Straight A's... · 11:23pm Jun 1st, 2018

...but that would imply I was straight! badum-tish!

Also, I didn't get straight A's. Stupid physics.

I digress, however. The point is, I am asexual, aromantic, and very probably agender. I don't think I have a gender, and that strikes me as the sort of thing someone would know about. Since this is the first day of Pride Month, I thought I would take this opportunity to clear up some common questions and comments about asexuality and all the other "a" identities.

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Snow it begins · 12:10am Jan 7th, 2017

As I write this, we are gearing up for "The Worst Winter Storm" of the decade.

I wish I could use hyperbole like weathermen. It'd make my stuff sound 20% cooler.

But in the AM hours , I work at a grocery store, and I must ask you.

How the hell are you going to cook all that raw beef and tv dinners if the power goes out? Not everyone has gas grills and cooking ranges. Hamburger isn't like tea, where all you need is a good size candle to make hot tea.

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Hi guys, long time no see! Small apology + new off site story news! · 1:37am Apr 14th, 2018


It's been a LONG time. I'm still very much in the fandom, but writing... Well as my last thousand blog posts have profusely apologized about, I'm not huge on writing MLP stories anymore. Now don't get me wrong- every now and then I get into a writing mood and do some stuff, but it's pretty rare since I'm more of a visual artist than anything, and most of the stuff I wrote on here is... Hard for my older self to read. (I was really cringey dear god)

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I Have No Idea What I'm Doing · 10:33pm Mar 6th, 2018

So, hello. I'm glad to be here. While the title of this missive still holds very true for matters ranging from "What is appropriate blogging content," to "How do I do physics," I really am happy to finally be getting my weird, kinda funny fanfiction out into the world.

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Too excited but can't say. · 11:08pm Sep 4th, 2015


Next Project... Coming Soon · 3:37am Jan 4th, 2022

On February 14th

A New Story Begins...

This project took me a long time to plan, I've spent a lot of time on it, planning each arc carefully. Shared it with a few people and/or told them about it.

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Minions' Murmurs · 12:18pm Aug 15th, 2015

I'm working on an Equestria Girls story that builds on several previous stories set in that world, but I need a bit more setup, along with an opportunity to put out some headcanon. However... Well, it's just not coming together. I've posted the current draft of the story here. Comments are enabled.

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Viewing 101 - 120 of 254 results