
Viewing 101 - 120 of 134 results

Crusaders of the Lost Mark and Cubic Zirconia · 6:33pm Oct 10th, 2015

Well, that was something.

I mainly thought a reminder might be in order that Cubic Zirconia already says on it that nothing after Season 3 is canon, and that very much includes the latest episode. Spoilers after the break, both for the episode and Cubic Zirconia.

For anyone not reading the spoilers, I'm not planning on trying to work the changes from this episode in, except possibly shoehorned in in au ways...

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New updates · 5:05am Oct 11th, 2015

Well, that's one story off the list. The Immortal Question is officially finished.

Now comes more news about Thine Own Self. Yes, the Crusaders got their Cutie Marks, and Diamond has been reformed. However, I still need them in their old ways for the purpose of the story, and I can't have them suddenly have cutie marks or for Diamond to be reformed. Think of it as an alternative universe. What if things played out differently?

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Happy "Birthday", Miss Spectrum · 8:12pm May 7th, 2015

My good friend Miss Spectrum has been a Fimfiction member for one year today and she's blogged about it.

Here are some of my favourites of her stories:

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DT is no longer being 2D?! · 6:25am Jun 9th, 2015


New Story - Side Streets and New Staff Members! · 2:51pm Jul 8th, 2019


Making a new story (again)! · 10:37am Apr 30th, 2019

Hey everypony! MLPFan9000 here and I am making a new story! Perfect timing since my story 'After The Snap' has 15 likes (40.541%) and 22 dislikes (59.459%) so this is a perfect opportunity to get out of that beef! Bye!


Screw it, wrote a one-shot (feedback appreciated) · 7:28pm Oct 31st, 2022

So, anyone who knows me, knows I have severely slowed down in my writings through the years. What used to be a weekly thing slowly became what I call "my yearly quota". This year's story, just like the last one, came to me in the shower. However, instead of my grieving of a horrible national tragedy, this one was about my less serious grievances over the trolley problem and utilitarianism in general.

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Apple Bloom's Regrets is out now! The third short story before we get to A Dazzling Trio~ · 1:36am Sep 22nd, 2022

Hello, everyone!
I once again uploaded a story! This one is called Apple Bloom's Regrets and yes... It is in Apple Bloom's POV. It is the third short story that takes place before A Dazzling Trio and I hope everyone enjoys it!


WHY. · 2:10pm Apr 30th, 2019

My story was posted 3 hours and 27 minutes ago and only got 17 views that were not from me. How stupid.


The Lighthouse (2019) · 7:50am Dec 20th, 2019

Is it just me or should they have not reformed Diamond Tiara? I know it's something that was done awhile ago but when you look at Cozy Glow it's really just Diamond Tiara who's playing a bit more of the long game. I think it would have worked out better.

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[CLOSED!!!] Cover Art Request · 11:38pm Aug 17th, 2015

I'm writing a fanfic about young Granny Smith and Stinkin' Rich (Diamond Tiara's Great-Grandfather) called "An Apple Rich for a Stallion" and I would like to have a neat cover art for it.

Here's a picture of a young Granny Smith:

And here's a picture of Stinkin' Rich:

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New cover art from Iguanodragon · 5:52pm May 6th, 2016

I wanted to use a screen cap, I was worried about copyright bloodhounds, so Iguanodragon did a recreation of the scene that started everything with Alula and Tootsie in the Pony POV Universe.

Be sure to tell Iguanodragon what you think of his work!

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New story! Cheerilee's Guide to Gardening · 8:47am Oct 24th, 2020

I've decided to get into the mood of Halloween by writing a darkfic. For some reason, the idea for this story has been rolling around in my head for a long time, and I finally gave in and wrote it. It's a basic premise. What Cheerilee's Garden took place in the Lunaverse? It's a very strange variation of the story. Very different. The fact it takes place in the Lunaverse is actually super important and changes many things about the story. Interesting changes I hope. This Cheerilee isn't a

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New Story! Magic School Zord · 11:25pm Dec 6th, 2017

Hello again. I have a new story. It's called Magic School Zord. It stars Cheerilee. As the name implies, it's about Cheerilee using her Zord for a fantastical school trip. Where? The moon of course! This is a silly idea that floated in my head that I wanted to make reality and I thought Cheerilee deserves more love. I think she is the most underappreciated of the Luna 6.

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Magic School Zord is finished. · 11:07am Feb 15th, 2018

Hey again. Magic School Zord is finally finished. To be honest, I don't think this was my best. I am happy with it for the most part, but there are some parts I made some mistakes in. The biggest one is that it took me forever to find a voice for all the foal characters. I just couldn't find the right places to put dialog in for them, so it was mostly Cheerilee talking. I finally found their voice in chapter 5 of all things. That was when I was the most comfortable writing for them. On the plus

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Mini Re-Reviews: "Ponyville Confidential" - Season 2 Episode 23 · 7:32pm Apr 6th, 2020

APPLE BLOOM: "...Do you reckon this is an accurate depiction of how these episodes are written on a weekly basis?"
SCOOTALOO: "I don't know about that, but this certainly feel like an accurate depiction of how the cold opens for these reviews are done!"

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Episode Review: Crusaders of the Lost Mark · 2:39pm Dec 7th, 2015

We got our spoilers! We got our spoilers!

This is the episode that Hasbro decided to air for FiM's fifth anniversary, and what an episode it is! It has so much packed into it, and so many twists, that it could stand as two or three episodes, if only we had the time.

The Plot

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Chaper 2 of Magic School Zord is finished. · 2:09am Dec 30th, 2017

Hey again. The second chapter of Magic School Zord is done. I had a lot of fun writing this chapter. Writing wonder and excitement at new things is one of my most favorite thing to do, and what is more amazing than going to the moon? I hope you like the chapter. Happy new year.

Chapter 2


Chapter 3 of Magic School Zord is finished. · 10:01am Jan 10th, 2018

Hello again. The third chapter of Magic School Zord is done. I added a lot of real science in this chapter because I like adding real stuff to my stories. I could have used the comics' canon for what the moon is like, but decided against it. I would rather use real science. I don't know if that makes me lazy and I should have made things more magical and imaginative, but it's just my style.

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Need proofreader and feedback · 5:07pm Aug 9th, 2022

Looking for one person who likes Battle of the Blanks for proofreading, and feedback. Basically, I need a test reader.

I remade the first three chapters and I need some feedback before I continue. I can PM them or send them a word doc file to whatever email address you want.

I also need the reader to agree to not spoil any of the creative changes to others.. Konrad's intro has been radically changed.

Any takers?

Viewing 101 - 120 of 134 results