
Viewing 101 - 120 of 1,069 results

Marks and Recreation Review · 4:54pm Sep 30th, 2017

We haven't had a group CMC episode where they were the focus characters since Season 6, though we did see them together in a supporting role in "Hard To Say Anything". But the writer for this episode is May Chan, who previously wrote the relatively medicore "Not Asking for Trouble" that was the last of the episodes to air early in Canada. So, was May Chan able to improve with her second outing, or just confirm that like Josh Hamilton, she's just not cut out for writing for the show? Well, let's

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Yakity Sax Review · 7:31pm Jul 20th, 2018

Just when you thought Season 8 was finally gonna have some sembelence of normalcy now that all the leaks were done, the craziness comes back with a vengence! This episode was eighteenth in production order but for reasons unknown it has swapped places with the intended episode fourteen "A Matter of Principals" which will be airing early in Australia like "Discordant Harmony" and "The Perfect Pear" before it. This technically marks the end of the mid-season hiatus, and we've got our first new

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The Mean Six · 5:51am Jun 15th, 2018

I just saw the latest episode The Mean Six, and... it occurred to me just how horrifying this would have been for the version of the main six from my story Harmonized, especially if they had found out what happened to Chrysalis's minions.

The Tree of Harmony doesn't f*ck around. :rainbowderp:

Report ferret · 497 views · #spoilers #episode #commentary

The movie... (possible spoilers) · 1:42am Oct 17th, 2017

I wanted to love it, or at least really like it, but... Well, meh would describe my reaction best. I don't regret the time it took to watch it, although the $24 I spent to see it is another story. ΩΩΩ out of 6.

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The End in Friend Review · 4:42pm Aug 18th, 2018

It's official, Season 8 is the leakiest of all the seasons. Now we've got France dumping a ton of episodes in French all at once on us, and Sewden will be airing the finale early. At this point just keeping track of what airs when is going to be next to impossible, and it seems Hasbro is quite insistent on nuking any and all early uploads even though they're official airings from overseas (most likely it's because Discovery Family is still quite insistent on having their way). So of course it

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Father Knows Beast Review · 4:44pm Oct 6th, 2018

I want to thank all of you for your outpourings of sympathy in response to my recent loss, they were a big help. I'm doing fine for now and I'm glad to know so many of you were willing to give sincere sympathies. Anyway, onto the episode proper, this episode had an already flimsy premise as it is with the idea that after all this time Spike's father would just show up. But the writer for this episode is Josh Haber, the same Haber who in Season 6 was the story editor for the season where Spike

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Spring Breakdown Review · 5:20pm Mar 30th, 2019

Well folks, the end is almost upon us. But before we get to the final season, Hasbro has decided to tease us with another Equestria Girls full length special, the third one written by Nick Confalone who wrote the two we were treated to in 2018. "Forgotten Friendship" was a wonderful special that still holds up really well, even if admittedly the rest of the Rainbooms did nothing the whole time. However, "Rollercoaster of Friendship" was a disappointing mess, the lowest of lows. And considering

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Uprooted Review · 5:06pm Apr 13th, 2019

So the student/young six are back for the first time since the end of Season 8. Considering how polarizing they were throughout all of last season, it's definitely a huge risk to bring them back for the first episode after the premiere of the final season. But hey, two of the all time best episodes of Season 8 focused directly on them, so maybe success is guaranteed? Well maybe that would be the case, if not for who the writer is, the infamous Nicole Dubac.

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Season 8 Pondering (I know that it's actually season 6) Warning: Spoilers? :applejackunsure: · 5:05pm Mar 26th, 2016

Yea, I know, it was amazing! We have gotten SO much INFORMATION from this two chapters. :twilightsheepish: I'd believe an old enemy will be returning... Oh, and then we have more Shining Armor! :pinkiehappy: Celestia and Luna ACTUALLY do things! On CAMERA (and behind them)! And Starlights old friend, Starburst (Sunburst? Gah, can't remember!), I just simply love him! :rainbowkiss:

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Equestria Girls Holiday Unwrapped Review · 6:23pm Nov 2nd, 2019

Probably not too much of a spoiler considering thisalso got leaked early in English (though Hasbro eventually wisened up and pulled it down), but especially in the wake of the announcement that the Equestria Girls franchise had been cancelled and the end of Season 9 bringing about an end to the show, this "special" definitely flew under the radar. The fact is though that this is really just a bunch of holiday themed shorts all tied together. As of yet we don't know what each short is

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CRISIS: The Sequel - An Update · 11:27am Oct 25th, 2019

So work on the sequel story for CRISIS: Equestria is coming along quite nicely in my opinion; the chapters are more close in length to the prequel's chapters, so they should be easier to read and catch up on if readers fall behind, but they're still meaty enough to have lots of new characters, updated locations and old characters, and plenty of the thing that made CRISIS: Equestria great in the first place: the world it takes place in.

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Report GanonFLCL · 252 views · #lore #update #news #spoilers

So... Scootaloo. (S9E11 spoilers) · 4:17pm Jun 15th, 2019

So, I just watched the latest episode to air in the US, "The Last Crusade", and I have to admit that I have been dreading it like nothing I've ever dreaded before! I've got a lot to explain, but I'll try to keep it as spoiler-free as possible.

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IDW Main Series #93 (Season 10, Episode 5) · 5:48am Feb 13th, 2021

It is still a relatively new development, but the IDW comics have decided to go ahead with an official "Season 10". The start of it was delayed due to the coronavirus pandemic and related shutdowns, so we didn't get our first taste of it until well into 2020. The first four "episodes" were devoted to Zecora returning to her homeland alongside a couple of other characters. Without spoiling too much the "episodes" were good in some aspects but rather troubling in others. So after that, they

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Last Night's Dream · 3:41am Feb 8th, 2016

So, I think it had something to do with Undertale. Specifically the ghost cousins... Like, Mettaton was trying to get Napstablook and the dummies to do something that some evil old guy didn't approve of or something. And I'm pretty sure the dummy fight was in there somewhere...
And it wasn't really the characters themselves, but it sort of represented those characters. It was a weird dream.


Between Dark and Dawn Review (Spoilers for American Fans!) · 4:58pm May 30th, 2019

Well, this is the last of the early airing episodes for the time being, and it's also the end of the first half of the final season. Only thirteen episodes (and a special that's a sequel to the movie) to go. Of course, like with the past three episodes, if you're waiting for this episode to air in the U.S.

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Attack on Titan Season 2 (Spoiler Alert) · 5:23am Apr 2nd, 2017

It speaks:rainbowderp:...

IIT SPEAAKS!!!:pinkiegasp:


The End is Near (Sorta) · 1:50am May 8th, 2016

As the title says the ending is coming close... for AAE:SH! What you expected AAE, nah... okay maybe it's end is nearing but, that's next month. For AAE:SH ending, it was to be ready and finished on May. 6, but things got "bumpy". The ending will be ready tomorrow or the day after, but I'll make sure to carefully write down, and to make it worth while (hopefully).

To make the hype increase further (for no reason at all) here's a short-ish summary and title of the finale of AAE:SH -

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Report Animatorsnake · 165 views · #finale #spoilers #HYPE

Giant Freakin' Spoilerpost: Hollow Hope · 11:42pm May 2nd, 2020

I was replying to a comment on Hollow Hope, and my unrelenting urge to explain everything cropped up.

This is an urge I've had to curb, as the entire point of a Silent Hill-like story is all the unusual symbolism, and all the theory-crafting that surrounds it. If I just laid the entire thing out on the table, it would ruin the story.

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Ranking the Songs of G5 · 6:14pm Nov 13th, 2021

Even if the songs kind of blended together for me, I can't deny that they were pretty well put together for the most part. They just needed to branch out more into different genres instead of all trying too hard to sound like modern pop (a prime example of what happens when you try to follow modern trends too closely). Ultimately, there was a total of eight songs in "A New Generation", two of which were credits exclusive and two of which were in-universe. But which ones stood out and which ones

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IDW MLP Generations #3 · 1:24am Jan 9th, 2022

In the previous issue in this five issue series, we were introduced to our antagonistic trio in the form of the S'monies, ponies created from smooze: Violet Shiver, Shadow Storm and Black Belle. And the issue was more or less them causing havoc throughout the School of Friendship and only just getting around to messing up Ponyville. But the G1 ponies were still nowhere to be seen despite the presence of the witch granddaughters. So, at about the midway point, do we finally see the pieces fall

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Viewing 101 - 120 of 1,069 results