
Viewing 101 - 120 of 195 results

Redefining the Scope of Things · 11:00am Apr 17th, 2018

Hey, guys.

So let's just cut to the chase, I've been pretty inactive on here. I still read an occasional story, do a review on Rage Reviews, and maybe once in a blue moon push out updates, but for the most part, nothing is moving.

The truth is, I'm stuck in a rut. I've been having this massive struggle with trying to move forward with my life, and very little about anything has changed for the past five years now, and it's bothering the hell out of me.

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Foolers Rush In canceled. The Scent of Prey 2.0 Project Has also been Canceled. New Plans. · 9:50pm Jun 7th, 2019

After several attempts to get back into Richard's voice, I've found I just don't have anything else to say. I said it before and I'll say it again, if it was good enough to hit 300 likes with all its flaws it's not something I should feel bad or guilty about. And today on 6/7/2019 I just don't think it was ever necessary to try and improve on it. It's not a well-written story by any measure but it's not the only measure of my quality out there as I'm now on my eighth story.

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Six Year Anniversary Update: The End of 'Nuclear Winter' · 4:13am Dec 14th, 2019

Wow, I can't believe I haven't written a blog post since February. Nobody even reads these anyway, but I feel like writing one more just in case anyone has any questions.

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Displace Cafe Hotel World is Open · 11:40pm Apr 1st, 2018

The service for the Cafe isn't ready yet until repairs are complete, but the world is available to access.

Here is a way in, either these two tokens can help you get there:

Lunula X Luna Token
Item: Heavy Duty Ring
Description: A single, ring that's made out of aragami metal with a Far East branch fenrir insignia on top. If my memory is correct about the metal it’s made of; Quadriga, hard to hurt if you don’t have strong force weapons.

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Sorry everyone. · 4:43pm Jan 8th, 2017

After much consideration, I've decided to stop writing Who's Afraid of the Big Bad Mac. At least in the way it stands now.

I don't know what it is about this story that's keeping me from getting it written. Whatever it is, as I said before, I don't want to have a repeat of Boast Backers where I take way too long to write a story and feel more relieved to finally finish than satisfied with the ending.

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A long overdue explanation of the Percy Jackson crossover's cancellation. · 11:59pm May 11th, 2016

Man It's been years since this story crossed my mind. Where do I begin? Well I suppose I should probably explain the why.

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'Blazing Rainbow' has been cancelled! · 1:41pm Oct 25th, 2017

As the title of the blog says, I have decided to cancel 'Blazing Rainbow'. There are a few reasons for this:

1. I'm not happy with how it was turning out - The plot wasn't really going anywhere and I knew that if I continued down the same road, the story would be going absolutely nowhere...

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Where to go from here. · 12:31am Apr 9th, 2017

When I started my first story, The Man in the Shadows, I thought it was going to be fun. Only a few chapters in, however, and it feels awkward. There is no meat to the story, there is no set plot in mind, and the chapter I'm writing in just... terrible. The story will be rewritten once I get around to it. I'm just giving my reasons for cancelling it until the rewrite.

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Guess who isn't going to Hawaii after all? · 12:01am Mar 19th, 2020

That's right! This guy! Because of the stupid corona virus! :flutterrage:




So my trip and my flight are canceled.

I'm really sad now. :fluttercry:


The GOB That Never Was · 6:12pm Oct 7th, 2015

Hey all! Since I'm sick with nothing to do, I guess I'll write something I've wanted to write since I've hit 100 followers. Not to brag, but I have so many story ideas, it's crazy. Like, there was only one time I hit a writer's block, and that was... When The New Kid was first published and I didn't know what to write next since New Kid was such a success. Actually, now that I think about it, I've had two writers blocks. One after The New Kid was published, and another after The Golden Kingdom

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Story Cancelled · 10:21pm May 29th, 2020

Hi, everyone. This is Joker... with some bad news.

I regret to let you all know that the next Legion of Doom story Ego Fight is cancelled. I unfortunately am all out of ideas for the Treacherous Trio as I have used up what I thought would not only be fun but also fix some of the glaring issues I had with the season 9 finale such as the Grogar twist. Don’t get me wrong, I love those villains even Grogar himself, but I honestly have ran my course with them.

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On Hiatus for now. · 8:22pm Apr 16th, 2020

Hey folks. I'm sorry to say this, but Stomach Stallion is temporarily on hiatus. I've been feeling a bit drained while trying to maintain several writing projects and I will be putting this story on a shelf until I've doing a bit better. Still, rest assured this will return once I'm more up to writing it once again.

I hope you all take care during these times and I hope you all stick around.

See ya then!


Cancelling JLE · 4:40am Jun 16th, 2021

JLE was one of my first stories on this site. Because I have long ago ran out of steam for that story and cannot get the gumption or inspiration to start it up again.

If anyone wants to the story where the Justice league and the heroes of Equestria fighting against the combined forces of the Legion of Doom, the League of Assassins, the Joker, Sombra, Tirek and Chrysalis and write their own story, feel free to do so, you have my permission, just make it your own.

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Cancelling Conversion Bureau vs. Imperium of Man · 11:20am Apr 15th, 2016


Important News To My Readers · 11:33pm May 10th, 2016

Hello everyone. As you know, I have stated that my overall plan was to end all my current fics so I could get started on some new stuff. Well, my life has gotten a lot more busier and a lot of project's I'm doing are now taking up a lot of my time. As such, I've decided to cancel some of my fics that are still incomplete.

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Tartarus Forged Status · 3:46pm Apr 12th, 2017

As a lot of you know, I threw Tartarus Forged into Hiatus because I had grown weary of working on it and had also become overrun with ideas for Hero Souls: Awakening, then named The Harmony League. This is how I operate. I bounce between stories and work where my muse takes me.

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This well and truly sucks · 9:28am Jan 4th, 2017

Went home yesterday because I was too sick to do much more than lay there and be miserable at my friend's place. My sadist of an aunt had me use nose-spray meant to clear sinuses. I only remembered how much it burns after I used it. Spent the next three hours groaning in bed as my head felt like it was going to pop like a balloon, and all the brain juice combusting at the same time

... Okay, that was a bit graphic even for me.

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April-State of The Author · 8:08pm Apr 11th, 2019

Hope everyone is having an alright April? Good, I'm glad to hear it!

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MLP G5 movie thoughts and cancelling fics · 5:19am Sep 27th, 2021

So I watched the MLP movie for G5 two or three days ago. It was ok... it wasn't terrible as I thought it'd be, but it's also not anything grand. I did laugh at the various jokes, but found the plot rather predictable. I won't be going into any details because I'm, drum roll please... MAKING DEADPOOL IN EQUESTRIA 2!!! So far, I've made a prologue on what he's been doing and how he winds up in G5, and it'll follow the movie, but for now, I'm around the 30 minute mark.

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Nature of The Experiment is CANCELLED · 8:31pm Jun 19th, 2016

thats right

the muse for the story is dead, but i have a few ideas in a few chapters i might use at a later date

those chapters have been removed in order to preserve the idea


i might try writing again sometime, but for now

im tired

Viewing 101 - 120 of 195 results