
Viewing 1101 - 1120 of 1,138 results

“Queen of the Changelings” · 3:28am Feb 23rd, 2021

“Lord Tirek.”

“A changeling?” The centaur seemed surprised, before turning to the filly next to him. “See? She get it!”

Cozy just rolled her eyes.

“Chrysalis,” her voice rang within the cave’s walls as she introduced herself. “Queen of the Changelings. Or at least, I will be-“

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So Did I Put My Money Where My Mouth Is? · 12:30am Mar 10th, 2016

Does this mean I am not bad at romance anymore?


God no.

One day I'll probably write an actual, straightforward romance. Today, sadly, was not that day. But maybe at some point, perhaps? I've read enough shitty fics to at least know what not to do.

On that note, sorry for the lack of updates on the "How Not To Write Romance" series. New one coming soon.



aight so · 3:26pm Feb 23rd, 2018

I'm gonna be headed to a retreat later, and I won't be allowed to bring my phone

I won't be back until some time Sunday.

So if you're waiting for me to respond to a pm or comment, know it might be a while.

I'm mostly saying this because one time I left for a week and everyone thought I'd killed myself, so I wanna avoid that this time and every time I go somewhere I can't use my phone/laptop for longer than a few hours.

*finger guns*


It's Finally Here · 8:56pm Oct 12th, 2019

Well ladies and gents, this will be the last Saturday we'll all be here, waiting for a new episode to drop.

I haven't seen it, and I've largely avoided spoilers, so I really don't know entirely what to expect. I'm nervous. Excited. Anxious. Hopeful. Wistful. Lots of things, really. We'll see how it all shakes out.

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dear fucking tumblr · 3:08pm Sep 11th, 2018


Hey y'all, the Update guy here...and I'm certainly not being kept hostage against my own will... oh yeah and the Christmas thing is done... · 9:30am Mar 4th, 2019


Regarding Bibliography (Or Something Similar) · 6:29pm Jul 17th, 2020

Hi guys! I had a question for some of y'all. I've been teasing that true crime-y/NSFW gore story project for a while. It's currently 7/11 chapters into it's first act. I have the eighth on the backburner while I work on Enemy of Mine first, of course. I don't normally do research on stories or for their content beyond "How can I make a pun out of this?" and "How does this thing work?" because I generally do not need to. Fantasy story research doesn't generally fall in the realm of

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Read It Later Reviews #22 – Three Nights, Adagio’s Codetta, No! Not the Tickle Monster!, Starvation, The Equestria Games: Flight of the Pegasi · 7:20pm Jul 21st, 2015

A couple weeks ago, Prak invited me to join The Royal Guard, a group whose purpose is to highlight good stories on the site, but which has not made a site post in quite some time. They were being reorganized, and Prak was looking for people with reviewing experience to drag onto the team.

Naturally, I got drafted.

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ask me things in the comments blease and thank you · 5:25pm Nov 30th, 2020

I am bored and my semester has been over a bit. While I've gotten quite a bit of writing done since then (most of it is unpublished) I'm still kind of distracted. My last two stories roped in a lot of new gremlins. Way more than I've gotten in a while. Also, getting to know the person behind the screen and pen name is something I am admittedly bad at doing. I figured doing another ask-me-anything blog would be a pretty rad thing. If any of y'all have suggestions for things I can blog

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you ever miss old friends · 10:47am Jul 2nd, 2020

even ones you're not friends w anymore?

hate that feeling

there's also another friend but like
idek if we're still actually friends we barely talk and i was going through her old blog posts and found our old drama and that shit hurted
and it kinda
makes me wonder whether we were friends again in the first place
like the only people i still frequently talk to that i met here are my girlfriend, two of my exes, and like, one of my all time best friends

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I Did Ten Situps Before Posting This Blog, 'Cause My Back Did a Fart Noise When Hitting the Ground and It Made Me Giggle · 1:59am Sep 11th, 2016

No, for real -- the title ain't lying. If I arc my back a little when touching the ground after a situp and then let it down slowly, my shirt creates a weird bubble of air and it makes the fartest noise I've heard in my life. It was hilarious.

Shut up. It's 4 am and I can't sleep. I just heard that due to some bureaucratic mishap I don't have a house near my university yet so I'll be forced to skip the first couple days. Let me enjoy my back farts in peace.

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Hey, guys! · 1:32am Aug 2nd, 2016

How have you guys been? My day has been pretty awesome and sober! This morning, I woke up and went to a workshop to start my college applications. When I got home, I continued to read a book. Reading isn't always my cup of tea, but I can enjoy a good book every once in a while. Plus I feel obligated to read it since a good friend lent it to me over a year ago and I never returned it... :twilightoops: (twilight oops I think a :twilightohshit: would be

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F/F/T3K15 7/23: A thing. That you won't like. I think. · 2:51am Jul 24th, 2016


Ok so apparently · 6:24am Dec 28th, 2015


More Tomato Soup for the Soul · 9:45am Jun 8th, 2015


You won't see my trash for a week. · 10:42pm Jul 15th, 2016

As much as I wanted to keep my blog posts at 69, I felt the need to say this. I'm volunteering as a counselor at a Jesus camp even though I'm a dyke who's never held a Bible in her life. Hopefully , there won't be too much drama since this crazy bitch is coming after she learned that I applied. :twilightangry2: I really hope that this camp kills my sex drive. Lately, I've been too horny for my own good. :pinkiesad2:


Oops... · 7:11pm May 4th, 2018

Okay, so if anyone has a better memory than me, they'll remember that I had a contest going on... that still hasn't been judged. I'm terribly sorry about this. Yes, it's basically either my fault, or my life's fault. So, I guess I have a bit of explaining to do?

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New Story! · 10:01pm Nov 23rd, 2018

Hey, I actually put out a new story. Some art tempted me to write a bit and I ended up with a fluffy little one shot. I've tagged So Maybe because the two stories are related. Anyway, the story is embedded below so go check it out while you're not-so-regularly scheduled Enemy of Mine update remains in progress.

ESweet Sleepy Sunshine
Small secretary stumbles across sight of sleeping sun goddess!
Ice Star · 1.3k words  ·  125  5 · 2.1k views

Sequel to Symbiosis out! · 9:59pm Aug 22nd, 2021

TSol Invictus
Just keep digging. As long as we break through soon, we'll stay alive. Just keep digging.
Seer · 4.1k words  ·  148  5 · 2.2k views

Hello dear readers!

Do you remember Symbiosis? That wonderfully dark fic about Rarity in a spaceship, walking eternally while merged with a plant?

I have splendid news! There's an absolutely incredible sequel, written by a dear friend of mine. If you liked Symbiosis, this one will absolutely blow your mind!

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Birthday Blessings -- Invisible Enemy · 3:56pm Oct 18th, 2020

Viewing 1101 - 1120 of 1,138 results