
Viewing 81 - 100 of 148 results

I haz idea · 11:58am Sep 10th, 2019

Hello my 20 followers *PING*...oh, 19... Also others who have come across this blog.

Well anyways, as I recently replied to a comment on one of my stories, I was given a one-shot idea! Its about the Merchant from any displaced fics having a day off, that's pretty much it. EG Pinkie is also there to fill the mlp requirements, though only serving a minor role.

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Day: 2 (on this site) · 10:32pm Jul 14th, 2018

So after several failed attempts I finally managed to get the first couple of chapters submitted for pre reading. It turns out I may be partially blind. I was wondering why it kept saying that the work could not be published and why it said that I should check I met all the requirements.

As it turns out, I'm just dumb. I didn't realise that I needed to 'publish' each individual chapter before publishing the story itself!

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Urinals in the women's room?!?! · 6:36am Feb 4th, 2023


You tell your sister that the new urinals in the women's room are really to wash off the bottom of your shoes.


Now, you're sleeping on the couch until you've bought her a pair of new shoes and something else nice as an "I'm Sorry."

Pipp: Aw, new shoes!!!

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Short sort of update · 10:26pm Jun 19th, 2018


Death-Star Crossed Lovers, Chapter 1 · 12:30pm Jul 2nd, 2018

Chapter 1: An Unexpected Encounter

Ensign Starwise Sunbeam hurried down the crowded, gunmetal gray corridors of Quadrant 4, Level 87 North. She dodged around squads of stormtroopers, hopped over mouselike MSE-6 repair droids, and raced toward the dwindling light of her objective.

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Attachment, AD(H)D, and Confessional Non-fiction · 12:58am Aug 2nd, 2018

There are days that the five minute drive home from work is not long enough. Usually those days have been especially frustrating, emotionally taxing, draining, and/or all of the above. Those are the days that I am highly tempted to drive anywhere but home so that maybe at some point on the drive I can at least pull over somewhere pretty to just sob my eyes out and sit doubled over until my stomach decides to stop hurting. Otherwise I don't want to eat, I don't want to do anything but curl up

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New Chapter · 9:48am May 9th, 2017

The title of this blog is a bit of a double entendre. Firstly, I just finished the third chapter of my fanfiction (Fallout: Equestria: New Trottingham) which brings the story up to about 30,000! So that's something to celebrate both as a personal victory over stark laziness and something for those of you who are enjoying the story!

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Ninety-Nine Contraceptives In A Box, Take One Now, Then Let's Fool Around. · 11:17am Feb 19th, 2021

One, two, little sister is yearning for you.
Three, four, quickly she'll open your door.
Five, six, she needs that fix.
Seven, eight, you're bound to be caught at this rate.
Nine, ten, what does she mean by "ready to go again"?!

Eleven, twelve, she knows that she's got you all to herself.
Nineteen, twenty, under the same roof, opportunities are certainly aplenty.

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The funk continues · 5:04pm Jul 8th, 2018

I have a lot of diagnosis. Bipolar type two. High Functioning Autism Spectrum Disorder. Gender Dysphoria. Attention Deficit Disorder. Executive Dysfunction Disorder. Post-traumatic Stress Disorder. These are fun as they all mix together in just the most fun ways. Can't pay attention because of the ADD, can't force through it because of the EDD, Don't have people in part thanks to ASD, in a depressive swing downwards thanks to the Bipolar, and fucking stressed because of all of that and the

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personal update-my router 2 · 3:21pm Sep 12th, 2016

Router is back to normal, so i got work to do before i get too busy with my morning routine. the stupid thing likes to cut out ever so often, and by some snail's hair of a miracle, it wasn't as for long as usual, and when living with 3 other roomies who share wifi i prefer a miracle than us complain., ill be back on , i may have to go pn hiatus while i work on the chapter, but ill ask some group bros how to approach fixing the issue. Ciao for now.



Won't be able to write for a while · 3:49am Jun 24th, 2018

I got to four thousand words. But we have no internet connection for the next few days due to that our firewall got hacked at some point and we just found that out and now we don't know if our information for everything got stolen. Probably likely due to the internet. If so I don't know what that might mean. And if it somehow happened cause I clicked or did something on my computer well theres going to be a lot of issues there. So in effect I want to write but I can't I don't know when I'm

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...Oh.. · 10:05pm Jun 7th, 2016

I just realized that I'm procrastinating on a spin-off by working more on the main story than I have in two years.
The problem here is that most people who followed that story already think it's dead, so I don't feel as guilty not updating that... unlike with Endstone and Harmony :ajsleepy:
Admittedly, I've been going through a bit of an artistic slump, so everything except my main tumblr has seen minimal use for the past couple of weeks.

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Coming up with names · 12:07pm Apr 23rd, 2018

When you need an OC, how do you come up with character names? I always feel like I struggle to create decent MLP names. For example, I'm doing a sort of sport fanfic where I'm trying to come up with two OC names for a sport commentator and sport analyst. It's harder than it should be. One character is a mare who runs a TV show that analyzes competitors and predicts outcomes. The other is an older stallion with forty years of experience in sport analysis. He's the kind of guy who could release

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Problems with the AAG:TTLoM updates. · 8:27pm May 4th, 2018

To all those who are wondering why the story of which I promised daily updates hasn't been updating all week . . . it has. However, due to an issue with the reading of the story before it went online FIMFiction has decided that the first six chapters were all released on April 29th. This should be fixed for tomorrow's update, but I wanted to let everyone know what was going on in case they are confused who the Brisk Printer guy is and why he's walking through the rain.


Comic Review - Main Series #32 · 1:15am Jul 27th, 2015

She is vengeance. She is the night. She. Is. Flutterbat! That's all I know about this issue, Flutterbat Returns. Flutterbat Strikes Again. I'm fine with that, Flutterbat Forever!

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Stuff that hindered me and Fan Art. · 10:19pm Jun 14th, 2016

I mean, other than my own procrastination and getting distracted by little videos and games. There has been a few things.
There are two things that have hindered me. The first one was this 'well it was bound to happen and I am still not happy about it'. The second thing was out of nowhere and affects me far more than the first thing could. Granted the first thing was rather violating to begin with.
This first thing was being exposed to some smut of HB.

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No More Perspective Patterns in Discord! Under His Rule · 9:35pm Jun 10th, 2015

Let's be honest, this mechanic is just a gimmick. Switching perspectives every other chapter wasn't a good idea.

What taking this mechanic away will bring:
- Better pacing
- More omniscent and descriptive language

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Anybody know what's going on with YouTube? For real, it's getting beyond annoying! · 2:28am Jul 22nd, 2020

Okay, so I don't have the slightest clue on what is going on with my playback, but I'm always met with pitch black.

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It's been pretty quiet. · 6:22pm Mar 2nd, 2016

Other than the last couple live streams, which went really smoothly compared to the previous, low-framerate attempts I did months ago, I uh haven't been very active-active really. Not even really blogging any shitthoughts that comes to mind. But I feel like you guys should know why that is.

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My Apologies · 3:13pm Apr 14th, 2016

I'm sorry for not having updated White Lie in a while. I've had some... unfortunate health circumstances that have prevented me from doing pretty much anything.

However, as I'm recovering, I'm working on it. The next chapter is definitely going to be a good one, and after that, I've got some big plans.

So here's to health, not dying, and possibly finishing this story y'all love.


PS: Thanks for being patient.

Viewing 81 - 100 of 148 results