
Viewing 81 - 92 of 92 results

SNLKKLASNDSDAS · 9:12pm Jan 12th, 2018

I was too lazy to bother with a title, but this is my return blog. I'm fully back from my hiatus. Hurrah! I'm also constantly tired in 2018, hooray! This however, hasn't stopped me from writing. Consider this the update blog and the future of my writing blog that most people have posted in the first days of 2018, since that is what this will contain.

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Back to writing! ALSO GOOD ART! · 3:34pm Feb 24th, 2019

I've FINALLY got my new computer all set up and back from it's data transfer. Horse words should resume shortly. Enemy of Mine is certainly my top priority, writing-wise, and I've probably been set back by y'know, not having a computer. However, I might do a quick one shot or two to flex my writing powers, get used to the new keyboard, etc. Highly unlikely to be anything magnificent, but words are nice. Also, I would like to show off something potentially related to new stories.

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Blog Where I Admit That I Can Actually Still Write · 5:10pm Jun 10th, 2019

No, really, I can. Even when I haven't had much of anything to show for it lately, I'm writing and that does mean that I haven't quit. I've never been the best at using these blogs to connect to people like other users on the site, but if you had been worried that I had forgotten something, downgraded to a lurker, or something else, then I haven't. What I have been doing is working on packing and everything else that comes with a move, and have been working on various tasks for this over the

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Oops... · 7:11pm May 4th, 2018

Okay, so if anyone has a better memory than me, they'll remember that I had a contest going on... that still hasn't been judged. I'm terribly sorry about this. Yes, it's basically either my fault, or my life's fault. So, I guess I have a bit of explaining to do?

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when it was ten days until bitchmas ice star gave to me an update blog w/ some important (probably!) shit · 2:02am Dec 16th, 2018

Gather 'round followers. I can't remember the last time I've made one of these, so it must have been a considerable amount of time since I last made an actual update blog, I've watched too many Kalvin Garrah videos and lost track of time, or both. Anyway, I thought I should say a few things. This includes the status of Enemy of Mine and its update, some important confusion I thought I should clear up, and just general things. Find them all below the horse image.

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Another Art and Writing Update Blog (or, I Have an OC Now) · 8:43pm May 31st, 2021

I promised a blog showing off art. It is about time I deliver on that. As the title says, one of these is an OC/ponysona/whatever the cool kids call them. There aren't any spectacularly big spoilers in any of them, though I'll just throw it out there that there are some original characters and the like. Check them out below the break. At the very end of showing off the pretty pony pictures that will be shown, I'll give a rundown on how my various writing projects have been coming along. That's

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Ice Star vs. 2020: Posting Hiatus + UPDATES ON ALL STORIES · 8:47am Jan 7th, 2021

This isn't going to be a happy blog. It isn't even going to be a relatively nice blog or a blog about anything be okay. I don't know when I'll be able to make blogs like that again, or frankly any kind of content in general like that. I'm not the site's most personal figure, and I never really aimed to be, so it makes sense if a lot of people hadn't realized that anything was really going on with me. I take the social out of 'social media' a lot by being what essentially amounts to a digital

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holidays are real and sometimes people celebrate them · 11:39pm Dec 18th, 2017

but not me
i've been writing quite a lotta words
including the afndskjlelasj that is enemy of mine
so by about new year's
thou shalt have some horsewords by me
(also a one shot that's long but whatever)

mostly, thank you for all the well wishes~

it's certainly helped


so even though i'm too pagan to christmas:

happy hanukkah, motherfuckers

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shoutout for a friend's group and also story progress stuff! · 5:52pm Sep 21st, 2018


Can Ice Star manage to get a new Enemy of Mine chapter out before the month ends? · 6:10pm Mar 23rd, 2019

Considering how much progress I've been making writing the latest one, I wouldn't say it's out of the question. Probably! There's going to be a considerable amount to edit (and I fucking hate editing) and I also won't have much of a chapter buffer after this one goes out... but I dunno. Words are flowing, and the story's been wrangled pretty alright now.

I'd say it is probably gonna happen. Here's to hoping for less time between chapters. 🤞

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2014-2019 · 1:26am Feb 14th, 2019

RIP My old laptop. My new one isn't completely set up yet and ready for writing, so I've got the old one up one last time. I typed over a million words on this thing, amassed hundreds of memes, bookmarked too many goddamn things, and fumed at poorly written Netflix drivel on this idiot hunk of plastic. I covered it with far too many stickers, let my cats near it far too many times, and dropped it once or twice. The keyboard is pretty funky too, if I do say so myself because everyone who has

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Viewing 81 - 92 of 92 results