
Viewing 81 - 84 of 84 results

Flying Fox (bat) Educational Blog (long) and a word on Movie Night being Updated Within a Week. · 4:16am Jan 18th, 2019

I was going to update Foolers Rush In when I realized that basically everything involving the forest was written wrong and I'd need to rewrite a significant portion of the story to make it better. What's wrong with it, you may ask? The forest itself is... kinda boring. Yeah, the Highborne thestrals are all well and good and Juniper is kind of a mustache-twirler but she does her job. She's serviceable. What I really can't stand though is how empty and useless the forest is. After talking things

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T-minus 60 hours to Feathered Hearts: Eros launch... · 12:35am May 29th, 2021

It will launch when I get up on Memorial Day, which is Monday morning (a three day weekend! :yay:). First full editing pass on the ten chapter side story is complete, and a second one is planned. I also need to flesh out the final two chapters by about 1000 more words to bring them up to what I consider ideal clopfic chapter length. That aside, I've already got the story cover prepared:

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So, making a title image for an upcoming story I'll begin posting next week... · 10:39am Oct 19th, 2019

... is proving to be very tedious and very complicated for an idea that shouldn’t have been. Curse my muses and their fickle nature, and my insistence of getting it “right”. Well, at least the plotting is done for the details, and most of the shading is done on it’s own merits. Thank god for my makeshift light-table, or this would have driven me to a fit of blind ragequitting and art destroying.

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October to do list: New Version/ War Anthology Updates?/ Many Updates. · 11:07am Oct 11th, 2016

Viewing 81 - 84 of 84 results