
Viewing 81 - 100 of 377 results

Someone is nuttier than squirrel poo... An insight into the sociopathic justifications of Dakari King Mykan, the king of Antibronies. · 8:41pm Dec 20th, 2021

So, hi. Name is Glory and recently I stumbled upon the fella called Dakari King Mykan.
I think there are enough people on this platform who “deal” with him already, so I do not want to do much to introduce him and so on. Safe to say though when I stumbled upon his work, I got a bit worried if the guy is alright in the head.
And unfortunately, if something like THIS blog entry by him is any indication, I don’t think he is at all.

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Sakamoto is Seriously Perfect! · 2:15pm Sep 1st, 2018


Behind the Story: For You... · 12:03pm May 28th, 2021

I haven’t had a late night upload receive this universal of a response since Reinventing Music, honestly. Thank you, everyone who read it.

But enough of about that, what about the story?

When you hear the inspiration behind this story, you’re probably going to accuse me of not writing what I know, but I just felt like I needed to write For You... for myself as well as for other people.

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I’ve Come to Realize… · 11:31am Apr 1st, 2022

I’m not particularly happy about it, but I have come to realize that I may not be trans after all. She/her doesn’t give me that rush of euphoria anymore. I think I may have outgrown it, if only Christian grade school hadn’t taught me about that darned ‘gender being a social construct’ nonsense.

Detransitioners are so rare, but you know, every teen trans person has to be one. Them’s the rules. It must be all that damn transgender media that clearly exists.

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Enchanted Library Chapter 18 - The Dragon Sacrifice · 12:55am Jul 26th, 2016


Or it already went down, since I just posted one of the most important chapters I've posted thus far. The reason I took so long to update was because I needed to really write this out as well as I could since this was a very complex chapter in a LOT of ways.

So here we go, though hey, whatever happens, at least we'll all agree that the CHAPTER ARTWORK IS SUPER COOL OHHHMYGOSH

I'll never be over it.

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So... It Rained Today. · 6:18pm Nov 17th, 2015

Ah, it's November. The peak of Fall. When all the leaves turn colors and start to fall from their boughs, and when we all gather around our tables to share feasts with our families.

Well apparently April didn't get the memo. Because we just got hit with a huge storm thanks to the El Niño blowing through. Turns out that the end of Autumn is a good time to go for a swim too!

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Taking a leave of absence. · 4:16am Oct 9th, 2016

Due to the utterly unfiltered spoilers for the Season 6 finale, I'm taking a break from this site until the season's over.



S7E15: the one relevant to all my interests forever · 8:04pm Aug 19th, 2017

see you all in a month

gotta re-watch this episode a brazillion times and then write a million-word shipfic about bromeo and jeweliette

"I now pronounce you bug and waifu."


So I was gonna make a blog about my current state of indecision... · 4:40am Nov 24th, 2016 I searched 'what do' on the derpi for an appropriate image. But you know what?

Fuck 'appropriate.'

bend over

While you deal with that, I'm going to figure out if I would rather write, draw, or play some vidja gaymes.

Stay terrified.


To all the readers of Antumbra... · 4:16pm Jul 1st, 2016

I'm so sorry. I was looking over chapter 11 (Amira) and saw this...:facehoof:

Hardly any currently alive were (name for ascended earth ponies) like herself.

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Time to actually make a promise I'm going to keep... · 8:46pm Jan 23rd, 2018

After a loooooooong ass time of waiting, and reading these hollow updates, I'm proud to say that I have SOME work done that I can post...

However, I'm setting a date: February 6th, 2018

I will post a new chapter of one of my projects then. And, for however many chapters I have, I'll post on a weekly basis.

Why am I setting this up?

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Become a better writer in 24 hours? Heck yeah! Also some stuff about Salvation · 6:13am Aug 26th, 2016

Hey friends,

I'm going to beat the same drum I always beat -- if you want to be a better writer, you need to do three things:

1. Write (duh)
2. Get feedback on your writing
3. Adjust your writing based on the feedback

Repeat until you're happy with your writing.

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Last Attempt · 10:15pm May 11th

So, I've tried to write and publish several fan fictions and failed every attempt. I am going to try one more time; the current story seeking approval is a prior failure . Not expecting anything anymore.

But here is an excerpt from the Prologue:

Friendship is Magic: Tales of Equestria and Beyond, The Dispute,1st Draft
**Canterlot Castle, Canterlot, Equestria**
**046 Winter CC**

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A Personal One: Continued · 8:21am April 2nd

At the time of writing this blog post, it is the 2nd of April, at 9 o'clock in the morning.

I am in a hospital, sat alone in an empty room, while my husband Phoenix is undergoing surgery on the floor above me. Having never had surgery before, the poor lad was terribly nervous, and has only had about two hours of sleep.
I couldn't be more proud of him for his bravery and his spirit.

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One Thousand Little Glances… · 3:26am Nov 16th, 2015

As of right this second, I have five completed stories published on this site. That's not a lot compared to many of the other excellent writers I like to check out from time to time, but it's what I've been able to accomplish over the last ten months. During that time, I've hit a number of little milestones, although I did not document them properly so I can't know the exact dates for most of them. That's why I'm marking this one with a blog post.

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Staggerschnock · 12:23pm Nov 14th, 2016

As you may have heard, horizon and Not_A_Hat decided to do a drunken watch-and-write session last night since neither of them had seen the Season 6 finale. They invited all and sundry to join in the fun. The linked blog gives the highlights, since horizon kept updating it as the night went on. Ponies were watched, tables were flipped (with photographic evidence,) and abominations were written. Also, we all read a

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Trigger Warning: Dire Pun · 3:42am Oct 2nd, 2017

So when Spike eats a slice of apple pie with a scoop of sapphires...

...does that make it a la Maud?



Sorry I'm taking so long! · 6:30am Mar 6th, 2019

Tl;Dr: New chapter for Half Past Ten on Thursday, amd then every other day until it's finished if I can. Please be patient!

Uh... okay, I'll just come out and say it.


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Update: "Human After All" Chapter 5 is here! · 4:34pm Jun 3rd, 2018

Only one week between updates? Indeed! In this chapter e̝̰̣̝̦v͚ery̢̬̣̳̲̗͎t̘̟̻h̥̤͇̮͡i̴͔n͉̹͉͘g҉͍̦̰͍̠ ̣͈͍̭i̟͎̪͚͍̥ͅs̱͖͚͚̜̰̬͢ ̞̳j̀u̡s͉͙͉t̘̭̥͇̹ ̼̦̖̳͕̼̲fi͙̩͖̤̩né̜͇̹̮͉̻ͅ.̛̜̬̖͉̰


Behind The Story: Neon Moon · 4:06pm Jun 5th, 2020

6 of you read this story? Well, I consider it one of my best works. As I've said, how proud I am of something I wrote seems to inversely correlate with how many people actually read the thing. I appear to have hit an all-time low.

Alright, so this story actually had the storyline planned out beforehand. It was like two sentences, but it was a plot synopsis.

This story obviously came from Neon Moon by Brooks and Dunn. The way I found that song is a bit unusual, however.

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Viewing 81 - 100 of 377 results