
Viewing 81 - 100 of 103 results

DnD 5e Cat Race? Your Thoughts? · 2:35am Sep 8th, 2019

This was originally posted in the Purrverse group, a group about cat ponies. I'm not sure why they have it as "NSFW", it's just a group about cats/ponies.

[Adult group embed hidden]

Now I know this isn't quite MLP related, but it is cat related and it could be potentially used for a cat pony themed DnD 5e game, so I thought I would present this cat race I've been working on and ask for your thoughts.

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Sleepy Camel Vomits Up A Tie-dye T-Shirt · 7:02am Jun 9th, 2021

Sleepy Camel Vomits Up A Tie-dye T-Shirt...

Because you shouldn't go around feeding articles of clothing to random animals.
Even if they're claiming to be mostly peaceful protestors.

Zoos have those signs for a reason!


F/F/T3K15 9/8: The new thing and the new poll. · 4:50am Sep 10th, 2016

Due to a one-two punch of my laptop breaking and having a job that keeps me pretty late, I WAY missed the announcement. I'ma just quote Ring.

No one really commented all that much on the Zim fic, but holy shit did the editors have a horrible time getting through that one. Was quite fun to watch.

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What Your Favorite D&D Race Says About You · 2:53am Jun 9th, 2020


Yet another competition... · 4:05am Feb 27th, 2016


Don't retreat fully into Corona Blues yet! · 5:12am Mar 20th, 2020

I have some fun stuff coming! With all this isolation glum and hectic stuff going on, I've got some good news. It has Sunset Shimmer too, and if you like her, you'll like hearing that. Distance Beyond Any Measure is going to be getting one more chapter to finish it up, one about Sunset and Celestia. I've also revised and polished the story a bit in preparation for it to be featured on a particular horse site, but don't hold me to that yet. If you would like some revised, expanded, and

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G5 Izzy's much more preferable than real world diversity and inclusion combined. · 4:50am Sep 25th, 2021

I saw the G5 movie. Izzy's so cute.

It kind of reminded me of the first time I ever saw a black in real life.

That day was weird.

Seriously, I don't think I'd seen one of their kind before, so it was a noteworthy experience.

Nowadays, they're everywhere, so bleh...

That's putting it politely.


Drain the Twitter. · 9:39pm Dec 10th, 2020

I recently saw a video on the Cambodian Killing Fields. It was interesting.

I suppose that's what's got me thinking about certain things in my own past lately.

I've browsed Twitter a bit. Much of it is... a cesspool of the human race. Basically, it's where you dump all the medical and bio-hazardous waste from hospitals, only in this case it's from humanity itself. Very interesting as well.

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Top 5 Sonic/MLP Crossovers · 2:07am Aug 17th, 2018

So let me start with something that's pretty much common knowledge. Sonic crossovers in general are… much maligned in a good portion of this fandom, to say the least. Probably due in no small part to the fact that most of them are not very good at all. One of the main reasons I finally decided to do my own. I’ve personally waded through a lot of crappy ones over the years, each one annoying me more than the last. Either I really adore the different themes they have mixing, or I'm just a glutton

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Why the Skaven are the best race in Warhammer 2 · 8:50am May 17th, 2020


Black-To-Basketball Transition · 2:58am Feb 22nd, 2022

"I'm just gonna come in do my announcements and bounce..."

New York Mayor Eric Adams confirmed in a later press statement that he now does, in fact, identify as a basketball.


War Anthologies Part 8 - The Second Chaos War - The Defeat Of Discord. · 9:01pm Mar 2nd, 2017


Dilarus · 2:04am Oct 13th, 2020

So, Dilarus... that white guy from the UK with pink hair, I think. You know the one on Twitter, who's driving himself crazy, over-concerning himself about the daily lives and treatment of people with a different skin color in a different country and all that.

Since he's white but pro-black then that raises the ultimate question...

Does that mean he's a WOKE BLOKE?!


F/F/T3K15 9/1: And now for something completely different. · 5:18am Sep 2nd, 2016

So Mykan's squared away. Apparently that was hell to do. I wish I could have helped, but I was stuck at my fucking job.

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Read It Now Reviews #24 – Butter Up, Seamless, Thicker than Water, Luna, There’s a Sentient Race Inside Your Mane, Allure · 1:00am Mar 6th, 2015

Apparently my birthday is a good day to read pony stories.

The stories I read today:

Butter Up by GaPJaxie
Seamless by Terrasora
Thicker than Water by DemonBrightSpirit
Luna, There’s a Sentient Race Inside Your Mane by boardgamebrony
Allure by TheSlorg

Butter Up
by GaPJaxie

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Jack Nox's Solo story · 1:10am Feb 26th, 2017

As some of you might know I asked for a commission of one of my OCs, Jack Nox. He is an OC that made his first appearance as an ally to Flash Sentry in the canceled Flash Saga. He also made an appearance in the time altering story Endless Time, Or Forever End as Prince Nexus Star. He has played both villain and hero. And now all shall know what he looks like. I love how the picture came out. And though Moonchaser's arms seem a light small, I don't really care in the end because Jack and

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Why they say white supremacy is a problem. · 5:43am Oct 24th, 2021

Why they say white supremacy is a problem.

It's honestly just a scare tactic to stop Hispanics, Asians and Whites from presenting a united front against their common enemies.

Those three groups actually have much in common.

Opposition to Black Lives Matter
Opposition to the LGBT community
Opposition to communism

Those are just three troublesome little groups with official labels.
For many, there's a desire to stop the corruption of our society by the aforementioned groups.

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Two possible Twilight builds, and one Sci-Twi, for Dungeons and Dragons · 11:35pm May 7th, 2020

Because I've had Dungeons and Dragons on the brain lately, and have actually been thinking about this. I have come up with two builds for MLP's Twilight Sparkle, and one for EqG's Sci-Twi. These are going to be set up as level one builds in order to use as PCs. I am also using only official material, and of that, what I actually know about. They are also not intended to be perfectly optimized for power gaming or such. Finally, I am not going to be putting the actual numbers in the Ability

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My Little Pony: A New Generation – Trailer and Film Thoughts · 7:02pm Aug 12th, 2021

Only 43 days before release too. Oh Netflix. The world of streaming is so much about the here and now…

Thoughts on the trailer, and indeed the film and G5 as a whole, below the break. Spoilers for anything publicly revealed so far.

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Nighttime thoughts/Questions · 9:00pm May 4th

So y'all have one of those moments of going to bed, and suddenly you have thoughts popping in your head, yeah that happened to me yesterday XD

So long story short, I was just getting ready for bed yesterday, around 11pm, then I suddenly have a couple of thoughts and questions that came to me:

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Viewing 81 - 100 of 103 results