
Viewing 81 - 99 of 99 results

Chapter 2 of Secret Agent Dinky is finished. · 10:05am Nov 17th, 2018

Hello again. Another chapter of Secret Agent is done. This chapter reveals a little on Bon's past and her secret troubles and angst. Her past was going to be crazier and more elaborate. It involved secret cults, time travel, and Trixie, but I couldn't bring myself to put it to paper. No, instead I came up with a more realistic tale that I personally think works so much better. I am glad I listened to my instincts on this one.

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Update · 7:01pm Jan 18th, 2021

Hey I know I promised an update two weeks ago but this month has been really rough for me. I fell off my meds for a while and a lot of stuff piled up that I had to deal with that I just couldn't find a muse to keep writing until recently. I'm going to try and finish the next bit by the end of the month, and once that's done it should be easier to get back into the flow of our regularly scheduled programming.

Stay tuned.


Borderlands 2 | Bandit Allegiance Krieg Funny Moments And Drops | Day #1 - 10 · 6:14am Jun 9th, 2023


Hello gamers · 7:16pm May 12th

I have been so quiet lately because I have been hard at work (also, I have some important happenings irrelevant to this blog) on some updates. One of those is a brand spankin' new story for Mother's Day. It has been in the works for a few years now. That's right, ya boi wrote a normal Mother's Day story. Probably.

Catch the SFW flavor here:

TThe Depth of Motherly Love
[TEEN VERSION] The most enigmatic of monsters will not carry the ugly faces of one. A young draconequus named Discord has yet to learn this, and mortals may never do so. Oh, and the first lamia is created amidst all this turmoil.
Ice Star · 12k words  ·  17  2 · 196 views

Or the NSFW flavor here:

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Update of my Upcoming Stories List + I redesigned my userpage! · 1:39am May 24th, 2018

Here are some updates for my List of Upcoming Stories! As you noticed, the schedule has been a bit shaky there ("a bit", as in, I'm almost two months behind on it :twilightblush:), but now, there are new, final release dates for my Tempest Shadow one-shot and the first chapter of my multi-chapter fic for Tempest Shadow! Tempest Shadow's

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"A Storm on the Horizon of the Arcane World": The Journey of Tempest Shadow · 1:30am Sep 24th, 2018

Today, it is time..... Good things come to those who wait and if you waited until now, a very good thing is coming your way to reward you.
But there will also be a storm crossing your path, because today, I will start to tell the tale of Tempest Shadow's journey..... A journey that lasted for twenty years and that brought forth one of the biggest threats in Equestria's long history of villains, monsters and darkness.

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Chapters 29 and 30 of Fallout Equestria: Black Cat is finished + Chapter 4 of Lunaverse: Galaxy Rangers - Secret Agent Dinky · 9:14am Jan 26th, 2019

Sorry for this late blog post. Sometimes I get lazy and don't want to do these. I am terrible at this social media thing. I promise not to slip so badly again. Anyway, I like Scavenger taking the center focus. He's turned into an interesting character. His stand is pretty cool. It's a bit basic when it comes to its abilities, but it has a lot of utility and is not to be underestimated. Why does it have that power specifically? I wanted something very different from Break's power and I thought

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Chapter 32 of Fallout Equestria Black Cat and Chapter 8 and 9 of Secret Agent Dinky · 3:59pm Apr 25th, 2019

Sorry for the late blog. Again, no real excuse but I have been a bit busy with life. I'm training for a half-marathon and that plus work and writing keeps me a little busy. Anyway, I didn't really plan for Robin and his crew to reenter the story at this point, but it made too much sense not to. I am trying to bring everything together after letting some plot points slip away from me, but hey we are about to have a full on stand battle that's exciting. Expect the next chapter very soon.

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New Galaxy Ranger Story! Eternal Night. · 5:56am Sep 29th, 2021

Hello again. I know it's been awhile since my last update, but I've been still working hard behind the scenes. I've finally completed the season 1 finale of Galaxy Rangers. I still can't believe it’s been like five years since I've began working on The Rangers Nevermore?. It's been a wild ride and I think I've learn much about writing since then.

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Chapter 31 of Fallout Equestria Black Cat and Chapter 6 of Secret Agent Dinky · 6:09am Mar 8th, 2019

Hey again. I was sick, so the release of these chapters was slowed down a little, but I am fine now I will ramp up production. Chapter 7 of Secret Agent Dinky is already almost done. I know some might be disappointed that I used Thorax instead of Ocellus, but Thorax made more sense to me. I thought he might have some good chemistry with Dinky. Writing this little mini-adventure was pretty fun, but now it is time for the real threat to show its ugly head. It's hard to say exactly how many

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Chapters 34, 35, and 36 of Fallout Equestria: Black Cat and Chapter 14 of Secret Agent Dinky are done. · 9:48pm Aug 29th, 2019

Sorry for the late update. I have been busy. I went on vacation for a week and that slowed down my writing a bit. I am releasing 3 chapters of Black Cat once because of a silly mix up with my prereader. For some reason, my emails to him got sent to his spam folder (he doesn't use fimfiction anymore) so he didn't know about the chapters I sent him. Anyway, that problem is solved and all those chapters stopped getting metaphorical dust on my computer.

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Chapter 33 of Fallout Equestria Black Cat and Chapter 10 of Secret Agent Dinky · 6:02pm May 14th, 2019

Another big update. Secret agent Dinky is almost coming to a close. I think it has about two chapters at most and a short epilogue. After that will be the season finale fighting against Corona herself. Unlike the canon Lunaverse, I want to end the first season with Corona's defeat. It's a proper place to do so and I don't want to drag it out over another season. Then I can move on to new challenges for the Galaxy Rangers. Before that, I plan to write a movie story that will bridge the two

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Chapter 40,41 of Fallout Equestria: Black Cat and Chapters 6,7,8,9,10 of The Forbidden Symphony are done! + news! · 8:59pm Jan 18th, 2020

Hey again, sorry for the delayed blog post. I release so many chapters, its hard to keep to the energy to write these. I knew you must be tired of hearing these dumb excuses. Anyway, Chapter 10 marks the end of Forbidden Symphony! I feel I may have made a few missteps while writing it, but overall I am very happy with it. I feel I have really improved as a writer since the early days. I won't spoil what happens, and I hope you enjoy it.

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"Iron Horse" fans: New Robot Story news! · 9:49pm May 17th


New fic is released: "Now..... we settle the score." · 3:14pm May 26th, 2018

Sorry for the delay on this one..... Something that gave new reason for depressions has risen earlier this week, which pushed back the release date a little more. Nonetheless, I buckled down today and finally finished my announced one-shot for Tempest Shadow to keep the delay short.

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Chapter 38 of Fallout Equestria: Black Cat and Chapter 2 of The Forbidden Syphony are done! · 8:40am Oct 4th, 2019

Hello again. Another big update. Black Cat is going into a new arc. Break investigates the Enclave and she's about to discover a horrible secret threatens the entire world. It's fun I'm finally adding the Enclave to the story. Though, figuring out how their technology works is a bit confusing. Especially the cloud terminal part, though its fun to create workarounds for Break to exploit. As you can imagine, it wouldn't take long for things to go sideways. The Enclave is casually cruel and

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Chapter 39 of Fallout Equestria: Black Cat and Chapters 3,4,5 of The Forbidden Symphony are done! + news! · 8:10am Nov 7th, 2019

Another update. Sorry this took so long. I've been busy with a million things. Chapter 39 explores more of the Enclave. I'm trying not to portray them as only bad guys and more of a society full of people. I've never really liked how the Enclave was portrayed in the orginal Fallout Equestia, and I really want to humanize them more. Chapter 40 is almost completed and should be up pretty soon.

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New Story! · 10:01pm Nov 23rd, 2018

Hey, I actually put out a new story. Some art tempted me to write a bit and I ended up with a fluffy little one shot. I've tagged So Maybe because the two stories are related. Anyway, the story is embedded below so go check it out while you're not-so-regularly scheduled Enemy of Mine update remains in progress.

ESweet Sleepy Sunshine
Small secretary stumbles across sight of sleeping sun goddess!
Ice Star · 1.3k words  ·  125  5 · 2.1k views

Update about my Silverstream and Tempest Shadow stories + Thoughts about Tempest Shadow's recent comic arc · 12:51am Nov 3rd, 2018

Viewing 81 - 99 of 99 results