
Viewing 81 - 100 of 128 results

Lyrics that Explain my Life #3 · 12:57pm Feb 27th, 2016

Aren't you somethin' to admire?
'Cause your shine is somethin' like a mirror
And I can't help but notice
You reflect in this heart of mine
If you ever feel alone and
The glare makes me hard to find
Just know that I'm always parallel on the other side

'Cause with your hand in my hand and a pocket full of soul
I can tell you there's no place we couldn't go
Just put your hand on the glass
I'll be tryin' to pull you through
You just gotta be strong

'Cause I don't wanna lose you now

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Reacuring Theme Nightmare? · 6:29am Mar 16th, 2016

Ok so for the past few months I've been having these dreams were everything is normal except for my phone. The dreams always consist of my ex of 6 years texting me or messaging me on kik. Niw normally the response would be. "Oh its just me having dremas about her cause I miss her." However its deeper then that well despite it lasting six years it was six years of emtional anguish and hell. Many of you saw my blog post "Perfect Rage". This very angry mean song was about her and the emtional pain

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Drunk Off My Ass · 5:31am Mar 18th, 2016

Ok so update. My Rarity Clopfic will be postponed for a day due to me having friends over and playing Cards Against Humanity while getting shitfaced. So I will upload a small blog story tomorrow but I will be severly hung over abd will not be writting. This is the first time in months that I've had a game night so this will be could to relive tension and hopefully increase my writting drive...also Alcohol is one if my greates writing side next to soft Jazz, and hot tea. So ya story will be

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So I think I just might become the Lunar Republic's most hated person for the rant I had last month... · 4:35am Feb 23rd, 2018


Amazing Feedback. · 8:11pm Apr 9th, 2016

Hey everyone Radiant Sword here. So after the amazing feedback Episode 1 of Radiant adventures I decide to spend all of last night and today (Haven't slept since midnight last night lol. Gotta love red bull and coffee) I decided to post Episode 2 ahead of schedule. I'll be posting and episode once a week. So if i can get it done in time Episode 3 should be out around Wednesday. But because you guys showed so much support and the fact that you guys made this one of my most successful stories i

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My New Profile · 10:37am Jan 10th, 2016

Ok everyone so Burning tempo is all set up and ready. A very big thanks to Taco Princess for her EPIC masterpiece. Also another big thanks to Taco they were my 26th follower. Thanks to them i completed my first 2016 goal. So again Thank you much.


I have to go on Hiatus. · 6:25pm Mar 4th, 2016

So i have heart breaking news contacts ripped and I can't afford more or afford glasses and without either of those two things my eyesite has been rendered to legally blind. Unfortunately this means I am unable to write at the moment as I can only see from VERY close distances. So sadly i have to put all projects on hold until i can afford glasses. This sadens me deeply to the point of depression as I had 3 stories on the burner ready to be started. So again my deepest apoligies

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Geschwisterliebe Macht Schwanger (Sibling Love Shall Make You Pregnant) · 12:59am May 9th, 2021

Geschwisterliebe Macht Schwanger
(Sibling Love Shall Make You Pregnant)

So... basically, a song that seems to sum up the internal emotional and mental struggle between the desire to love her and the part that says look but don't touch.

A song which could be a summary of the nightly visits between two young lovers.

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Wondercolts or Shadowbolts? · 1:44am Apr 17th, 2016

Ok so I have been listening to the Friendship games soundtrack and there are two songs that get me jazzed up "Acadeca" and "CHS Rally Song."
In Acadeca there are two lines that I'm talking about.

"You've got nothing on us Na Na Na NaNa Na Na, Let's Go Wondercolt!"
"You've got nothing on us Na Na Na NaNa Na Na, Let's Go Shadowbolts."

So I have one question for my followers and friends. Who do you side with Wondercolts or Shadowbolts?

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New Song: As The Sun Sets I Bleed · 9:30am Jun 21st, 2016

[Steady Drum Beats]

1...2...1 2 3 4

[Guitar and Drums Solo Together]

Here I am on this rainy afternoon crying under a faded moon
As the scars of yesterday haunt my every lucid midnight dream
Fear and loathing are the only things that can bloom all too soon
As the wreckage of my life captivates my every night I try day after day not to give up so soon
That's when the sun comes out and i see your pale white skin and i find my way oh so soon

[Guitar Solo Continues]

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Radiant is Back Everypony! · 3:48pm Jul 10th, 2016

Mares and Gentlecolts the one and only Radiant Sword is back from his hiatus. I'm refreshed and recharged and ready to finish my 3 Romantic Equestria Stories along with my EQG one shot "A Test of Endurance." A Clop fic filled with clop staring the mane six, sunset, and the ever sexy dazzlings. It will be a long raunchy and down right clopiest story I've made. So don't expect much in the way of a story plot in the EQG spin off. I'm also gong to start Story along the lines of "All I Want", and

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Season 1 Finale · 3:34pm May 28th, 2016

Ok Everyone so Season 1 of Radiants Adventures has finally concluded and will return in August with the season 2 premier. Season 1 was a huge success and Season 2 will be action packed with new characters and new adventures.

Things to look forward to in Season 2:
- Radiant finally gains control of his monstrous new form.
- Sugar Skull discovers a disturbing secret about her parents.
- New OC's and Characters.
- Someone important to the series will die.

See You All in August


Podcast Starts now · 3:50am Mar 27th, 2016


New Grimmdark Story · 12:16am Mar 17th, 2016

Trigger Warning.

So I'm writting a suicide grimmdark. Now this wouldnt be anything new except that except for me replacing my name with a mlp charecters and the whole black eye incident. Everything else that happens is based of off my battle with depression and my several attempts at suicide. So while this story will be tear jerking keep in mind that its based of off actuall acounts That i went through.

Your Obident Servent,


Episode 5 in two Parts · 12:08am May 5th, 2016

Ok everyone if you have been following me for a while now you know that I have issues were depression will hit me and these episodes last a couple days. Well as it stands now I wont be able to release the full Episode 5 at once so what I'm going to do is I'm gonna release it in 2 parts. After all I promised an episode a week and a short episode is better then no episode. Do not worry chapters 6-10 will be at-least 6000 words and the EQG sequal will also be 6,00 a chapter so In a few Chapter 5

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New OC and Profile. · 2:55pm May 11th, 2016

Hey Everyone so I have been in a rockin mood all day thanks to the Friendship Games Soundtrack and support from my physical friends I hang out with and my FimFic friends (Seafoam Swirl, Lord of Nothing, Ryuku the Creative, Hinata Linn, and many others) So I introduce Velvet Bronco The newest addition to the Apple Family. He is a sturdy and strong farm hand with a heart of gold. He WILL be getting a story...eventually right now i have a backlog of projects to do. So I hope every enjoys my new

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About Meh · 11:06pm Jan 9th, 2016

Hello Everyone Radiant Sword here just wanted to say hi to anyone who views my friend heres page. You guys should follow him.
Knock it off Radiant its not nice to badger people into doing things.
Why not we do it all the time.
Thats not the Point Adagio. People should follow me if they I have stories I need to finish for upload.
Oh ya and how many of those "Stories" involve what word was it...oh ya Clop

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Possibly My First Failed Story? · 2:31pm Mar 7th, 2016

Ok so chapter 1 of my new story Thr Case of the Broken Quill just went up and it has 4 dislikes and 1 like so I just have one question if you have read it. Is it that bad and what should i do in the upcoming chapters to make it better? Or is this story just shit and doomed to fail?


New Song: In the Orchards · 7:42am May 9th, 2016

Hello my dear today marks another year
Time goes on but the message is still clear
The time we spent together brought us a joy that was so sincere
Why did it have to end why am I left her alone and filled with fear

Your voice still echoing in my mind
Burning your image into every picture that I find
Your smile still bright and shinning
Still bright and shining deeply in my mind
I still remember the day it all began
That magical day we spent in the orchard hand in hand

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Good News Everyone · 2:04pm Feb 27th, 2016

Ok everyone so All I want just concluded with a rather abrupt ending, well this was intentional, I actually left the opening vague because I'm making a Sequel (Takes place a month after the incident on the CHS Rooftops in chapter 4) However the sequel won't be for several months as My writing will be slowed by 4 factors.

1. Personal things going on in my life.

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Viewing 81 - 100 of 128 results