• Member Since 12th Oct, 2015
  • offline last seen Nov 23rd, 2017

Sean Shamrock

Who gives a shot anymore my stories suck and none of them are good, not to mention I have no reason to call myself an author or writer

More Blog Posts102

  • 348 weeks
    I'm Back!!!

    Yes after a LONG ass time I've finally returned to where it all began. Some of my followers may be wondering "Where the hay did you go"? Well to put it simple I dropped off the face of the earth because I let assholes on the fimfic discord govern my writing. Well not anymore Sean Shamrock is back baby and I'll be writing stories again the way I want, see I kept writing to make others happy with

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  • 362 weeks
    I Need Help!

    Ok so I've been battling with myself for the past few days on what to do, I'm canceling Conaterlot Chronicles because I feel as if I don't have a comfortable grip on a 3rd person story. So in the mean time I'm gonna continue the Romantic Equestria Romamce Series.

    Now here comes the question; WHO DO YOU GUYS WANNA SEE NEXT?

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  • 363 weeks
    Canterlot Chronicles on Hiatus

    Its on Hiatus until I can figure out how I want to advance the plot XD

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  • 363 weeks
    I need a new live editor

    ok so due to prsonal reasons the person who originally helped me can no longer do that job. Sadly this means i need to recruit a new editor, this means your name goes in the description of my stories so please pm or comment ASAP.

    6 comments · 422 views
  • 364 weeks
    A Note to all Readers of Canterlot Chronicles.

    Ok so I understandablely need to make this post, those of you who have read Canterlot Chronicles have noticed (and politely pointed out some story breaking issues) I want to point out that this is one part me not being used to a Ominipresent 3rd Person format and one part things purposely don't make sense as they will be rectified in later editions because again "A Hero is Born" is Book 1 on a 4

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Reacuring Theme Nightmare? · 6:29am Mar 16th, 2016

Ok so for the past few months I've been having these dreams were everything is normal except for my phone. The dreams always consist of my ex of 6 years texting me or messaging me on kik. Niw normally the response would be. "Oh its just me having dremas about her cause I miss her." However its deeper then that well despite it lasting six years it was six years of emtional anguish and hell. Many of you saw my blog post "Perfect Rage". This very angry mean song was about her and the emtional pain I endured despiye us breaking up several times I still came back but back to the dream. Whats weirder is tjat the conversations are everyday conversations two people would have. They usually consist of recent events in my life or things happening in the world. Now my question to all my lovely MLP fanbase is this; If being with her was hell incarnate and I'm now happy once i realized that eveeything wasn't my fault Like i originally thought. But why are these nightmares happening? Why are they randomly triggered? Why the fuck do I still have nightmares about texting her and actually enjoying myself. And lastly: Why are they randomly occurring, what causes these nightmares? I wake up everytime with the need to drink to quell the misplaced sadness. Ugh....Why can't dreams be fabricated.? :pinkiesad2:

Comments ( 6 )

here read this it might help

Other than the fact I don't know enough details about the dream/nightmare to ask you questions about what you think certain elements or events mean or represent. Not to mention, my interest in abnormal psychology is limited to the entertainment industry's interpretation of crime and punishment. I feel you could benefit from looking into works about play therapy. It could help you identify themes underlaying the dream you may not be aware of, and even if you knew a therapist it would still be your responsibility to interpret the final meaning anyway. All a psychologist could really tell you is what the same imagery has meant for others, or assist you in identifying a theme they've noticed reoccurring in your past or present relationships in real life. The assistance a counselor can provide is probably more substantial that what I'm offering at the moment. But, it would at least give you greater level of awareness over your personal point of view if not influence events in such a way that offers you greater understanding of the nightmares.

3810643 this article was quite interesting indeedand it does make sense however i have a few issues with this.

Sometimes seeing an ex in a dream represents the return of a bad habit or bad problem. You might have been in a physically or mentally abusive relationship before. It is important to try and work out these feelings that you may have towards your ex in order to have a healthy relationship in the future.

This actually makes since I have been lying alot lately which is something i would do in the relationship so thos part I understand. However alot of this article signifies that A. I still have feelings for my ex (I cant. How can someone have feelings for someone who made there life stressful even if that ex had some positive qualities to them. B. These pretain to being in a relationship which in my case has been non existant aince we broke it off. No relationship headway has been made...period. C. Getting iver the break up is kinda true for some dumb reason I'm still fixated on Aymbers Positives (Granted there werent many). Regardless this article was helpful in some ways. So thank you.

3810651 if you would like to know more then pm me.

I don't have any experience with relationships, but the song "Break Your Heart" by The Barenaked Ladies is a nice relationship song.

3811161 Love the Barenaked Ladies.

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