
Viewing 61 - 80 of 148 results

Minor Intermission (Comedy Oneshot and helpful advertising!) · 8:44pm Sep 30th, 2022

Hello! Yes, it's me again. Same day as the previous post. Crazy, I know.

In case you didn't see yet, I've published a new comedy oneshot about our favourite purple/lavender grills. No, this has nothing to do with the Tabby Twilight sequel story.

TThe Nightmare's Nightmare
Sometimes you just want a bit of time by yourself to relax after a stressful day. Or maybe you don't, in which case things are about to get a whole lot weirder.
Lil Penpusher · 2k words  ·  120  2 · 2.4k views

Why, you might ask? Easy, actually!

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Oh boy... · 2:08am Aug 5th, 2016

Apparently, Sci-Twi is suffering from PTSD... What with a nightmare like that I wouldn't blame her for it. In fact, I feel very sorry for her (like I haven't already anyway). But what I'm more surprised is what happened to the others while she was dreaming, can I say that is fucked up as hell? And this is just a sneak peek! Something tells me that this movie just got a whole lot more interesting with this scene...


Electromagnetic Compatibility (EMC) · 1:27pm Nov 15th, 2015

A mysterious hooded figure is seen on campus holding an electronic device with antenna making strange noises. What is she up to? A night-time statue cleaner? A magical portal maintenance maintainer? A gardener?

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Sci-Twi or Princess Twi? · 12:27am Oct 28th, 2015

I had my play list going and never really bothered paying attention to it. Friendship through the ages came on and it occurred to me. :derpyderp2: The Twilight at the very start is skinnier then Princess Twilight when she went through, and the hair is the same as sci-twi. Am I the only one who noticed that it might be her instead of just assuming that is was princess Twilight, or and I just a idiot that didn't notice it automatically? :facehoof:


EQG3 Trailer 2! · 8:20am Jul 17th, 2015

Well, now I have a legitimate reason to hate Sugercoat, beyond just her hairstyle.

On a different note, have some sad:


Equestrian City - Scootaloo · 11:32pm Mar 1st, 2018

This week's Butterfly Effects is..Scootaloo!

Part of the survivors of The Canterlot Disaster, Scootaloo immediately lost her right arm as the wave hit her and her group of friends near the stage.

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What, No Sci-Twi? · 11:58pm Dec 6th, 2015

As you might have noticed, I don't have Twilight or Sci-Twi in my fanfics so far. Well, Twilight is in Equestria, so that much can be explained. My fanfics however were developed before "Friendship Games, so I have not added in Sci-Twi so far, though I will have to sooner or later. Actually, adding her in my be easier than one thinks: in Friendship Games it's not totally established yet, as far as I can tell, that she's already in Canterlot High. Yes, she might be hanging out with

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Wedding/Marriage Ideas · 3:18am Mar 1st, 2021

Since I have decided to do Twilight and Sunset's marriage and honeymoon I am gonna need ideas and suggestions. I have a couple in mind and have a general idea how I want the wedding itself to go as a whole. I plan to break this up into phases.

Phase 1: Proposal

Phase 2: Bachelorette Party (Erotic)

Phase 3: Wedding Day

Phase 4: Wedding Night(Erotic)

Phase 5: Honeymoon (Wholesome/Erotic)

Phase 6: Starting a family

Phase 7: Giving Birth & Parenthood


Equestria Girls: The Sorcerer's Apprentice · 3:30am Aug 30th, 2022

The war between sorcerers has been fought for many years and the balance and the protection of humanity rest with a just and Powerful Star Swirl the bearded. He had taught his secrets to three trusted apprentices: Horizon Night, Heart Blaze, and Crimson Blood. He should have trusted only two. Two of his apprentices have witness the power of a sorceress beyond evil, Morgana Lafaye, Star Swirl's most dangerous enemy.

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A Horny Werewolf Story help · 2:34pm Mar 3rd, 2023

I was thinking of a new story.

It involves Flash Sentry helping Sci-Twi with a little science experiment when an accident happened that caused him to become a horny werewolf. The characters in the story not only be those two, but it'll also have the Dazzlings, Wallflower Blush, Gloriosa Daisy, Juniper Montage, Sunset Shimmer, and Vignette Valencia.

If anyone would like to help me make this story, please send me a private message and we can get to work.


Writing: EFNW TWI talk rough draft (it's rough!) · 4:34am May 14th, 2019

Due to various circumstances beyond my control, such as a local power failure, working two hours late today, packing for EFNW, and general procrastination (okay, that one’s on me), this blog post is gonna be a bit rough. In fact, it’s


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Sci-Twi and Gilda shipping story · 5:55am Oct 14th, 2016

So when I wrote Fight Club Brawl: Aria and Gilda, I asked if anyone was interested in a romantic story between the two. I did not get a lot of responses, but did get some positive ones. As such, I have started a story called Brains and Brawlers. It's going to be a sequel to Fight Club Brawl, and an anthology style story about the two and their romantic adventures (or misadventures as the case might be)

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News · 4:25pm Jun 25th, 2016

Fast as lightning, sharp as a sword

"Equestria: Civil War" has now begun! Choose a side!

(Artwork by arcanelexicon! Thanks again!)

Also, the twentieth chapter--TWENTIETH!!--of "The Phantom Pony of Everfree" is up. Go read when you get the chance.

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A New Group for Crazy People · 3:58am Oct 26th, 2018

Hey you!

Yes you! You look like a fellow who understands the need for crazy, insane stories! Specifically, stories of the rare, mysterious, and powerful mega crossover variety! Why do I think that?

I mean, come on, most of the people who read these things are here because of Songs of the Spheres. So I'm GUESSING you all might like stories of a somewhat similar nature.

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New Story - Side Streets and New Staff Members! · 2:51pm Jul 8th, 2019


Lets get rolling · 11:58pm Jul 29th, 2022

Work has been VERY busy within the last week, so much so I've not had much time to write and what little free time I've available has been spent on other pursuits, much to my semi-frustration. I realise beating myself up over a fan-fic is ridiculous, but my goal is to improve as an author and part of that is following some of Steven Kings advice, most notably writing a minimum of 500 words a day.

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Sharing Kisses and Combining Magic (Magic Systems, baby!) - Development Blog #5 · 7:04pm Apr 21st, 2020

Power up, boys!

There's something stupid fun about the idea of two characters combining their magic to get entirely new powers. Hell, in the show all about the power of friendship (and shipping), it's especially fun to see it reflect what's unique about their relationship.

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New Fanfic Fully Illustrated by Equestria Girls Storyboard Artist?! - Development Blog #1 · 10:16pm Feb 26th, 2020

Okay, so, I've mentioned that this is happening in a few scattered places, but not in one proper announcement post: I'm writing a novel-length fic (currently nearing 70,000 words and counting) that will have every chapter illustrated by Bevin Brand, who worked on Equestria Girls! Woo!!!

That said, there's a few questions I'd like to answer (along with some teaser images from Bevin!)

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Equestria Girls: Episode Ideas · 12:50am Apr 14th, 2018

So..... I had these episode ideas for the Equestria Girls Series and I want to know if you like them or not.

Report Card Day- This would be interesting XD. I was thinking that one of the characters (Probably Twilight) gets a grade that they feel like they don't deserve and they get upset about it. But later confront the teacher about it. The episode ends when the teacher tells them that it's okay to not get an A all the time.

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Reading of "Sci-Twi's Letter" · 8:14pm Dec 18th, 2017

I still can't believe it, but the one and only Wubcake, let me say it again, Wubcake(!), did a reading of my (first) fanfic "Sci-Twi's Letter". A good one if I can say so myself. Definitely check it out.

Viewing 61 - 80 of 148 results