
Viewing 61 - 80 of 399 results

A little challenge · 1:28am May 10th, 2019

Ok so here's the challenge

I want you to go out onto fimfiction, find a story with the absolute worst rating you can find, and read the whole thing.

If you can do this
1. Why would you do that to yourself
2. Here's a cookie or something, idk
And 3. How much did you cringe during it, whether it be bad spelling, pacing, punctuation, the story, or all of the above... im curious

(Again, why would you do this to yourself)


Chrysalis Always Wins 2.0...ah shit · 1:37am Oct 10th, 2018

This doesn't look good...may have been a misfire but I tried my best! I even wrote in.....FUCK! NO! This is beyond silly!


Top Ten List of Characters I Don’t Like · 1:43pm Nov 3rd, 2020

10). Zsasz (Batman franchise)


9). Fred (Scooby-Doo franchise)


8). General Grievous (Star Wars franchise excluding 2003 cartoon)


7). Cosmo (The Fairy Oddparents)

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Thoughts on “No Second Prances” · 5:58am May 1st, 2016

Okay, I went into this episode with an open mind. Sure, I was a little apprehensive because of Trixie. I know she has a ton of fans, but I’m not really one of them. According to something that I read on the internet, a number of fans were worried that this episode was going to be a rehash of “What About Discord?,” which was infamous for making Twilight look like a terrible friend. I, on the other hand, thought that this episode was going to be about being careful about choosing friends

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Oooookay just got a crap ton of incriminating evidence-- · 11:48pm Nov 3rd, 2021

My sister told me my parents are plotting subtle ways to make me "change my mind" about being trans by buying me a bunch of girly stuff and I quote, "Force [me] to wear it to school". And they're gonna make me wear pads for a whole week to try and break me

It's so fucking obvious they're trying to fix me and I don't give a fuck about them anymore, if they're gonna do this kinda shit, I might as well just leave, y'know???


Crap I Hate In This Fandom (or at least, one specific part of it) · 2:50pm Jul 11th, 2017



Hey, HEY! *stands at the door, holding a shotgun* Nobody's leaving yet! Y'all sit your asses back down! You saw the title and still came here, now you're in it for the long haul and have nobody to blame but yourself!

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Report kildeez · 1,052 views · #clopfics #cliches #tropes #hate #rant

I had a really bad day... · 11:19am Nov 18th, 2021

Okay, this all happened today but on another site

I created some- er- images on that site for my profile picture there (Hey, maybe I can use them her- wait, that’s a bad idea)

So I went into a chat group and asked for advice, I didn’t include a link so I included a link but this :pinkiesick: decided that I wasn’t being patient, I told them they misunderstood my reply to the chat and it turned into an argument, apparently I was in the wrong for correcting them...

This made me-

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The Inspiration Behind Crazy Cat-Hating Ladies · 6:42pm Oct 18th, 2018

Okay, so, it’s come to my attention that Crazy Cat-Hating Ladies has broken my personal record for lowest-rated story. I can see why. It’s definitely not my best work. :ajsleepy: In fact, I only wrote it to try to get a song out of my head. Not only did it fail in getting the song out, but it also got me super mad at my sisters’ cats even though they didn’t do anything (this time 😒). Furthermore, I may have unintentionally alienated a whole lot of cat people. Sorry about that.

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THIS is going to be G5?! · 9:49pm Nov 14th, 2019

Oh my god, no... nooooooooo!!

This is the worst F'ing shyte they could pull.

Did they find the last stragglers from Tumblr to animate this crap?


lol i think this is how my Ponsona would be · 3:18pm Feb 28th, 2017

Callos hates stairs while stuck in a pony form and if he had a kid and wife i think this is how it would go down.. hahaha xD


Got my first Threat today. · 2:32pm January 6th

This might seem weird, But I wanted to talk about this anyway.

As some of you may know, Especially if you've read either my Pokemon story or my Blueblood story, you'd know that I'm Israeli.

I do not hide it, I see no reason to.

However, Today I got a hate comment on my most recent "Trash of the Royal Castle" chapter, that was quite antisemitic in its wording.

I think It's a good sign as an author, that most of the criticism of my books has already been said.

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Review: Princess Celestia Hates Tea + A Short Story by Twlight Sparkle; by: Skywriter · 2:06pm May 23rd, 2015


Don't you just hate it when this happens? · 5:59pm Sep 13th, 2016

Okay, so there I was viewing a thread that solely consisted of just the human version of the Filly Five having a fun day at the beach in modest swimsuits, when this idiot just comes along and drags the whole thing off topic by saying whoever is enjoying the art is a pedophile. Have any one else have any experiences to share when a whole thread gets dragged off topic for some reason?

You can view the whole mess here:

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Sneak peek · 9:20am Apr 19th, 2016

Light faded to darkness. Warmth vanished into freezing cold. Clear sky gave way to black snow. The earth below had disappeared, replaced by the gaping maw of an infinite abyss. Into the choking miasma of gunsmoke and combusted aether, Firefly dove.

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This is why I hate beurocracy. · 12:20am Jan 20th, 2021

Exactly as it says and why I really have issues with big government. Along with why I think most of what is going on in the U.S. is a farce and only getting worse each day. This is also this is one of the biggest reasons why the government does not care about its people and only about lining their pockets. Because today, 1/19/2021, I finally got my first stimulus payment. Almost a year later I got the money that was supposed to be helpful in one way or another and intended to be used

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Mykan's reason for 'punishing' characters he hates · 2:51am Mar 4th, 2018

We can all say that Mykan has issues with his sanity, mainly the fact he loves to torture cartoon characters, such as Kari from Digimon and Cadence. This is a sign of Psychotic acting and shows that he had mental issues.

But yet it is his ‘punishing’ of characters that we might see that there is some sanity in Mykan and that in fact he is not the evil person many of his ‘haters’ think.

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Birds are the omen of nightmares! · 9:12pm Apr 18th, 2020

Today's blog needs a short backstory:

I have thalassophobia.

And some week ago, I had a nightmare where I was on a sinking ship, getting attacked by a kraken monster.
And when I woke up, I couldn't sleep again because a stupid bird kept twerping his stupid beak off (,stupid) !!!

Back to regular blog:

Today I woke up by another nightmare where I was catching some creepy spider octopus thing who kept trying drag me into the depths before I could put it in a cooler and popcicle it.

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Trauma fucking sucks · 7:33pm Feb 1st, 2022

I'm suddenly reminded of the time where my parents (in)directly said I'd be dead to them if I were trans-

"If you were to be trans, then we'd have to put an obituary out for Tyrel, and then put out a birth announcement for Felicity. We'd have to take pictures of you in a diaper to put in the paper, Is that what you want?"

I shook my head.

"Because that's what you're asking us to do."



Lady Antiquity Antipathy: Success or Failure? · 3:12pm Sep 24th, 2017

So many comments from readers who want Antiquity to die after this arc. I wonder whether or not I can call her a successful villain from that? The best villains are those you love to hate, but for me that hardly ever means wishing them dead. When I love to hate a villain, nothing is more satisfying than imagining their future interactions with the character. Death doesn't usually factor into that desire because their death would be a finality that ends future interactions, if that makes sense.

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TODAY #23 · 7:11pm Dec 7th, 2017

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