
Viewing 61 - 80 of 97 results

You can vote for faster updates of "Dreamwalker Dash" now! · 11:42pm Dec 23rd, 2022

"Dreamwalker Dash" hasn't been continued for quite some time now, for more than 1 and a half years, to be precise. The story is not cancelled and I still write for it, however. 2023 will see continuous updates of my currently unfinished multi-chapter stories again, including "Dreamwalker Dash", but if you want to speed up the release of new chapters, there is something you can do now.

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Radio Silence..... and what it means · 1:51pm Aug 24th, 2019

Nothing too bad, thankfully. Just the usual. I'm not wasting too much breath or thoughts now that I finally left it behind me but, to answer the questions you will have, it's a horrible thing for your depressed mind when you start feeling good, have a plan, a small catastrophe threatens that plan and throws you right into the next depressed fit that incapacitates you for another week.

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For some reason, my writing feels very bad the last few days..... · 11:38pm Mar 13th, 2020

I'm dealing with a peculiar problem the last few days: My writing feels bad and I can't tell why. I sat down to write the new chapter of "Dreamwalker Dash" for this week (and I am a good 1,314 words into it, so don't think I was lazy), but eventually, I could not go on anymore, as what I wrote felt more and more shallow and bad.

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Readers of "Letters to Cozy Glow", please check this link to find out what happened to this week's chapter · 11:48pm Mar 13th, 2020


Until Friday, Saturday at the latest, I am currently taking a short break from writing · 7:33pm Mar 17th, 2021

I'm sorry this announcement comes so late, but, I am currently on a short writing break. February has been a turbulent month, in both positive and negative ways. Some personal things that happened and needed to be worked out, many exciting analyses for Generation 5 I did (and more analyses will come, currently planning with the next five!), the shock over it that the Generation 5 show was suddenly revealed to be in full CGI rather than 2D animation (by the way, thank you for lying, Hasbro!) and

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Readers of "Dreamwalker Dash", please check this link to find out what happened to this week's chapter · 11:41pm Mar 13th, 2020


I need to sit down and think how I can keep going. · 4:23pm Sep 23rd, 2019

This is not a retirement announcement. I have no plans and no desire to stop writing ponyfics. Getting that out of the way first, before anyone starts panicking. So, "Dreamwalker Dash" will definitely get continued once the last of the current chapters is fully revised.
This is about something else. I need to do some in-depth thinking how I can go on.

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It seems my condition has bettered itself..... · 10:44pm Mar 16th, 2020

I am doing better now. I wrote more for "Dreamwalker Dash" and it went more smooth than last week. I'll keep that up and if nothing new is affecting me, my writing schedule should be back to normal this week. I'll let you know if anything changes.

Stay easy as a filly!

~ Fluttercheer


The Meaning of being a Pony Author · 9:23pm Apr 18th, 2019

Luna beckoned her to come to the other side of the room. It formed a stark contrast to the table. Instead of the hard, uncomfortable wood structure that looked like it had been meant for stressful meetings and conferences, there were several comfy armchairs, a long sofa of a wine-red color and small, round tables, each one situated right next to an armchair. Old candles stood on them, burnt down halfway. In the middle was a tiny, fragile-looking table, only a few inches high. It stood on

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Sometimes, nurturing a friendship is more important than writing or writing goals. · 11:43am Feb 4th, 2021

This here is a, slightly late, announcement that I changed my plans for this week. Loyal readers of "Dreamwalker Dash" will have already noticed something changed yesterday when they waited for a new chapter without being rewarded with one, readers of "A Storm on the Horizon of the Arcane World" will have at least suspected that something is going on when my promised teaser didn't come on Sunday.

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Hey, Corona-chan, how would you like it to mess up an author's writing schedule? or Fluttercheer has returned with another excuse for not updating his fics for months. · 1:42am Jul 18th, 2020

A lot of things have happened in the last few months. "Letters to Cozy Glow" (which finally has a new chapter being worked on now) hasn't updated for almost five months. "Dreamwalker Dash" (which is not yet being worked on again, but will be soon, further information will follow) hasn't updated for exactly five months. And I haven't written and released anything for more than two months now.

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Tempo Boost Story Poll #6 (May 2023) · 1:03am May 12th, 2023

I gotta admit, I completely forgot about the poll this month..... As this happened, I should extend the voting deadline, but since no one has participated in the polls, so far, I will keep the usual end date of the poll. If you should decide to pledge to my Patreon account this month and still want to participate in the poll, you can send me a private message here or comment under this blog entry with your story

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[SPOILERS] Look at this little Hero: Hooves Down, this is the best moment from the Season 9 Finale! · 11:40am Oct 13th, 2019


It is done..... MythrilMoth is archived. · 1:20am May 15th, 2019

I am finished with archiving everything from MythrilMoth. I went over five different web presences and archived content by him in the WaybackMachine. It was an insane amount of work and I'm just tired now, in total, it took 47 hours and 12 minutes to archive it all. But it was necessary, because Zef implied a possibility that his accounts could get deleted, either by his wish or by demand from his family.

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Tempo Boost Story Poll #3 (February 2023) · 1:55am Feb 3rd, 2023

The new Tempo Boost Story Poll is live on my Patreon account! This is a day late, because I was operating on only 4 hours of sleep yesterday and then still had to go to an appointment and buy groceries, after which I slept pretty much the rest of the day, but now it's voting time!

Once more, like in the first two polls, you can vote for six stories, which are:

- Dreamwalker Dash

- Letters to Cozy Glow

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Return after a busy month and after another month of writing break + New Story Announcements befitting for the cold season! · 9:39pm Nov 30th, 2020

Wow, these were two crazy months I am coming out from..... October was filled with so many releases like I never had before in a single month. All together, I published three one-shots + my flashfic anthology in October. "Unsung Hero" and

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Writing Plans Going Forward · 12:08am Jul 25th, 2020

A lot of you are probably wondering how my plans look now after I didn't update for a few months. So I figured writing a little entry to file you in. To make it simple:

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Tempo Boost Story Poll #8 (July 2023) · 4:46pm Jul 4th, 2023

It's time for another Tempo Boost Story Poll on Patreon! Once more, you can vote for one of my currently incomplete multi-chapter stories, which then gets an extra update before the end of the month.
This will be an update in addition to the chapters I am already writing and releasing, completely chosen by you!
Here's how it works:

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3 Months of Weekly Updates: How did that plan go? + A new type of Release Pattern for my Chapter Updates · 1:09am Apr 25th, 2021

When the year had just started, in the middle of January, I made a plan for chapter releases of "Dreamwalker Dash" and "Letters to Cozy Glow". During the years from 2017 - 2019, my writing skill, as well as my discipline with updating multi-chapter stories, have declined a lot in the aftermath of a mentally stressful event at the beginning of 2017 whose effects on my mind and life lasted for about two and a half years.

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Tempo Boost Story Poll #2 (January 2023) · 1:04am Jan 2nd, 2023

Viewing 61 - 80 of 97 results