
Viewing 681 - 700 of 714 results

Everfree Northwest Day 1 · 9:18am May 19th, 2018

I hung out with a bunch of people since I got into Seattle on Thursday. A partial, horribly incomplete list would include:

Xepher (rooming with him, cool dude as always, fair bit of presence IRL. Good at running panels, very efficient and good at sparking/spurring conversation)

Winston (Cool dude as always; a bit quiet, but nice to hang out with and chat with. He’s on the staff, so secretly rules over us all, like Xepher)

Mudpony (I’ll read that story, I swear!)

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Christmas Advent Calendar 2018 Day 7 · 3:33am Dec 10th, 2018


Christmas Advent Calendar 2018 Day 2 · 11:33am Dec 3rd, 2018


EoP-Spoiler-Cast on Sunday June 24th 2018 at 9pm EST - Come Learn the END of the End of Ponies · 5:55am Jun 19th, 2018


Update for Phoenix Plus Other News · 3:12am Dec 7th, 2023

Hello, my lovelies. If you've not yet seen it, we have an interlude up for Star Trek: Phoenix written by my editor, Vic Fontaine. It features a couple of characters we haven't seen for a long while.

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Coming Soon, This New Year's Eve... · 8:27pm Nov 28th, 2022

Dewdrops on the Grass will be proud to present not one, but two long form stories!


Even as I stood I kept my gaze steady on her, sharp pain biting into my heart like a set of fanged jaws. “Amelia, I’m sorry it was my magic–”

“Thank you, Ensign, that will be all,” she cut me off sharply.

You've watched.

“Good. We’ll want to do the same on the Enterprise, then,” he said. “Last thing we need is a warp core breach.”

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Hiatus announcment. · 2:50am Jun 26th, 2017

Yes, I'm taking another hiatus. I've just realized somethings that I need to resolve within myself and just...dangit, I'm bad with words. You know what, forget it. I'm not gonna try and make this emotional or overdramatic or anything like that. I've realized I've lost connection with myself, my faith, and my friends, and I need to fix that. I will not return before I do. I have no clue how long that will be. Before I go though, I'd like to give some quick shoutouts.

The Wandering Bard.

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A Plea For a Modest $15 Loan for Three Days · 10:58am Oct 1st, 2019

You'll notice I never ask for donations, always loans. That's probably my pride talking. As you know if you follow my blogs, my boss recently cut my hours from 36/week to 12/week, because I'm a whole-ass mess. Hopefully, if I perform well this week as I have the past few weeks, she'll bump me at least partway back up, but in the meantime, I'm broke as a joke. Forget CiderFest, I need to finish paying what is now last month's rent. Actually, I have, at least the rent itself. The $50 late fee is

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I had a few chapters of backlog left. Or, a modest update. · 10:34pm February 16th

I started catching up on what I could yesterday when I saw the crazy amount of notifications I had accumulated. It's certainly going to take me a while and then some to read all of the stories that were published recently. I'm not doing too good; I'll have a blog about that sooner or later. Until then, know that I have some updates for Marigold's story that have been edited and are waiting for readers. The story is nearing the minimum length for a novel and has had so much effort poured into

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I Really Need To Ask You Guys To Do Me A Favor · 1:03am Jul 21st, 2015

So I was planning on going to Bronycon this year. It sounds like a cool thing, I suppose, but the big draw was seeing a lot of awesome people while I was there. parasprite, Brasta, Akumo, possibly RainbowBob, and a whole lot more awesome people are gonna be there., and we were gonna have an awesome time.

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200 Followers: That's a Lot of People · 9:04pm Sep 15th, 2016

It is. It really, really is.

I mean, you don't really think about it, do you? We spend so long clicking in and out of stuff where we can see that people have thousands, millions of followers and subscribers, and suddenly a million becomes the new benchmark of excellence. Some channels, you won't even look at them if they've got under a thousand subscribers. Because it all just becomes a number.

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Not dead. · 1:48am Jan 15th, 2018

I'm very, very sorry. A declaration like that typed out on a phone in front of a river is very scary. As an author who wanted to have his blog either be for comedy or stories, I feel it was very rude to drop that out of nowhere.

Also, not dead.


A Short and Simple One · 12:07am Oct 11th, 2016


Cerulean Voice mashed a Fluffle Puff plushie in my face! · 11:10pm Jul 9th, 2016


Spookseeker · 9:09pm Oct 17th, 2017

So last year, when October came rolling in, I wanted to do a comedic 'Nightmare Night Special' chapter for Truthseeker. It would have revolved around Lyra freaking out because she was certain that, it being Nightmare Night, something bad was bound to happen, while all the rest of the Owls knew that nothing ever happens on Nightmare Night. I dropped it because by the gods, I cannot write comedy it was dumb filler. Instead, I released a pair of horror stories that no

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Printed Ponyfic Reviews, Part the Fourth THE BLOG SERIES IS PASSING (+ writing status mentions) · 5:59pm Oct 10th, 2019


Christmas Advent Calendar 2018 Day 21 · 10:26pm Dec 21st, 2018


Everfree Northwest, part 1—Westbound Empire Builder · 2:06am Sep 15th, 2022

For once I’m going to try and be on top of things and write about the adventure as it happens. Or nearly as it happens—that’s a thing you can do on a train!  In part, the late posting is due to the amount of time it took to sort through pictures . . . you’ll see why if you read along.  Those of you with slow internet connections, sorry. :heart:

The old Minot ND station

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Shimmer: La Jument Revolutionnaire - Completely Rewritten. · 7:18pm Jan 9th, 2017

TL;DR: This story had a lot of problems, so I rewrote it from scratch. It's now better in pretty much every way, but it will require any existing readers to restart from the beginning. The story includes many changes and new scenes that will leave any reader who does not do so lost. I apologize and understand if this upsets anyone who has been following the story, but I feel it to be necessary for this story to meet the standards I want it to.

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PSA: Weird Al is a giant nerd · 1:56am Oct 22nd, 2016

He put out a new music video today.

Of him hosting the presidential debates.

While singing the debate questions at the (autotuned) candidates.

If that isn't up your alley, he also has an unboxing video, of him unboxing his 2015 Grammy Award that he got in the mail.

A totally normal day for him.

Viewing 681 - 700 of 714 results