
Viewing 41 - 60 of 1,444 results

Extremely Tired · 2:53pm Sep 23rd, 2018

Should I continue writing the story?

I wake up every day to more dislikes and to more walls of nitpicking comments from people who haven't written anything in their lives. People who don't realize that I write stories for fun that think it's perfectly alright of them to come along and rip my hobby to shreds with their criticisms about things that I've already explained, or things that never even happened.

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Fanfic update 2 · 3:28am Jan 5th, 2016

I am about 297 words into the first chapter. Looks like it's going to be a while, because I've been on 297 for about a day and a half now and cannot think of anything else.


WRITER'S BLOCK SUCKS!!! · 4:00am Nov 24th, 2016

So, I've currently got very bad writer's block. I want to continue most of my stories but I don't have any good ideas to keep it rolling. I was wondering if anypony out there would be willing to give me some interesting ideas for some of my chapters. You'll be credited if I put your idea into the story of your choosing. To anypony that gives ideas thanks, even though I expect no ponies ideas as I'm a very small writer.


Argh · 12:09pm Jul 8th, 2015

Right now I'm feeling the weird (kinda-) opposite of writer's block, like several partial ideas are all trying to escape my head at the same time and are just stuck flailing limply at each other.

Can I just throw some ideas out there and ask which ones you think deserve a hand getting through that door?

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Writing Problems · 7:22am Dec 17th, 2017

Hey Guys, sorry there hasn't been an update to either of my stories in a while. I'm having really bad Writer's Block and haven't been able to write anything worth reading for a while. I know the source of the problem, yet I'm not able to fix it. I am one of those writers that cannot submit or write anything unless they know exactly what they are wanting to write and know that people will like it (mostly). I might not be updating anything else for a while again. So if that happens, you'll

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Now to the funfact of writer's block... · 7:23pm Dec 14th, 2015

I was wondering how to make this Wastelands idea pop as it came across my eyes in a veil. I want to rewrite the chapter or rather instill how unstable Dissociative Identity Disorder really is. I made him to seem a bit crazy(no offense to any with the disorder) and I feel as if I can't make it plain enough... I'm scared this story is hated and that my progress and want to continue is in vain... So if you guys have any names for a pony with red crystalline magic specialization shoot them my

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Report Th3D4rk0n3 · 248 views · #writer's block

I want to fire my muse · 6:36am Jun 19th, 2020

I have come to the conclusion that my muse, if it were a person and not an arbitrary literary device giving some measure of personification to the concept of inspiration, would be that obnoxious co-worker who constantly stirs up trouble in the office, wastes time, pranks incessantly, and is generally a lazy schmuck, yet who can't be fired, no matter how much the boss wants to, because he's literally essential to the company functioning.

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Report Antiquarian · 422 views · #Writer's Block

60 College Essay Prompts for 2022 · 11:18am Dec 8th, 2022

For secondary school and college understudies, it is an unquestionable requirement to write an incredible essay. Be that as it may, some understudies battle to come up with an essay topic and go to an online write my paper service for help.

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Report marylewis · 283 views · #essay writer

Consistency is overrated anyway. · 11:29pm Oct 15th, 2016

:moustache: Creativity is hard, making a coherent bowling story in Equestria is hard and no I am not making clop out of this. I like to think I have integrity. I don't, but fuck you, this is my ship and I'll ram it into that large rock if I want to. Now stop disobeying your captain and get back to swabbing the poop deck, you wanker.

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Report Hclegend · 341 views · #Writer's Block

And so it appears that TSW has been banned. · 12:16am Mar 21st, 2017

He joined the dark side, and was promptly ejected from the bowels of Fimfic. :moustache:


I want to write, but I have no words. · 10:51am Apr 4th, 2017

Writers block is squishing my head.

The only thing I can actually get to come out of my head is angsty terribleness that feels completely forced. I'm supposed to write comedy or something fancy and fun to read, yet here I am, completely unable to write a half-decent blog post.

Yelling in the distance muffled only by the howling winds of failure

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The Most Dangerous Writing App · 1:02pm May 22nd, 2016

Having trouble with writers’ block? Need a bit more of a push to help kill your internal editor, stop fretting about quality control, and get that prose flowing. Try out: The Most Dangerous Writing App. Keep typing, or watch all your hard work fade before your eyes.

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Report Pineta · 744 views · #writers block

It's Amazing · 11:01pm Jul 27th, 2017

I took a break from SciTwi Shimmer-Book 7 and Blast At The Beach because my mind was stuck in neutral, creativity wise. Now after knocking out three chapters for My Little Voyager in three days, I've got a few ideas that may work in SciTwi Shimmer 7.

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Report pabrony · 297 views · #writer's block

Frustration · 5:37am Feb 1st, 2018

To any who might be able to read this I have been attempting, admittedly off and on, to post my content and have had trouble having it published. Maybe it's me, I'm not really the best with computers and having had luck on other sites have mostly overlooked Fim as a resource. That being said I feel that if I want to have my work read and commented on more frequently I need to make a more conscious effort to work in an area where more will be willing to do so. When I last attempted to repost one

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Report foxkidd91 · 240 views · #writer #Frustration

Oh Faust nooo! · 7:46pm Jan 9th, 2016

I've gotten a bad case of writers block, I guess there's just so much on my mind. I can't seem to even think of a suitable ending of Attack on Equestria, ever since I had introduced the character "Arkelli" and "Tamaraw" my plans for the story fell apart. So if anyone has ideas for the ending of plot line of Attack on Equestria, please PM me!


Ideas and Writer's Block · 1:32am Jun 30th, 2016

Since taking the temp job, writer's block has struck something fierce. I know where I'd like to take Caught Between Day and Night; it's just forcing m' way through the block, when there's time and energy...two things I seem to be short of these days. It's not like it's even gonna be as long as half of the chapters in either ...Giants or Eleven, it's just getting the words down at all. Suggestions on how to bust on through would be much appreciated.

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Report lord_steak · 263 views · #writer's block

Huh. 2 · 12:08am Mar 24th, 2017

I just realized that I've had a mild case of writer's block for the past couple weeks. Along with slowed updates, (partially due to my robotics competition), I'm finding it generally harder to continue on some of my long-term works such as Lab Horse, and my upcoming story, The Reality of a Shattered Rainbow.

Not to mention how I'm currently almost entirely relying on comments-supplied ideas on "What If?", and some random jokes I come up with with my sister.


I need a collaborator! · 8:17pm Feb 7th, 2019

Hi guys and gals, it’s me again. I really need a collaborator to combat my writer’s block. If any of you, any at all, are interested, please PM me!

Your friend and fellow writer,


Out of juice · 10:16am Dec 7th, 2019

I can't focus on my writing.

I am completely out of inspiration and what's worse, my old editors are GONE! As in they have been banned from the website or are too busy IRL!!


Writers Block · 2:11am May 19th, 2022


God I'm half way done with chapter 3 and next thing you know boom blocked i would rather be suffering blood cancer than this crap...

Viewing 41 - 60 of 1,444 results