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Queen Sanguine Dreams

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Extremely Tired · 2:53pm Sep 23rd, 2018

Should I continue writing the story?

I wake up every day to more dislikes and to more walls of nitpicking comments from people who haven't written anything in their lives. People who don't realize that I write stories for fun that think it's perfectly alright of them to come along and rip my hobby to shreds with their criticisms about things that I've already explained, or things that never even happened.

I don't understand why it's so difficult for people to just sit back and read, but apparently these people are the type that want everything to be explained in the first chapter so they can sit in comfort knowing everything that comes next, yet at the same time, want to be kept in the dark so they can be entertained by the story.

I'm only writing Necromancy for Foals 2 because of popular demand, but waking up every day to see more and more complaining is seriously draining to me. It gnaws away at my willingness to endure more complaints with every chapter when there's always someone who thinks that they can write the story better than I can.

What do all of you think? I know most of my followers don't comment on anything or even leave a like, but should I continue the story? My passion for it is burning out more and more with each comment that nit-picks everything I've written to death.

Comments ( 125 )

The best policy for haters: Don't like, don't read.

I would continue it if is to favored, ignore or delete offensive comments. Me, I stay with you and comment, I loved the first story and this is promising as well.

Haters on your story are completely outnumbered.

Keep going.

Would love to see the story continue, but write at your own pace. No one is going to die because you take a while to write the next chapter.

i think you should just stop reading comments, they never really have anything important they want to say, the people who do have stuff they actually want to tell you are on your discord chat, so just ignore the FimFic section,, i know it's a sucky suggestion but it's just a fact of life, random people will hate on stuff that give them even the slightest bit of reason to

Would love to see the story continue!

Keep writing. Do not worry about the opinion of others.

If They are only complaining dont pay atention to them

personally I enjoy the story immensely and would love to see you continue. I know that people tend to criticize either at something that the didn't like or agree with. What they need to understand is that it's your story and that you make the rules not them. If they have something to say they should say what they like about the story, then what they think could be improved on, then some form of encouragement so you know that they want the story to continue. For me him losing his power makes sense cause he was trapped in stone for a thousand years and he'll need to gain it back again over time. I personally would hate for you to stop midway cause of a few rude or insensitive comments. Of course this is my opinion and I hope it helps :)

You have almost 1200 likes vs 13 disslikes i say your doing great as a writer.

i think you need to do what you find enjoyment in and if the story is not then don't .
and for those dudes i don't know what to do with them other then ignore them.
think do you enjoy making this story then do the keep going and ignore the soul saping comments. if not then do something you do enjoy like video games

1115 upvotes 13 downvotes you Are doing better than most movies with this score so why care about those 13. 4.6k people have read this and almost a 4th voted that means you have more votes to views than most elections in the U.S.

I'm not so certain you should worry about the dislikes... they're at around 1%? You have PLENTY of people who love your story, you shouldn't let a few get you down.

Also, I'll agree with others here. Take your time. There's no need for you to stress yourself out and push out chapters as fast as you can.

Take care, and thanks for the entertainment.

Dear beloved author. Don't let it get to you, look to your likes that seem to grow, look to us who patently love and enjoy your work. :twilightsmile:

I like it. Its fun and unique. Damn the haters and doubters, its your story and dont let them tell you how to do it

Don't let the opinion of the disgruntled sway you. Take constructive criticism in the spirit it is presented, but push simpering complaints to the side. You're an amazing writer, and I look forward to more. Take breaks as needed to recharge when you feel you should; we don't NEED a chapter every day. Take care Your Highness.

.01% of people that left a like or dislike left a dislike....seems like a damn good ratio to me.

You should keep writing! I know I'm late to the party, but don't stop! Please! I don't leave comments because by the time I get around to reading it, someone else has already said what I wanted to say...

It seems like a slower paced story. Which as of where it is now it should be.
We are really getting yo see the transition from past to present for bone.
I wonder how scenic will fare

I semi agree with you, but if you don't have Discord that would be hard and they would have to post here. Furthermore some of us here can be helpful, insightful and may give good advice. Just saying.
P.S. not hating as it is good advice to an extent.

Please continue, I'm enjoying your writing.

Your story wouldn't be on the home page every single time you uploaded if it wasnt loved. Everytime i get on and check the home site i see necromancy for foals 2 there somewhere

keep writing the stories are great I love them, there will be people who are critics I mean we all are we have are own likes and dislikes. Some people just want to be hurtful and a lot are to stupid to understand what their reading.

I love Necromancy for Fouls 2 its one of the best if not ones of the greatest stories on this sight like the first one.

Screw what others say, what matters is that you enjoy writing and that there are readers that enjoy and love your work. I for one am enjoying your works :) So keep up the good work and write on :)

I'd like to see it continued if you want to....this would likely be the point where I'd need to say (or post, in this case) what I think of the story, but I'm not the best when it comes to saying what I'm thinking, so I'll just leave this off by saying that this is an amazing story, and you are an amazing writer.

Hope the rest of your year is good. :heart:

Throwing my 2 cents in, even though I came in late to the party!

I'm just finishing the first story, it's been one of the most creative, and unique stories I'd ever read. I'm excited to move onto the second one this week, if all the hype about it that I've seen is true (which I have no doubt that it is) I know I'll enjoy myself!

The thing is, people will comment and hate, no matter how much thought, polish, or love goes into a story. People will hate either because they don't like the content, (Which honestly, how could they NOT) They don't like what happened to the characters they liked, or simply because they're jealous that they didn't, or can't make a story that's been this good. I mean, I've watched this story sit at the top of the box for 5 days almost, you must be doing something right with that, eh?

All in all, the end decision is up to you. A lot of people will be very disappointed if you stopped writing this, but I'm sure the hardcore fans, the ones who care about you will understand the toll it's placing on you and realize that you need to make sure you're being healthy. If you're not having fun, or feeling depressed, then that needs to change. And if that mean stopping the story for a while, or even forever, then that's a sacrifice I can understand.

A story is never worth your happiness, or your mental health. But, I hope you see these comments, and the love of the people who adore little Bone Marrow. The little colt, who only wanted to discover his special talent, but got so much more... Hoping this brings a little tear to your eyes, and a flutter in your heart! ~Syn:twilightsmile:

I dont see how people hate this story. It's been pretty damn good so far.

You have over 1,000 likes and a dozen dislikes on Necromancy For Foals 2. I think that should be quite telling that people love this story and the ones that nit pick at it are just doing it cause they have nothing better to do. Keep up the great work and ignore the people who want to criticize this story for no other reason then ‘just because’ or don’t feel bothered to rereading previous passages to understand your story better.

Seriously, continue doing what you love/like even if there’s a few people who don’t agree with it. They are a small number compared to everyone else and the comments in this blog should also be an example of that.

Keep up! Listen if this story would be the most perfect awesome cool fantastic story of the world believe me there would be the same amount of complaints or even more. Just do not listen to them :pinkiehappy::rainbowkiss:

Couldn't put it any better myself. Love the story and hope you find it worth continuing to write as both the original and the sequel are extremely well written

Keep going! If they don't say anything helpful, just ignore them. I know that there is a lot of namecalling that hapens, the people who are jerks for the sake of being jerks are the true disgrases to the fandom

You have 1,150 people who gave the story upvote because they like what you're doing. Many of them are adding this story to their "favourites" bookshelf.

If there are people who are here for gore that happened in the first story, they should know better that it can't get that gore-y in the current Equestria - that was obvious from the start. And people who can't comprehend this have no right to tell you what to do.

This situation comes because the concept itself is great, and it has loads of potential. Your first story didn't become popular because of courses it could go to, it became popular because of the courses it actually went through. Some negativity is just natural for humankind. Nitpicking doesn't mean that the person doesn't enjoy the story - often it's the other way around: They totally love the story and are afraid of anything that could potentially turn them away in the future.

I don't understand why it's so difficult for people to just sit back and read, but apparently these people are the type that want everything to be explained in the first chapter so they can sit in comfort knowing everything that comes next.

Isn't this common in any longer story? People are hyped and curious. Don't pay too much attention to it, Sanguine. I agree that a lot of the rambling is just unnecessary, for example when everyone asked the Bone's height after the first chapter, although it was obviously gonna be explained.

Ultimately, the numbers don't lie. You're nonstop in the recommendation bar since the first upload and you have four-digit number of likes on your story, which is a sequel. AFAIK, that's very, very rare. If people didn't enjoy the story, this would've never happened. Just keep in mind people are always gonna ramble - this was happening during the first story too, I believe. (Tell me if I'm wrong on this one.)

Most importantly:

In the end, it's up to you - it's your story, and if you don't enjoy the elements of writing and publishing it, then you shouldn't force yourself to do so. Feel free to cancel the story, if you see it as the right thing to do. If you feel physically tired, same thing - take a rest. I have created a huge respect for you being able to upload chapters so often, while keeping high quality. (okay, mainly for the quality) It's your story, your text, your head, your thoughts - what's gonna happen next is completely up to you. Don't let anybody tell you otherwise.

Pleas dont stop working on this it is one of my favorite storys both this one and the first and frankly who the hell cares what 13 people think when ypu have like 1,161 people who love this fucking story but I do think most people here won't argue if you take a break after all one chapter a day for your word count is probably a lot to do

The like/dislike ratio isn't a great metric, but I think you're focusing too much on the wrong number. There are 1154 likes for NfF2. That's 1154... to 13. That's only a little over 1%. Only 1% of your readers are actually taking the time to give the simplest indication of dissatisfaction. That's 1 person who silently disapproves against over 88 who silently do.

There's always going to be a vocal minority. A very annoying vocal minority. (I think we've all been a part of it, even if we might not like to admit it. I certainly have.) You can't please everyone, and the ones who get disappointed will inevitably get butthurt about it. And nitpickers gonna nitpick. My advice? Ignore criticism unless you deem it salient. Because everyone has an opinion for how things should go, but not all opinions are equal. They don't know what you have planned, they don't know where you're going, they don't know dick. Instead of treating everyone like equals, treat them like whining idiot-children who need to prove themselves worthy of having an opinion good enough to listen to.

Except me. I'm totally worth listening to.

Take it easy, and keep having fun. I'm certainly enjoying things :pinkiehappy:

Adding on to the 1000 likes to 13, that's about 1%. To a certain degree, people do mistakenly click the wrong button (I've accidentally done it to some of my favorited stories). Generally, that accounts for .5-1% in the dislike/like ratio. You have a very, very, very small number of people who have concerns for your story. You should be proud that a resounding number of people love your story.

As for the story itself, I think the story flow and development is better than the prequel. You are demonstrating your improvement, and I can't wait to read more.

If you don't want criticism, turn off comments.

Pizza guy here. One thing people who just read on this site either don’t realize or don’t care to understand: when you set a pace of writing 3000 words per day, there is no time for extensive proofreading.

It takes a level of emotional maturity to understand that you are not being “helpful” by pointing out every misplaced comma and homophone.

Vocal minorities are a fact of life, don't let them get to you. You have a dozen people who don't like your story and over a thousand who do. Some people can't be pleased, don't let them drag you down. Btw I'd give Tolkien's dead ass a down thumb because his descriptions are too long, I got bored and couldn't finish the books. Doesn't mean he's a bad writer, I'm just an impatient reader with ADD, his content just wasn't for me; just as your content won't be for some people. In the end that's on the readers, not the author, not you.

Please keep going, tell the haters to fuck off and piss in someone else's cheerios. If you need to, stop reading comments. Or write the whole story: then just start posting chapters after it's all done.

I say keep it up man, your story is great and no matter what those asshats may yell about it nothing will change that. It's just an unfortunate fact of life that assholes tend to yell more than those that can appreciate (or not appreciate) something normally.

But hey, it's up to you. If you want to take a break your followers will be totally understand it. I'm personally enjoying the story a lot and looking at the like to dislike ratio I am certainly not the only one.

Keep up the good work buddy, and don't let those negative people get to you too much.


I'm really enjoying it and would like it if you kept going! :twilightsmile:

So you had some retards in your comment section. Guess what? Everyone does eventually.

You are making a big deal of 13 downvotes, when you have literally over a grand upvotes. Wild.

You're feeling the burnout coming on. That is what happens to a lot of people that set the same goals that you did.

You want a negative comment? How about 'What the fuck kind of attention whore post is this?' Because you're coming off real fucking douchy right now. You write good stories. Stop whining about other people, get over your rut, and keep grinding them out.

Or don't. I'm not your parent, and you're not a child. Hint hint.

Your getting just about the most support the FimFiction community is capable of giving here. More than a thousand likes, on the featured list full time, substantial and persistent Patreon support, and lots of comments. Unanimity is impossible; there would still be nay-sayers for a Shakespear / Jesus collaboration! I might suggest you slow down some though, a chapter a day is a hard pace to keep up with.

I love it so far

It is a great story. Please keep it up.

Should I continue writing the story?


Sit down, shut up, and read this whole comment. Approching this objectively, your story: (i)Necromancy for Foals(/i) is number ten on the second page of top stories of all time for fimfiction. The like/dislike ratio for (i)Necromancy for Foals 2(/i) if it continues to hold will land it on the bottom of page one. The majority of authors on this site are not even relevant on, nor do they stand a chance of landing a story on that list. You have already made it and there is a lot more I wish to say on this. Pm me if you are open to hearing it.

More Dislikes? 13 thumbs down to over a thousand thumbs ups? Fuck those people that talk shit on your story, they are just doing that because they know they will never be able to make anything as great as the two stories you made and they know it! They are just jealous of your success! Keep writing, ignore those haters, tell them to go eat a dick and live your life!

:moustache: I think the support has been shown alot here so I won't repeat what is already said. Though if you are getting burned out you could try a different writing schedule. :twilightsmile:

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