
Viewing 41 - 60 of 108 results

Congrats, 4chan · 5:42pm Oct 22nd, 2015

I would like to offer my congratulations to 4chan's epic "#BoycottEpisodeVII" troll operation.

You guys know how things work, and how to hilariously set people off. Dozens of websites fell for it.

That's what happens when journalists don't check facts.

"Should we check the origins of this story, boss?"

"Screw that, it's about racism, let's fucking run with it because we're cunts that love publishing fucking clickbait!"

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Finally. · 2:27am Nov 8th, 2017

Well, Hamster_Master is gone! Finally! He won’t be bothering anyone anymore!


Somebody kill me! · 4:35am Oct 26th, 2015


Anyone wanna join me in Ruining a would-be-hacker's day? · 3:51pm Apr 13th, 2022


Short Hand: The Articles · 9:24pm Aug 5th, 2020

Shepherd: "Hey Twilight? I got your mail for you. Huh, what's this magazine? Predator Fetish Monthly?"

Twilight: bright red, snatches it away with her telekinesis "Th-That's about scientific inquiries into the religious practices of certain predator groups and tribes and definitely not pornographic in any way whatsoever ahahahaha!"

Shepherd: "... Okay?"

Fluttershy: "Hello Twilight! I just got the latest issue!"

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Yeah I'm about to lose my Fanfiction account · 12:18pm Aug 4th, 2018

UPDATE: One of the admins replied to my abuse report email. They're asking for links to everything Blaze has done. I'm compiling a comprehensive list of all of her offences, both against me, and the rest of you. If I manage to pull together enough evidence, she might just get banned.

They are going to ban me. I asked for help and this time I REALLY NEED IT!

Report them on


Fall of Starfleet last three chapters spoilers · 6:22am Mar 3rd, 2018

Inspired by a certain blog post on March 1st by a certain writer, I decided to post the complete description of the next two chapters of Fall. This way you know that I was not inspired by the next season of Starfleet.

Ready, here are the spoilers!

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New VV story! · 4:04am Nov 8th, 2022

Hey folks! So! While I've not been able to write a lot lately, I've been helping others in my group... And our dear Honorary Troll, Avellana, has finally finished writing a good portion of her story, The Dying of the Light! Go read and review peeps!

Love & Light and Stay Safe folks!


Wow the hate is strong with this one... (Insert laugh trak here) · 8:26pm May 2nd, 2019

*Pawsigns and smiles, waving a hello....*

Heyas all...
Just a small note, my wife got me a new guitar to try my paws at music, with Rocksmith in a few weeks for my Xbox1s. Pictured above is my Jackson JS11 Dinky in Snow White, and standing guard next to it is my custom Princess Luna plush, about 18 inches tall, given to me by a dear dear friend online.

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I witnessed something for the first time throughout my Discord experience · 12:04pm May 12th, 2023

TRIGGER WARNING: The story that I'm about to share contains hateful rhetoric that is censored with spoilers. Read at your own discretion.

A couple of days ago, a good friend of mine dealt with homophobic trolls who joined her server without her permission. One of those trolls uploaded a short video that said kys f-slur. It triggered me and gave me goosebumps in a negative way. She banned all of them.

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New LWTSIW · 7:21pm Feb 27th, 2016

That's a terrible acronym and I don't care.

Anyway, new 'Living With Twilight Sparkle is Weird.' It's...not sex, but sexual in nature. It's short. I don't care. Enjoy.

Also, thanks for coming out to the podcast last night to a lot of you. I had a lot of fun, it seems you guys did too. The Good HIE list seems to be a good group of guys, and I'd be happy to do that again. But c'mon, get on your question game. Everyone knows why I hate Spike now.



CtW Update! · 5:37pm Apr 5th, 2016

What's this?! Only a two month lag between chapters?!

Yes! I assure you, dear readers, that you are not hallucinating, and CtW07 will be going up just as soon as I hit publish on this blog.

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J.K Rowling responds to Trump supporters burning her books and movies... (Warning, bit ranty here) · 7:21pm Feb 2nd, 2017

Okay, normally I don't post stuff like this, but this is hilarious and features some completely epic trolling by J.K.

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Highlights from BronyCon 2019: #finnabuse and Wonderful Eliyora · 1:22am Aug 19th, 2019

A/N: I did not expect to publish a Highlight out of order yet again this year, much less have the out-of-order Highlight be the first one published! However, circumstances on the Brony D&D Discord server led me to decide to publish this one first. Either way, enjoy!

In addition, my thanks to Discord user “rillegas08” for his notes; they helped me a bit in plugging in details about the D&D prequel that would have slipped my memory.

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Deadpool is Pikachu... · 2:35am Nov 17th, 2018

Those are 3 words I never imagined myself writing in that order...

This may very well end up being the next "Howard the Duck"... and yet, I will be going to see it. How can I miss such pure, unfettered insanity? This... this is a trollfic brought to life... I must see it... I must TOUCH it... I must rub it all over my body...

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Trump took trolling Up To Eleven; is it acceptable for a politician to do? · 7:28am Mar 17th, 2016

No, seriously, look at that.

I don't know whether to :rainbowlaugh: or :facehoof: at that. In Russia, one could potentially sue Trump for insult for that.

I have to give him some credit, though. The video is short, simple, blunt as an axe and strikes hard. And, be it admitted, I found it funny. (No, seriously, Hillary Clinton looked really funny).

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If you are at BronyCon... · 7:50pm Aug 3rd, 2019

...Go up to the HarmonyCon booth in the vendor hall and tell them "Raccoon said she will be there" but don't tell them I told you to say this.

That is my request to you, my loyal fans.

PS: No, I couldn't afford to go to BronyCon, so I'm not there.


Zoom-trolling news · 7:53am Apr 23rd, 2020

People have nothing better to do with their lives. I mean, really? Interrupting online classes/meetings with antisemitism, racial slurs, and indecent exposure? May these bunch of sick and twisted perverts face well-deserved consequences.


Why i've been so inactive · 3:38am May 28th, 2016

I'm sorry that I haven't been active recently, but I think you all will be very pleased to know what I've been working my heart out on for the last few weeks. Sometimes as a writer you get an idea in your head that just won't go away no matter how hard you try. It's this great nagging feeling of true art. I haven't truly experienced this feeling as strongly as I am right now in over a year. I am absolutely elated to explain to you this wonderful genius idea. It is a story for the ages. It is

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Stream I'm going to be on starting in about an hour. · 10:40pm Feb 26th, 2016

Should be starting in about an hour, as the title says.
I already have my booze to enjoy, and am ready to answer any questions you might have. I'll be with the guys from The Good HiE list, including two guys apparently named Mike. I think.
I'm so confused.

Anyway, go here:

AAAAAAND it's live.

Viewing 41 - 60 of 108 results