
Viewing 41 - 60 of 89 results

Takka Takka Takka: March 2018 - Chaos Theory · 4:48pm Apr 6th, 2018

Back in late January, my family and I had a crisis. My wife’s car gave out.

During the months of February and March, the MLP Fandom (specifically the FimFic Community), in addition to some old friends on Facebook and a few other places, bought my family a new car.

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New Study: Racial bias may start as early as pre-school · 3:04pm Sep 30th, 2016

(CNN) - Implicit bias is an uncomfortable subject for many people, especially those who believe they don't have any racial bias. But we all have it. We're just not always aware of it and how deeply rooted it can be.

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Offline · 3:16am Nov 5th, 2016

Alright, school and life are really starting to catch up with me right now, so I'm hardly going to have any free time, due to this, I will hardly be online, if at all. After school, I have to prepare for college, thus, once again, hardly any time to myself, and of what time I do have, I need to be more productive with it, and spend time with family. Then, I have to prepare to get a job, so there's that. Thank you for taking the time to read this, I bid you a good day, and I appreciate your

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How Much did the Doctor Kidnap their Companions? · 12:07am Dec 9th, 2018

With the recent occurrence of the thirteenth Doctor’s accidental kidnapping of her companions bringing up some conversations on how almost all of the companions had been kidnapped to some degree, I thought I would make a little graph of how much each of the companions had to be kidnapped before they chose to keep traveling with the Doctor. Companions to the left were less kidnapped than companions to the right.

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Progress Report: In a Rut · 2:31pm Feb 27th, 2020

Well, all those downvotes were probably inevitable given the subject matter. C'est la vie.

On a more upbeat note I can say that I have surprised myself with this story in that I set out writing something that I thought would be really porn-y and has ended up being something more like an anthropological social study on the dynamics of the sexual expectations of the Alpha, Beta, Omega society which also happens to feature gratuitous sex scenes.

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So stuff happened... · 10:05pm Jun 22nd, 2016

Ok, i'm going to be quite frank with you guys, i'm in a bit of a writing slump at the moment. Rewrites for HLW have hit a wall as i come upon ch5. As soon as i finish this and the next two, i'm going to start publishing, but i gotta get through this boring, but necessary text.

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No own means no owe. · 7:23pm Dec 8th, 2020

My stance on the blacks is as follows basically: I didn't own you, I don't owe you.

My family was never kept slaves, in fact, the family wasn't even in this part of the world at any time when slavery was still legal.

It's no real secret that some of my people don't like blacks and well, whatever.

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Knowing when to quit · 7:51am Nov 23rd, 2022

Hiya, lovely peeps.

I quit college.

Or more accurately - I quit the course I was studying. Allow me to elaborate.

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i was gonna make my 101st blog be special but whatever · 10:51pm Apr 20th, 2016


I made a group about Twilight's School · 4:13am Mar 4th, 2019

So, as I'd like to see more love for the school and the students (seriously, so much untapped potential there), I've created a group specifically about the school. (I'm surprised it's the first)

If you also like this, you should go join, and if you have a story, feel free to stick it in the folders. :3


A Study on Chaos Theory - Chapter 11, "Interlude: Peer Review, Phase Two" and Chapter 12, "Quantum States," are now live! · 5:05pm Jun 11th, 2018

EA Study on Chaos Theory
Harmonic bonds aren't the most predictable of spells. Sunset learned this the hard way with Twilight. Involving Moon Dancer will make things either extremely complicated, or extremely simple. And that has nothing to do with harmonic bonds.
Amber Spark · 57k words  ·  324  14 · 4.6k views

What's this? TWO CHAPTERS?! Yes! After chatting with the editing team, I decided that you needed a bigger picture! One just isn't enough here!


A Study on Chaos Theory - Chapter 7 "Lunar Hypotheses" Live! · 5:00pm May 7th, 2018

The next chapter is now available for your reading pleasure! It's time to see what Moon Dancer thinks of these pieces falling into place...

EA Study on Chaos Theory
Harmonic bonds aren't the most predictable of spells. Sunset learned this the hard way with Twilight. Involving Moon Dancer will make things either extremely complicated, or extremely simple. And that has nothing to do with harmonic bonds.
Amber Spark · 57k words  ·  324  14 · 4.6k views




Chaos Theory Chapter 3 is Live & Car Update! · 5:09pm Mar 19th, 2018

Hey folks!

Good news! The car fiasco is almost over! We've met our goal and after the last bit of maintenance on Rarity (our new car, not the pony), we'll be set! Thank you all again for your incredible help!

And now I can give back (sorta!) Chapter 3, Minimum Complexities is now available!

EA Study on Chaos Theory
Harmonic bonds aren't the most predictable of spells. Sunset learned this the hard way with Twilight. Involving Moon Dancer will make things either extremely complicated, or extremely simple. And that has nothing to do with harmonic bonds.
Amber Spark · 57k words  ·  324  14 · 4.6k views


(PS - I regret nothing).



EVEN MORE Movement FPS - FUNKe Study · 8:15pm Jun 26th, 2022


A Study on Chaos Theory is now complete! "Epilogue: Sequence Halt" is live! · 4:59pm Jun 25th, 2018

If you've been waiting for A Study on Chaos Theory to be finished before diving in, now's the time! At long last, the first book of the Dreamers Arc is complete and you can read it right now!

EA Study on Chaos Theory
Harmonic bonds aren't the most predictable of spells. Sunset learned this the hard way with Twilight. Involving Moon Dancer will make things either extremely complicated, or extremely simple. And that has nothing to do with harmonic bonds.
Amber Spark · 57k words  ·  324  14 · 4.6k views

A Study on Chaos Theory - Chapter 10 "Resonance" Live! · 5:09pm Jun 4th, 2018

EA Study on Chaos Theory
Harmonic bonds aren't the most predictable of spells. Sunset learned this the hard way with Twilight. Involving Moon Dancer will make things either extremely complicated, or extremely simple. And that has nothing to do with harmonic bonds.
Amber Spark · 57k words  ·  324  14 · 4.6k views

Phew. Here we go.


Chaos Theory Chapter 3 - Failsafes is Live! · 5:03pm Apr 2nd, 2018

Phew... this chapter was a toughie, but I HOPE after this, I should have a smoother release schedule.

Thank you once again to everyone who donated to help my wife get a new vehicle. I've closed it out, so no, I'm not asking for any more, but I just want to say thank you again!

I'll try and have a Takka Takka Takka up later this week! This last weekend was my anniversary (13 years, believe it or not), so I had more critical things to do!

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Chaos Theory Chapter 5 - Dimensions is Live! · 5:03pm Apr 16th, 2018

I've been waiting for this. Well, to be honest, I'm waiting for every chapter in totally different ways. But this is the FIRST TIME I got to write Wavelengths!Twilight from her perspective! She is so fun to write! :twilightsmile:

But now, you can enjoy the next chapter in Chaos Theory!

EA Study on Chaos Theory
Harmonic bonds aren't the most predictable of spells. Sunset learned this the hard way with Twilight. Involving Moon Dancer will make things either extremely complicated, or extremely simple. And that has nothing to do with harmonic bonds.
Amber Spark · 57k words  ·  324  14 · 4.6k views



A Study on Chaos Theory - Chapter 9 "Evening by Sunset" Live! · 5:11pm May 28th, 2018

EA Study on Chaos Theory
Harmonic bonds aren't the most predictable of spells. Sunset learned this the hard way with Twilight. Involving Moon Dancer will make things either extremely complicated, or extremely simple. And that has nothing to do with harmonic bonds.
Amber Spark · 57k words  ·  324  14 · 4.6k views

Delayed by one week due to the madness of EFNW, but it's here at last! Next week is the big one, so get ready!


And EFNW - Day 3 - Sunday is coming out later today!


Announcing Study And Its Protocol About Star Wars Episode # Ⅶ: The Force Awakens. · 10:49am Dec 22nd, 2015

I announce this study ahead of time and its protocol so that nopony can claim that I manipulate P-Values. A little context:

I am vocal that Abrams care nothing about continuity. Just look at what he did to Star Trek; he made Stino (Star-Trek-In-Name-Only). I was vocal about not wanting to see Swino (Star-Wars-In-Name-Only). Several ponies pointed out that I should not bash a movie without seeing it. Since they have a point, I shall see it.

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Viewing 41 - 60 of 89 results