
Viewing 41 - 44 of 44 results

Before I forget · 7:26pm Apr 1st, 2018

I preread another thing a bit ago. (But wasn't listed as one?)

Luna, newly returned from her exile, takes Twilight along on a pilgrimage into her own past.
Cynewulf · 26k words  ·  282  9 · 3.3k views

It's good but I'm really tied and can't think of nice things to say right now, but if you like worldbuilding, adventures, and Luna, this story awaits you.

To Lunangrad!


Regarding Bibliography (Or Something Similar) · 6:29pm Jul 17th, 2020

Hi guys! I had a question for some of y'all. I've been teasing that true crime-y/NSFW gore story project for a while. It's currently 7/11 chapters into it's first act. I have the eighth on the backburner while I work on Enemy of Mine first, of course. I don't normally do research on stories or for their content beyond "How can I make a pun out of this?" and "How does this thing work?" because I generally do not need to. Fantasy story research doesn't generally fall in the realm of

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Soon BookTime™ Will be Upon Y'all [IMPORTANT] · 10:48pm Nov 12th, 2022

After many delays and struggles with formatting cover art and other book-related tribulations, my first book of horse stories will soon be something y'all can buy with your real, human money! I've just ordered the test copy, so I can agonizingly take whatever red ink (it'll actually be black or blue, I don't like red pens) needs to be put to the pages before the final version is done. This means it'll likely be something you can get before the holidays. Should there be anyone in your life that

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Things You Should Read that I Didn't Write (Shocker): Coffee Edition! · 2:24am Jan 15th, 2018

Viewing 41 - 44 of 44 results