
Viewing 41 - 60 of 67 results

Empress Theresa: Chapter Eight Analysis · 8:04pm Apr 17th, 2023

Okay. Whew! The story’s back on track. No more interviews or BBC montages to fill in exposition. Here’s a tip for anyone who decides to write a story with a first person narrative: the entire story happens from the perspective of the narrating character. This means that there’s no room for exposition to fill in any blanks that the character might not know about. Theresa even says at the beginning of the story that she doesn’t know how some things happened because she wasn’t there, even though

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AMA ANSWERS!!!!! · 6:55pm Aug 25th, 2016

Equestria Changeling Queen and the Abyssal Empress castmembers walk onto panel stage with vren55

Vren55: Alright, let’s keep this sweet and informative, you first.

*Abuble 1234 stops blowing bubbles and pulls out his notepad*

*Abuble1234 turns Alternia*

What has been the biggest physical change with your brace? Has it affected your ability to use any of your changling abilities?

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Thanks and Acknowledgements to Zervziel for Equestria's Changeling Queen and the Abyssal Empress · 5:54am Jan 3rd, 2017

So my longtime editor and friend Zervziel (who also created Empress Tethys and the Kelpies) and I had a discussion today regarding the crediting for the story. This has led me to changing Zervziel's status as editor of Equestria's Changeling Queen and Abyssal Empress, to Co-author.

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Silent Shadows: Epilogue · 10:12pm Nov 11th, 2017


Empress Theresa: Chapter Ten Analysis · 6:01pm Apr 19th, 2023

Okay. Vacation time’s over, people. And all Theresa can say about it is that France and Ireland should have been nicer to her. Now she’s ready to get back to the grueling grind of trying to move coins with her mind. She describes it as the most boring and frustrating thing that she had ever done. (I promise you that reading about it is even worse). She’s most frustrated by her lack of any kind of progress, which might not have happened if she didn’t take so much time off to go visit countries

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Empress Theresa: Chapter Seventeen Analysis · 5:24pm May 5th, 2023

Somewhere out of the blue of left field at the eleventh hour, we are introduced to an attorney from New York named Connie McKesson. Apparently there is a class action lawsuit being filed against Theresa by greedy capitalists who thought that investing in gold was the safest thing to do, only to have the value of their investment plummet because of Theresa bringing in all that extra gold from space.

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Empress Theresa: Chapter Nineteen Analysis · 5:52pm May 10th, 2023

Scherzer goes back to his home country and assures the Israeli people that Theresa will help, and that anyone who challenges her is a fool, because she has the power to destroy the world. Since we already know how powerful Theresa is, and how beloved she is by the general populace, and how anyone who dares oppose her is humiliated or jailed, any potential conflict that can come of this is pretty much voided, no matter what the author tries to throw in.

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Empress Theresa: Final Chapter Analysis · 5:06pm May 26th, 2023

Here we are at the last chapter of this literary abortion. The world starts to panic as Theresa’s plan to put everyone into a deep sleep begins to gradually overtake the globe. However, Stinson and Blair, Theresa two biggest, lame-brained, lobotomized, numbnuts cheerleaders assure the entire world population that while it may seem like a bad thing, nothing that Theresa does can ever be bad, and that Theresa can only be good and do good. Why is this a good thing? Because Theresa needs time to

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Empress Theresa: Chapter Eleven Analysis · 6:20pm Apr 21st, 2023

A month has passed. Humanity has less than a year to live now. Theresa’s progress on getting HAL to make the wind blow again? She has learned how to juggle…I wish I was joking about this. I learned how to juggle years ago, and I have not stirred up so much as a mild zephyr. Boutin also shows that he doesn’t know how archery works. Incidentally, I also learned how to do that about a year ago when my niece taught me. Back to the point, Theresa seems to be taking into account every factor

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Empress Theresa: Chapter Twenty-Six Analysis · 6:16pm May 24th, 2023

The chapter opens with a pseudo-intellectual quote that only turns out to be Theresa boasting about her greatness. Then she boasts about all of the good things that he has in her life, probably as a way to justify how great she is. Then she basks in the praises that people heap upon her as she does pretty much nothing to turn North Korea into a democracy, but says that she does and expects us to take her word for it. Show. Don’t tell. Put up or shut up. She does tell us that she plans to make

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Empress Theresa: Chapter Thirteen Analysis · 5:57pm Apr 26th, 2023

Here we are. Unlucky chapter thirteen. First thing in the morning, Theresa decides that she’s going to raise fifty-six water columns at the North Pole. She calls upon everyone in the house to gather around and watch the show that’s being broadcast on TV. She even calls in the family that is hosting her, who is so unimportant that they haven’t shown up between now and since they were introduced to the story. They’re so superfluous that Theresa doesn’t even want them as part of her planetwide

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Empress Theresa: Chapter Twenty-Two Analysis · 5:46pm May 17th, 2023

After so very long, Theresa is finally going home to America, but not before tipping the butler ten million dollars (Scarecrow, I think I’ll miss you most of all). She and Steve hustle their way through the airport, Theresa keeping up her Karen act as she ignores all of the people who are praising her as she passes by them. She says that if they don’t like it, that’s too bad.

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Empress Theresa: Chapter Twenty-Five Analysis · 5:44pm May 23rd, 2023

We’re doing things a bit differently this week. Since this series of analyses can be done by Friday, we’re getting one chapter a day now, until the end of this literary travesty. Everyone ready? Let’s go.

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Empress Theresa: Chapter Sixteen Analysis · 6:08pm May 3rd, 2023

This chapter opens with Theresa crying about the unfairness of the position that she’s in. Truthfully, she should be crying about how her own brashness and stupidity led to her being in the position that she’s in. She’s in a situation where no matter what she does, people will die. However, Theresa seems to fixate much more on how people will stop loving her no matter the outcome. We already know that she’s a callous, unfeeling, self-centered, myopic woman-child. We just never knew how much of

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Batty's Plans · 7:36pm Jan 6th, 2019

Come learn what The Empress has in mind for the future of the YouTube channel.


RubyBat · 7:37pm Feb 18th, 2018

Hearts and Hooves Day maybe over but love is still in the air! Kinda.


Empress Theresa: Chapter Twenty-Three Analyis · 6:15pm May 19th, 2023

Okay, the excitement of air travel is behind us. Theresa can now proceed to meet her parents unscathed.

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Empress Theresa: Chapter Twenty-Seven Analysis · 4:16pm May 25th, 2023

Looks like I was wrong about Theresa being back on her feet already. Hey, even the best of us are wrong sometimes. Instead, something very unexpected happens. In fact, it’s so unexpected because there was absolutely no evidence to suggest that any such thing would ever happen at any point in the book. Especially not in the second to last chapter! All of a sudden, hundreds of HALs come drifting down out of the sky like little snowflakes. That came out of nowhere. This might be a clever plot

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Ask Me, Alternia and Company anything · 2:39pm Aug 11th, 2016

Alternia and I have done AMA's before, so this time, I'm opening the floor for all questions of all kinds in light of Equestria's Changeling Queen and the Abyssal Empress nearing its climax. Just leave them in the comments section of this blog post. I will take questions for four days starting now. I will stop taking questions on August 15 midnight Eastern Standard Time.

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Empress Theresa: Chapter Eighteen Analysis · 5:45pm May 8th, 2023

This chapter opens with a surprising display of humility from Theresa, who admits that she is just an eighteen year old kid who doesn’t know what she’s doing. Based on everything that we know so far, this is only included because the author is trying to deflect criticisms about his perfect little brainchild. Theresa also admits that not doing anything can be a mistake sometimes. Come to think of it, don’t you think that a lot of her problems from earlier in the book would have been solved if

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Viewing 41 - 60 of 67 results