
Viewing 41 - 60 of 89 results

Cover Art Progress · 5:20pm Dec 7th, 2016

I've sketched out Lancer Swift Steel who is now ready to vector for the cover art of The Flames of War. Only a couple more to go then I'll be able to put them all together and publish the story.


No Joke · 7:09pm Apr 1st, 2021

Report Cold Spike · 272 views · #I #Know #I #Am #Slow #Sorry #Will #Update #Soon

The next picture I practice on will be Pone related, ok? · 4:47am May 17th, 2019

That way I can display it here, prove I haven't died yet.

I mean, I suppose I could show off my other artwork here, but it's not even remotely on topic. And a lot of it is suggestive/basic nudes, so I can't link it here anyway, but if you're curious what I get up to when not torturing one of the girls, look me up on Twitter.

Stay realivant.


Real Life is starting to give me 'Friendship is Optimal' vibes · 7:18pm Dec 18th, 2022

The following is a conversation I had with OpenAI's Chat GPT3.

Who is best pony?

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What. · 8:34pm Nov 17th, 2019

That's the non-mature feature box. What. The. Actual. Crap.

Edit: It's in the full feature box now too. Sonuvabitch, now I'm going to have to continue it because enough people like it and I know the pain of enjoying a story that the author gives up on.


Sleepless Update · 9:42am Mar 17th, 2019

Jeez, it's been a while hasn't it?

I found another wonderfully written story yesterday. It was a tragedy, so sad, it almost made me cry and almost tore off my heart strings. It's been stuck in my head all evening, I can't even fall asleep because of it. That's why I'm up at this time. That's the only problem with good stories, they are difficult to get out of your head. I don't suppose anyone knows how to do that?

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Institution of the Meek · 8:20pm Jan 26th, 2017

Abacus Cinch.
Clover the Clever.

You're probably wondering where I'm going with this. These are all characters I've written about who recently received tags. Masterweaver, in a characteristically crazy-awesome move, has created a group intended to celebrate them and all the other newly taggable ponies and pony-related beings, to give each of these new tags one hundred stories to its name by year's end. Thus, I have but one question:

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The Hat Man Reviews: Scribblefest Entries #3! · 7:18pm Mar 11th, 2016

No time like the present, so let's get right into more reviews of Scribblefest stories!

By the way, you can read my first two review posts here and here, respectively.

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Voyna Update: "Where the heck is Plagued you lazy arsehole?" Edition · 10:36am Apr 26th, 2016

Hey guys,

So you may have noticed a bit of a slowed pace for updates on Plagued by doubt; I know I sure have. And I already feel like an arsehole so you dont have to worry about that.

So the story goes about a month and a half ago, right after I started writing the next chapter, I scored a full time job. Which is good; has a lot of upsides, but then it also has this one big downside; that being that I have no time to myself anymore.

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Report Voyna · 378 views · #Plagued #slow #writer #job #life #is #a #little #rough #right #now

My entire browser keeps crashing. · 5:35pm Jul 22nd, 2015

...and Doc Scratch isn't having any luck with this either.

Any one have any ideas how to jumpstart my browser speed? This is debilitating.


So what's the hold up? · 12:08pm Nov 13th, 2020

So it's been a while and Thanksgiving is soon approaching us (at least, in the United States), so the reflection of what one has is often on the minds of many. I'm thankful for my followers and their patients with my lack of new chapters for Final Filly Fantasy. As a way to express this gratitude, I'm posting the beginning part of what I have for CH.4 after the break. If you want to know the reason for my lack of progress into developing this story, then continue reading.

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Work · 10:09am Jul 9th, 2020

Me: I think I should write this next chapter in Olde English cause Luna
My Editors: No that's a Terrible Idea


The Flames of War Cover Art Progress · 5:56am Dec 2nd, 2016

I'm working on the Cover art for The Flames of War while I work on the story itself. I will not release the actual story until I finish the cover art however.
To do this I'm creating vectors of numorous charachters in the book and compiling them together to make one big picture.
Here is the first one. How's it look? :raritywink:


A Bunch of Micro Excerpts of Things I'm Working On · 5:09am Aug 16th, 2016

Queue the "we haven't done this in a while..."

Actually, I'm just getting a little tired of spamming blogs about Alicorn Switcheroo. Let's talk about stuff that isn't complete, but coming soon:

My Little Dynamite: Book Two(Priority: HIGH)

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Story Progress- and I guess venting about stuff · 6:00am Mar 27th, 2019

Going slow. 4300 words in the chapter that seems really really low key takes some time.

Also work is really eating into my free time and I am having a hard time adjusting.

Definitely down about that. Can't believe how nervous I am about being a cashier.

I don't know how I feel about my work ambitions and dreams being hampered by my disability but it's a real bummer.

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Change of plans! · 2:57am Jul 16th, 2023

Hi, uhm, change of plans from my last post. (Agesss ago!) I'm re-doing the story I posted on my old account, MelonPeach8, titled 'Survivor.' It's about an incident where Rainbow Dash, Fluttershy, Applejack, Rarity, and Pinkie Pie are called to the Dragon lands to solve a friendship problem, but only Rainbow Dash survives. The story will focus on the recovery of the others, specifically Twilight and Rainbow Dash, but also Starlight Glimmer, Trixie, Princess Celestia, Luna, and other friends &

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Some random things that grind my gears. · 7:58am Dec 10th, 2016

1. "Top 10" lists on websites where you have to click "next" and load every. single. fucking. list. item. separately. on. a. new. page.

2. People that drive slow in the fast lane. (They call it the passing lane in Europe which is more accurate for what the lane is intended for, passing slow cars, not cruising soccer moms.)

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NaNoWriMo Day 12 Results - Turtleton D. Turtledove · 5:33am Nov 13th, 2017

Words - 11,488 + 1,800 / 50,000
Days - 12 / 30
Average - 1,107 words a day (+63) [Required average - 1,667]
Pages - 22 + 3
Chapters - 3

Total Progress - 26.58% (+3.60%)

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Snails · 9:48pm May 16th, 2016

Man... I dont know if its just me or what but it seems that traffic around her has slowed... alot. Its probably just me. But that isnt the only thing that is slow, chapter 6 is progressing at snail speed at the moment.

Sigh, and my star wars fic is also tied still via ratings 2-2 weird. What was also weird is that my non-brony friend is reading my fics... does this mean anything? :rainbowhuh:

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Slow Fade · 2:57am Mar 4th, 2020

I left my husband today.

It felt like a long time coming. It's been a very hard day. We agreed to be friends, so I guess that's good. I'm just kind of trying to deal with this. It's hard, dealing with the death of a dreamscape you had for nearly nine years. I don't think I'm dealing with it very well, honestly. I'm just trying to get through it.

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Viewing 41 - 60 of 89 results