
Viewing 41 - 60 of 84 results

Few Stories in mind. · 6:01pm Aug 9th, 2017

I know I havent been posting any stories at all yet, let alone post any blogs yet either. I may not be a professional writer but I will point out i do some fanfic stories out of fun even if I am not that good at writing.

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I'm never playing anything but Varisians in Golarion Pathfinder games ever again. · 10:04pm Aug 29th, 2016

That's right. From here on out, Varisians all the way. If I want ability mods, I'll come up with some sort of mixed race idea, but Varisian will definitely be part of it. I even have one already.

Why, you ask?

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Blog and Story update · 6:13pm Mar 25th, 2017

As I also said in the description of the latest story, there is currently not much more I can upload here, so it might be rather silent for a while. Stories can still come, but more unexpectedly and sporadically.

However, I am glad that there are people here who enjoy what I write, and that is more than enough reason to stay.

And the Story I will potentially leave off with for a while is a role play themed one, where Pinkie Pie leads a session of Caverns 'n Creatures.


Anyone Wanna Play A D&D Style Game? · 7:09pm Nov 20th, 2016

Hello everyone! As the title states im looking for some people to play a D&D style game! Anyone want too?


Adventures in Equestria · 12:59am Mar 23rd, 2016

So because I'm bored... Who wants to do an mlp tabletop rpg? Everything will be done online and we shall be using the 'fate' system, which is very open ended and easy to learn.
Themes relating to clop, horror/grimdark, or even downright kinky shit are a possibility, but they will not be the primary focus of the plot. Those who are interested please send a private message or comment below.
Session times will be flexible depending on the schedule of the players.


Some News · 5:40pm Jun 24th, 2020

That was that vacation...


But! I'm back to work, and I've decided to divide my time better. I will write on my stories Friday to Sunday, and the rest of the week just plan out my chapters and relax. My day is pretty long, so I don't wanna hit burnout.

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Sparing Partner Wanted · 2:01pm Jun 23rd, 2020

As the title suggest I am looking for someone to spar with.

Basically it would be you and I throwing ideas out, try scenes, see what sticks and what doesn't.

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RPG Tips With Crimson #4: Different Game Master Styles. · 4:58pm Jul 10th, 2018

Over the past nine years that I’ve been playing and GMing various games I have noticed that there are various styles of game play. Anything from the power gamer to the method actor, but the one thing that I’ve noticed not very many people discuss is probably the one thing an entire game is built around; styles of Gamer Master. Players come and go, and can usually learn to work within other player styles. Yet we never discuss the different styles of Game Master, nor the types of players that

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Question of the Week #94 · 3:05am Feb 22nd, 2023

Hello everyone and welcome back to the question of the week.

Well, I had a really goofy idea. Not sure if it will actually happen or not, but I had this goofy idea, that might go into another blog type.

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school, request, and roleplay · 8:13pm Nov 11th, 2016

Hey. Listen...I'm gonna be in online classes for a while, so I won't be able to get as much work done on here. But when I do, i'll do my best to get a new chapter out for FiT, Digi-ponies(someone did some pics of it on DA, and now I'm inspired to continue it), Neighpon Tales)possibly) and After Dark Stories.Speaking of AFDS(After Dark Stories), I'm currently taking request for one shots and such. but only up to 3, maybe 4 slots at a time. Anyways, here's a list of fetishes I will and won't do.

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Setokaiva's Collection of Novelized RP Logs (On Request) · 5:47am Feb 10th, 2018

During my... kinkier, and sometimes darker moods, I do a variety of NSFW-related roleplaying with friends and randoms alike. All of them so far have been non MLP-related. Some of them could have come straight out of a hentai movie. But others, I've taken a softer and more delicate tone with. I have taken up the project of publishing the results of these RP's for people to see, and I'm currently up to 12 decent-length stories!

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First blog (might use for Youtube vlog!) · 3:03am Oct 18th, 2016

Hello, all you wonderful people out there! My name is Dyno8man, or you could just call me Rusty, Briar, Zen, or Dyno. Psst...I like to be called Zen the most...

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Sunset Shimmer pregnancy expansion Roleplay repost · 8:19pm Nov 3rd, 2023

Title explains it all, however I like to include a few things that should be said;
Almost every character in this RP should be 18+ as should any RP partners who wish to participate

What to expect in this RP: Belly Expansion, Breast Expansion, Butt/Hips/Thighs expansion, Pregnancy Cravings, Mood Swings, Emotional Distress, Morning Sickness, Stomach Noises, Ill fitting clothes, belly rubbing, Wholesome Relationships.

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Updates & Changing Gears · 12:07pm Apr 13th, 2023

I have been working on a chapter of Fine Steps featuring Diamond Dogs but, after trying to fit it together for months, I think it needs to be two separate chapters. While I re-engineer that, I've also been working on a follow-up chapter that features Somber Dreams (earlier chapters here and

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Pre-BABScon Volunteer Meeting Plotbunny Breeding Post · 6:25pm Aug 1st, 2015

BABScon is doing a volunteer meet-up today. Fool that I am, I'm attending; I'd like to be able to run tabletop games there and help out in the gaming room, including this Apoc World hack I'm doing that may be of interest to the target audience of MLP. The actual target audience, I mean, not us college-age johnny-come-lately's - I'm trying to do a kid's RPG, specifically a girl's adventure RPG, is what I'm saying.

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To Go along with that statement about Candy Land And D&D · 9:59pm Jan 19th, 2019

Here's the page where we see them actually playing Candy Land like a game of D&D

Now, anyone who wants to give it a shot, with or without me, I would love to hear about it all.


RPG Tips With Crimson #5: Guidelines on House Rules. · 6:55pm Jul 20th, 2018

You know what I feel like when someone introduces a new house rule for a game, doesn't tell me about it, and then penalizes me for breaking a rule I didn't know?

Seriously though, it's not a good thing so today I'm going to talk a little bit about guidelines on house rules.

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Reminiscing Gamer · 2:30pm Jan 20th, 2016

So, a friend of mine recently had a bad day and asked people to post good things about him or good memories with him. I contributed a pretty long post, since I had plenty of stories, and most of them were from games of various stripes, since we became friends in the first place mostly during a Shadowrun campaign. I thought I'd share what I posted here, if only as an amusing series of snapshots into the kind of things that happen over the course of a few years of gaming together. Plus, adding a

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MLP RPG RECRUITING! <New Players Welcome> · 3:34pm Jul 16th, 2018

HI! How are you doing? If the title doesn't give it away, I am looking for players for a My Little Pony themed tabletop rpg that will be recorded for my youtubes. It will be set in my AU that all my stories are also set in (So if you want to fuck up my entire lore, you know, go ahead.) and will be played using a heavily home-brewed version of the Blades in the Dark system. It will be played on Tabletop Simulator (A free copy will be provided if you do not already own the game) and will be made

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Introduction into the Logbook. · 4:08am Jun 17th, 2015

Viewing 41 - 60 of 84 results