
Viewing 501 - 520 of 527 results

Possible delay of "Letters to Cozy Glow" this week · 4:08pm Aug 9th, 2019

I'm pretty beat. The heat, rather strong headache, increased pulse, colors flashing in front of my eyes..... The new chapter might come only tomorrow because of that. I've started writing it, but I don't know if I can finish it today.
I'll tell you more once I know more.

Stay easy as a filly!

~ Fluttercheer


Chapter 13 of "Dreamwalker Dash" is due for release tomorrow! · 10:55pm Feb 24th, 2021

I have decided to move another "Dreamwalker Dash" chapter release to Thursday. I spent the better part of yesterday and Monday with digging into the most recent Generation 5 news and I have done as much as I could to try and finish the chapter today. But since it is getting late and I will be occupied with something else for the rest of the night, I will finish writing the chapter tomorrow.

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"Letters to Cozy Glow" and the Fate of Chapter 11 · 12:34pm Dec 20th, 2019

So, as you noticed (I feel I start way too many blog entries with "So" lately), "Letters to Cozy Glow" didn't get its update yesterday. That wasn't supposed to happen or planned like that. My Hearth's Warming Eve story for this year turns out as demanding enough that writing yesterday's chapter was sadly not possible.

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"Dreamwalker Dash" will update a little later again this week..... for better or worse. · 1:44am Apr 1st, 2021

This week is one when I have to throw in the towel for a Wednesday release again..... Yesterday, I had to go out and get fresh air to deal with some depression and I spent a lengthy amount of time trotting around outside, which got me quite tired because I have horrible fitness and that meant no writing yesterday, as I fell asleep pretty much right after returning.

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Next "Iron Horse" Chapter is Delayed · 3:01am Apr 15th, 2017

I'll get right to the point: I found out this morning that my grandfather passed away. He was 89 and on the wane, so it was sudden, but not totally unexpected. I'm holding up all right, but I'm making an emergency flight home to be with the family.

Between that, some work stuff I have to take care of, and all the other stuff involved with this sort of thing, there's no way I'll be able to finish this next Iron Horse chapter. It has been worked on, but it's not there yet.

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There won't be a new chapter for "Princess Flurry Heart, Destroyer of Worlds!" this week anymore (Post contains SPOILERS!) · 7:52pm Feb 12th, 2017

I'm making this quick. Unfortunately, worst has come to worst and there won't be a new chapter for "Princess Flurry Heart, Destroyer of Worlds!" this week anymore. Well, not everything that causes that is bad, but it partially is.
There are several reasons for this. One is finding back the drive to write and the discipline for daily writing after the stressful weeks that are behind me is hard. Another one is a spontaneous outbreak of depressions I suffer from currently.

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A Slight Delay · 10:00am Sep 29th, 2017

As you know, I promised a new chapter of "The Strange Case of Dinky Hooves' Cutie Mark Curiosity" for yesterday. Unfortunately, I had some trouble with my renter this week, which still affected me yesterday. So I needed to wind down from this and this made the binge-writing I had announced impossible yesterday.

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My return to writing had to be pushed back to next Thursday..... · 3:41pm Jul 5th, 2020

It seems that fandom drama is not healthy for the writing spirit. Especially not if said drama has been started by an extremist cult leader on Twitter and his followers and if it endangers one of the most important bastions in our fandom and causes an unspeakable amount of pony art to disappear forever.

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Chapter 4 of "The Strange Case of Dinky Hooves' Cutie Mark Curiosity" needs more work · 5:42am May 27th, 2017

Hello, dear followers and fans of "The Strange Case of Dinky Hooves' Cutie Mark Curiosity".

I am sorry about having to announce this, but I won't be able to release a new chapter today. I am writing at it, but as it currently looks like, there are a few problems with the execution and the chapter needs a bit more work, so I can't stick to my proposed schedule with Chapter 4.
But it's getting along and even though it takes a little longer, I will still release it.

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Back from Movie Land, but still in need of a bit of relaxation before I return to "Princess Flurry Heart, Destroyer of Worlds!" · 5:37pm Feb 25th, 2017

Basically what the title says. Just a quick heads up about my writing progress.
The first initial hype about the movie infos has died down now after two weeks and I slowly get back to writing.

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"Dreamwalker Dash" and the Corona Virus · 1:51am Jan 30th, 2020

I hate having to admit it, but it looks like our dear, infectious friend from China will cause a delay of Chapter 5. No, I'm not sick, don't worry. But, as the potential that this virus grows out of control completely rises and with no less than four confirmed cases in a neighboring country of my own (with about 80 other people these four had apparently contact with before they showed

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Some changes in my release schedule for this week, concerning "Letters to Cozy Glow" and "Dreamwalker Dash" · 12:34pm Apr 29th, 2019

Due to recent events, my release schedule will change a bit for this week. Instead of writing a new chapter for "Letters to Cozy Glow" and "Dreamwalker Dash", I will start a new project this week and will focus on that until Sunday.

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A Symphony of Threat and Terror: Chapter 9 of "Dreamwalker Dash" needs more work (Small preview below the page break) · 9:32pm Mar 23rd, 2020

Has it really been almost 28 days [Insert zombie virus joke here] already? Apologies for the silence last week. I was going to inform about the new delay earlier, but one of my teeth that currently gives me problems decided to haunt me with near sleep-depriving pain caused by an inflammed nerve at the worst of moments, so I was very busy dealing with that.

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The new chapter of "Letters to Cozy Glow" is almost here · 7:54am Feb 5th, 2021

Are you still awake? If you wait for the new chapter, don't go to sleep just yet, cause I am making the last finishing touches on the chapter right now. Something special will be in this chapter, to make it more authentic, and this kept me busy just long enough to slightly miss the usual release moment by a few hours.
Cozy Glow will be with you shortly.

Stay easy as a filly!

~ Fluttercheer


Why there wasn't a new chapter of "Princess Flurry Heart, Destroyer of Worlds!" last week + Anniversary of the official comics! · 2:03pm Feb 7th, 2017

As you probably noticed, there wasn't a new chapter for "Princess Flurry Heart, Destroyer of Worlds!" last week. There is a reason for that and I'm going to explain it now. I went over it in a blog entry explaining why I didn't update "Aunt Millie" for more than three weeks here already, but I give another rundown in this entry for everyone who doesn't read the other story.

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Prerogative Chapter 8: Intentions is Live! · 6:13pm Nov 20th, 2017

Phew. EQLA was awesome and exhausting in equal measure and it's not even completely over yet! But that doesn't mean you don't get your new chapter of Prerogative!

EHow Not To Use Your Royal Prerogative
After going to Coloratura's concert, Sunset gets both good news and bad news. Somepony stole her identity and is running around with her face. That's the good news.
Amber Spark · 67k words  ·  325  7 · 4.4k views

Share and enjoy!



"Dreamwalker Dash" will return next week (but you get a sneak peek on Chapter 5 today) · 10:45pm Feb 2nd, 2020

I guess you gotta admit your defeats when you can't avoid them. Unfortunately, I can't make good on my promise to still release a "Dreamwalker Dash" chapter this week..... The physical exhaustion in the middle of the week combined with pushing down hard to still deliver the next chapter of "Letters to Cozy Glow" this week, to have the new chapter of "A Storm on the Horizon of

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A little bit of news from the "Dreamwalker Dash" front · 10:30pm Feb 28th, 2021

I have picked up Chapter 13 of "Dreamwalker Dash" again today. My condition with writing it is strange at the moment. Writing it was a strain today and I pushed on as long as I could, but then the pressure got too strong and I had to stop. Somehow, this CGI announcement about Generation 5 has seriously messed me up at the moment. I forced myself to write today, but now I feel doing that was too soon.

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"Letters to Cozy Glow" is being worked on right now. · 4:24pm Jan 31st, 2020

It looks like what I talked about yesterday has affected "Letters to Cozy Glow" too now. I was about to start writing yesterday, when I passed out both from remaining tiredness of the previous day and new exhaustion from some more prepper buying that resulted in another heavy bag. With my basically non-existent fitness, that meant nothing good. I was just going to rest for an

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Silverstream's messages of Day 174 in the Dark Equestria are here! · 10:23pm Jan 5th, 2023

New messages by Silverstream have been released now. Sorry for the lack of releases yesterday. My sleep schedule got turned upside down when I didn't find much sleep on Monday night, which affected the Tuesday release and led to it that I had to miss yesterday's release. My sleep schedule is fixed now, though, and the releases continue normally again.

Stay easy as a filly!

~ Fluttercheer

Viewing 501 - 520 of 527 results