
Viewing 461 - 473 of 473 results

Existential Ficlet: The Eternal Return · 12:27am Oct 21st, 2019

Twilight Sparkle found herself in a strange place. It was of light and shape, but not of matter. Though she could not remember where she was or how she got here, the place seemed familiar and comforting.

Out of the mist, though, came a demon. A strange, misshapen beast. Twilight took a step back at its approach.

"Who are you?" She asked. "What's happening?"

The demon then leaned in close, a pained look on its face.

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Children of the Sun: New Chapter Out! · 5:54pm Jun 14th, 2023

Hello friends! It's been, uh... *checks watch* almost a year since I updated my beloved fic? Whoops!
The news with me (and my excuse) is that I graduated, finally! Got my BS degree! So now I've got more time to write. Thank you very much for your patience!

EChildren of the Sun
Our Goddess has told us we will finally reach the surface today, after nearly a thousand years' wait. As her Prophet, I will be the first to see the sun again. I can only hope Equestria is still up there.
Silent Whisper · 25k words  ·  232  5 · 2.3k views

Back from Movie Land · 1:03am Oct 31st, 2017

It has been a while..... But I have returned now. The last few weeks have been very exciting.
I have spent a total of ten days pretty much in cinema to watch the My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic Movie over and over again, a total number of eleven times (look at the counter on my userpage!).

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F/F/T3K19 1/20: Off script. · 4:27am Jan 21st, 2020

Our previous nonsense is dead and buried. Enjoy.

This time, we've got a double shot of script-format works. One tangentially relates to Cuphead, as our tangential nod to the Smash Direct that announced the eighth Fire Emblem character.* Enjoy that too.

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Out of the Finale Blues, back into Pony Writing: New Writing Plans, Old and Scrapped Writing Plans and Recent Developments · 12:51am Dec 2nd, 2019

I am back. A lot of you, especially my new followers I got in the last couple days (thank you for joining me here despite the inactivity!) are probably thinking I am dead and that I became a victim of the end of the show. That is not the case and I am now back and ready to tackle more writing than ever.

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Back to writing! ALSO GOOD ART! · 3:34pm Feb 24th, 2019

I've FINALLY got my new computer all set up and back from it's data transfer. Horse words should resume shortly. Enemy of Mine is certainly my top priority, writing-wise, and I've probably been set back by y'know, not having a computer. However, I might do a quick one shot or two to flex my writing powers, get used to the new keyboard, etc. Highly unlikely to be anything magnificent, but words are nice. Also, I would like to show off something potentially related to new stories.

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F/F/T3K15 9/22: Return to Mykan Ike. · 4:08am Sep 23rd, 2017

Our Project AFTER post-mortem is complete. Congrats on roping me into it personally.

This week is the next installment of a story from one of AFTER's most bitter rivals. "My Little Cardboard: WHAT Characters?" continues.


F/F/T3K15 4/22: Assemble and test your might. · 3:28pm Apr 23rd, 2019

Last week's generic edgelord stuff is finished. Enjoy, if that's possible.

This week's a twofer celebration: Tuesday's release of Mortal Kombat 11 and Friday's release of Avengers: Endgame. If you know me, you can probably guess which is more exciting to me. Either way, we're gonna crossover about it.


ask me things in the comments blease and thank you · 5:25pm Nov 30th, 2020

I am bored and my semester has been over a bit. While I've gotten quite a bit of writing done since then (most of it is unpublished) I'm still kind of distracted. My last two stories roped in a lot of new gremlins. Way more than I've gotten in a while. Also, getting to know the person behind the screen and pen name is something I am admittedly bad at doing. I figured doing another ask-me-anything blog would be a pretty rad thing. If any of y'all have suggestions for things I can blog

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F/F/T3K15 5/1: The end is near. · 6:25am May 2nd, 2019


[Announcement] "A Storm on the Horizon of the Arcane World" will return at the beginning of February! · 4:54am Jan 26th, 2021

After a long, forced break, "A Storm on the Horizon of the Arcane World" will return to updating soon, as mentioned here in my blog entry about my plans for the first half of 2021. Here are all the infos about the return for those who are still interested in the story:

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Lover of the Moon · 3:22pm Sep 29th, 2021

TLover of the Moon
It's been a thousand years since everypony disappeared, and I feel a change in the air. Some secrets aren't meant to be kept forever, and my beloved Princess's are no exception.
Silent Whisper · 5.1k words  ·  113  5 · 1.1k views

It's here! Now we've got both sides of the story. I plan to update one fic per week, alternating between the two. It's time to get excited! Note that both fics can be read on their own, but if you want the full story, you're more than welcome to read both as each chapter's released.

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(teaser #1) · 7:34pm Sep 16th, 2018

Viewing 461 - 473 of 473 results