
Viewing 21 - 40 of 154 results

Let's promise one thing · 2:39pm Nov 5th, 2020

No matter the outcome of the election, one thing I would like to ask is that we could all live in harmony regardless of differences of our opinions and viewpoints because that's what Friendship Is Magic is all about.

Hatred and chaos exists due to political unrest. Not only does this apply to USA, but also the world. What we need right now is love, open-mindedness, humility, and empathy. Please don't let there be another world war. We don't want history to repeat itself.

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um... Hey. · 9:30pm Aug 21st, 2015

So... I've been gone for a while. Sorry. School's been crazy, home's been crazy, yada yada yada. I just... needed to take a break. I'll try updating later, but for now, please accept my apology and some Pinkies.:pinkiesmile::pinkiesmile::pinkiehappy::pinkiehappy:Oh, one more thing. I recently started an ask blog on Tumblr, if you're into that kind of thing. Search "Ask Smiles" or "askcomedysketch", and check it out maybe. Again, sorry for being gone.


From the accidentally-working-on-completely-the-wrong-chapter department · 5:07pm May 29th, 2016

"If it would make it easier for these... allegators to do so, I will offer my public promise and assurance here and now that I will not, under any circumstances, accidentally throw them off the side of the Canterhorn and watch to see how far they bounce."


Update. · 1:30pm Apr 8th, 2021

Hey y'all. I'm here with another update.

I have not forgotten all of you, and I look forward to continuing my stories that you all enjoy so much.

I might have my Wi-Fi back by the beginning of May, so I will still be offline for now.

I am going to post a blog about updates as soon as my Wi-Fi is back, so you can keep a lookout for that.

I am currently working on both the current stories on hiatus as well as a new one, as well as proofing some stories for my good friend, Evan.

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Sad News and Some Updates. · 7:28pm Apr 28th, 2021

As you may know, I promised you all updates to Coronation of Compassion, but stuff happened that I will explain.

Firstly, as of posting the last update, I got super busy with work and music, so I didn't update as promised.
Secondly, my Uncle passed away yesterday... He is the second person in the span of a month that we lost to a heart attack, an underlying issue that is prominent in our family, so I am shocked to the core at the moment. I am still tryna process it.

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New Story Coming Next Week · 3:00am Oct 28th, 2022

My latest story has been taking more time than I think. In addition to the eye surgery I had gone through earlier this month, I've also been focusing on Halloween. The funny thing is that I usually have no problem thinking kinky around this month, but this year, I've been feeling a bit dry and been more in a mood to be terrorized than titillated (ironic isn't it that I'd experience this kind of Writer's Block, huh?). However, I feel like I'm making good progress on it and it's nearing

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Memes part 2 because fimfic is a bitch and it wont let me attach more pics · 8:38pm May 24th, 2021


slow slow slow · 4:28pm Jan 17th, 2022

So, I'm back to working. The winter storm a couple weeks ago had me without power for a week, and I've been slowly settling back in and getting angsty as this college semester approaches.

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Next Friday For Sure · 4:43am Nov 7th, 2022

I know. I know I've said this before, but it's coming along harder than I thought. My muse isn't flowing very well. However, I'm nearing the finishing line and I'm quite positive that if I focus, the story will be done within the next few days. Therefore, I'm making this final declaration. My new story will be out this Friday, no matter what. I promise.

I just hope that everyone enjoys it.


Mother AMA · 2:23am Jan 18th, 2016

Feel free to ask anything of
Princess Celestia
You can also ask any of the others but know those may contain spoilers to later chaps.
So... Go ahead! Ask away!


Why "Friends and Fairy Tales" is on Hiatus. · 9:49pm Jul 15th, 2016

Dear Bronies and Pegasisters,

Now before you panic over the status of this story, at least let me explain why I've put this on Hiatus again.

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It’s done · 9:00am Sep 18th, 2018

Meddling with fates is back on the menu as of a hour ago. And I have some plans for it going forward. Meddling with fates will come out on a less consistent basis than 40 years due to the sheer difference in time they require. (I can get a chapter of 40 years done in about a week usually. Even less if everything flows right. Compared to the two to three week requirement for Meddling) however do not fret. I will do my best to have fairly consistent updates for both stories. Meddling with fates

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Comic? Maybe?? · 4:20pm Nov 2nd, 2020

So, I just finished drafting the first chapter of what would potentially be a Race Relations comic? I like how it looks so far? I might digitize it and make it a thing? I don’t have any idea where I would publish it tho? Maybe Derpibooru?? Or something??

Also, I’m up-speaking because I may or may not actually finish this? It’s just something I’m kinda feeling right now? So, yeah? Would anyone even care? Does anyone care? Does it matter? No?!?

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Regarding Some Of My Story Ideas · 8:52am Aug 7th, 2023

Not all stories ever will be one thousand words long or worth exhausting myself to do. Henceforth, some are published, or will be in my new collection booklet Shorts, As I Write Them.


"Promise Reprise" - Silent Hill 2 (Piano) · 6:55am Mar 8th, 2018


Hey! ;3 · 11:03pm Nov 6th, 2015

The Crystals story has cover art now!
Trust me, I am working on this.
And Smiles' Marvelous Adventure too.:pinkiesmile:
Thanks for being patient!:heart:


Welp, here we go again. · 4:16pm May 14th, 2018

Yeah, I published another story today. I don't regret it.

Though, I do understand the concerns that I will abandon some stories, or possibly all of them.

Rest assured, that will NOT HAPPEN. As long as I publish and update stories, I will write for each and every one of them, until they are completed.

That is my promise.


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I have to tell you something... · 4:04am Jul 10th, 2017

Prepare for confusion and anger and sadness and some mixture of these emotions... plus some others. Read on below the break.

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I'm not dead · 1:03am Feb 7th, 2017

I'm not dead, fam. Promise. Look for more stories within the next few weeks.


A Short Story to Keep My Promise · 3:48am Feb 1st, 2017

Hey, I actually didn't break a promise for once!

Once again, not MLP-related, but hey, it's a new story, and it's now available to view on my AO3 account. (Story is NSFW, so I can't link it directly. It should be the story on top.)

I'll be posting more stuff on AO3 in February. Don't worry, I haven't given up on MLP, I just need to get caught up with the series so I can get back into the swing of things.

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Viewing 21 - 40 of 154 results