
Viewing 21 - 38 of 38 results

Vengeance is not ours... · 2:35am Jun 13th, 2017

Vengeance is God's. He will repay- whether ultimately on the Day of Judgement or intermediately in this life... He can discipline your abusive boss, soften your angry parent. He can bring your ex to his knees or her senses. Forgiveness doesn't diminish justice; it just entrusts it to God. He guarantees the right retribution. We give too much or too little. But the God of justice has the precise prescription. (You'll get through this, by Max Lucado, chapter 11, pg.

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Be wary of idols · 5:31am Feb 12th, 2018

By idols, I'm not simply talking about religious statues and objects, those those definitely count. I'm talking about anything that takes your focus off God and His goodness. Anything can technically become an idol; video gaming, sports, food and drink (including but not limited to alcohol), and hobbies, among other things, all count. This isn't to say that one cannot do these things (gaming, hobbies, etc.); it is to say that we should put God as more important than them, and to be willing to

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The so-called "God of the gaps" argument and why it is flawed · 3:57pm Sep 17th, 2016

I've been running into this theme lately in the Christian Bronies group (which, despite it's name, allows nonbelievers, including anti-theists, to not only voice their opinions - usually to the detriment of the conversation over all and spreading hostility - but also gives them positions as admins); whenever I, and presumably others, try to promote scientific clues that point to God, someone then comes and accuses us of using this supposed argument while either not countering we offer as proof

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The Ten Commandments, and the reasons they exist (and the opinions of great thinkers) · 3:25am Sep 21st, 2016


Do we matter? An answer... · 3:35am Feb 22nd, 2017


The increase of secularism and why it's bad · 10:43pm Apr 8th, 2016

There have been a lot of court cases over the past couple of decades, as well as run-ins and incidents in schools, that concern the fact that, everywhere, religion is being made to "be quiet" in public. People are charged with discrimination in court just because they, being private business owners, refuse to make cakes or other baked goods for... festivities that they cannot conscientiously approve of, even though they referred the customer(s) to another store that would sell to them

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On the Resurrection of Jesus Christ · 12:04am Jul 4th, 2017

Men of Israel, hear these words: Jesus of Nazareth, a Man attested by God to you by miracles, wonders, and signs which God did through Him in your midst, as you yourselves also know - Him, being delivered by the determined purpose and foreknowledge of God, you have taken by lawless hands, have crucified, and put to death; whom God raised up, having loosed the pains of death, because it was not possible that He should be held by it (Acts 2:22-24 NKJV)

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Dealing with "difficult" people · 8:10pm Jan 24th, 2018

All of us either know someone who is written off as impossible to love, or has seen one in the media. People who act hatefully and in the most infuriating ways and who do evil as a matter of course. I'm speaking of people of the kind of character that really makes others want to hate them, like Tirek from MLP, Mr. Burns from the Simpsons, Megatron from Transformers, and others.

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Contradiction(s) between Mormonism (LDS) and the Bible · 8:26pm Jun 27th, 2018

Saw this yesterday, and it seems to me like there are quite a few differences, even if you don't watch this person's other two videos (which go into even greater detail over the differences between Biblical Christianity and the Mormon teachings), the biggest being the LDS idea that there are multiple gods, and that people can become gods, vs the Bible's stand that there is ONE God, and NO other.


Causes that need help · 2:54am Jul 14th, 2017


Concerning the innappropriate content of some art and stories... · 10:48pm Mar 12th, 2016

Sadly, we are all vulnerable and suffer through difficulties. The world isn't always such a nice place to live. Temptation is behind almost every corner, and the world expects us to remain silent when a "small" wrong is done or when we are told to compromise our beliefs.

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This is why I'm not in favor of a two state solution in the Holy Land... · 9:56pm Aug 5th, 2017

On the night of March 11, 2001, Palestinian terrorists entered the home of Ehud and Ruth Fogel and their six children in Itamar,

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Gratitude · 6:33pm Nov 22nd, 2017

Gratitude. A word you don't really hear much anymore. In this day and age people tend to think more of their rights and supposed entitlements, and I'm sadly not an exception. We desire and want more and more. It's difficult to stop and be grateful for the things we have, as opposed to being annoyed about what we don't.

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A call to those suffering depression and suicidal thoughts · 12:13am Jan 29th, 2017

Depression is one of the many terrible conditions people suffer under in this world. It might be brought on by traumatic events, by grief and loss, perhaps even extended periods of boredom. It is a spiraling, downward path that tries to suck people into the black hole of oblivion, either by rendering them broken and useless, or convincing them to end, or attempt to end, their existence.

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Natural-born talents and gifts · 9:23pm Mar 13th, 2017

God has given gifts to all His children; everyone is born with a passion for something, be it art, sports, cooking, reading, compassion, science, computers, organization, writing, et cetera. Everyone has hobbies and skills that they are good at. Everyone has stuff that they love to do, things that they can do well.

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Eternal salvation · 3:25pm May 14th, 2017

God did not leave us without a Hope of salvation. That Hope is Jesus Christ. All who believe in Him are saved. He turns away no one who turns to Him; "All that the Father gives Me will come to Me, and the one who comes to Me I will by no means cast out. (John 6:37).

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Concerning homosexuality · 3:27am Aug 1st, 2016

Note; this is not a hate thread. Quite the opposite. Hateful comments WILL be deleted. You've been warned.

Now, onto the topic at hand;

From here;

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Regarding the concept of so called "evolution." · 7:12pm Feb 21st, 2016

This website was created by a scientist or scientists with credible doctorates. They cannot be dismissed as frauds or idiots.

Evolution requires miracles as much as Christianity does to be true, e.g. the rise of living matter from dead, non-living matter. Of course, the naturalistic tendencies of evolution denies miracles, and, in so doing, helps deny itself.

Viewing 21 - 38 of 38 results