
Viewing 21 - 40 of 117 results

Entry #4- The Cores of the Mane Six · 5:48pm Jan 25th, 2016

As I read and watch stories about the Mane Six, I notice some portrayals of them seen truer to me than others. It makes me wonder- what are some general reoccurring traits I’ve noticed each of the mares have that seems closest to who they are?

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The Plan Moving Forward · 10:02pm Oct 17th, 2019

So, I think from now on I'm gonna start giving myself some concrete deadlines. Beginning with the most recent chapter of The Pros and Cons of Working Over Time (Wednesday, October 16th), I'm giving myself a 2 week deadline, so at least by every other Wednesday people can expect a new chapter from me. What I mean by this is not that I'm always going to post a chapter on those days specifically, I may end up posting a chapter or two within those 2 weeks, just that I'm setting up a rule that I

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Your Future · 10:43am Feb 18th, 2016

You can't buy this intangible thing.

It's the future, what're you going to do?

Talk about it? Act like it's not there and wait for it to come to you? Do you think you have the time to do that?

Grasp it! Take it down like you're in the desert and it's the water you've craved to slake your thirst.

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Motivation · 11:09pm May 15th, 2017

How do you guys do it? how do you motivate yourselves to keep writing?

I'm trying to do it right now, I'm telling myself that I can't do any of the things I enjoy doing until I get some writing done, but I've tried doing this before and it inevitably failed, and I went right back into my not-writing coma.

I'm looking for advice in how to become more productive, and if I want that to change than the first thing I have to change is myself, my habits, my writing, etc

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On Videogames and motivation · 3:24am May 6th, 2019

I'm reaching a tipping point with these videogames. I quite enjoy them, yes, and there is a massive disparity between the multitudes of games to play and the time available to play them. That's nothing new though; always has been, always will be.

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A little pick me up for everyone out there. · 6:37pm Jun 6th, 2015

I've made a bunch of study cards with tips/phrases/quotes I've picked up over the past year. I used to read a few every morning as a pick me up and for a boost of motivation. I should really get back into the habit of reading these again.

Here are a few of my favorites.

"We are what we repeatedly do. Excellence, then, is not an act but a habit." -Aristotle

"How wonderful it is that nobody need wait a single moment before starting to improve the world." -Anne Frank

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Possible Update / Boredom Post · 2:40am Aug 13th, 2015

Right so, exercising my privilege to post whatever in a timely fashion /or not, I have an update.

My current work in process, Impurities has two more planned chapters until it is complete. That puts it at a even number of 40 chapters. Chapter 39 is in the works, however the time frame for that is steadily growing longer everyday.

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Still on my break · 5:06pm Apr 19th, 2018

The title kinda says it all. I'm still on my break and I'm not writing anything. I'm on a quest to improve my life and keep myself healthy. Summer is coming and I'm not planning to spend it on my computer. Hopefully, this will give me energy and motivation to continue my stories in the near future.


Feel like a blazing furnace inside and out · 5:04pm May 27th, 2016

It's hot, blazing and makes me feel more lazy by the overheat. Plus no AC, since I do not know why we threw out our old one. Though the only reason from my parent is that it was old which game me a 'wtf' expression knowing that is the only AC we have. Note: it still works and everything, but the logic was that it's old. I would have continue to store the bloody thing.

How I feel about the heat:

What I should do:

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Legacy: Inspiration and Motivation · 1:42am Nov 4th, 2019

So, I've decided to try something new. Much like Bassdrops and Bowstrings is inspired and motivated by a collection of fandom pieces, I tend to weave music into the themes of my stories greatly. Sometimes it's after the fact that I hear a song that fits a story and use it as future inspiration. Other times, I find the song first and the story comes after.

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Awesome speech from my favorite reactor. · 1:16am May 8th, 2019

Earlier this evening, I was watching Applegeek's reaction to "The Beginning of the End", and in the commentary section, he said something that really something that really stuck out to me...and I hope it strikes a chord with you as well.

For convenience, I've quoted it here.

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Motivation and Chapter Progress · 6:48am Nov 14th, 2022

So, I've been working on this chapter I'm currently on, the one I promised would have more apple shenanigans, off and on all year. I know what I want to do with it, but with how this year has gone and how my mind has been, it's been an unintentional slog. I just haven't been as motivated as I'd like to be to finish it.

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Self-Motivational Update, Because I Need One · 5:45pm Aug 27th, 2019

In spite of being at planning conferences and training seminars spanning the entire western U.S. coast and Hawaii, plus underways aboard ships in my squadron for inspections all this and next month: stuff is happening. Despite a long-range schedule that has me in month-long exercises through most of this autumn, all of winter, and into half of next year: things will be happening. Need proof?

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A Life Motivated By Fear · 5:06pm Jan 11th, 2016

I recently (less than an hour ago) realized that not only is my motivator fear, but everything I do in life falls into two categories.
1. Things I am afraid not to do
2. Things I do to distract me from that fear

It makes me wonder how many people live life like this, and how to fix it.


Freudian Excuse Is No Excuse · 4:40pm Aug 16th, 2021

In my opinion, backstory and motivation should only explain why antagonists are what they are, not excuse them.

You shouldn't have an antagonist get off scot-free just because they've had a tragic backstory or good intentions. They need to put in the work and realize that what they did can't just be brushed off.

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Appreciation. · 1:20am Jul 7th, 2015

I am worried this will sound like I'm writing a rant, or a blog, but I'm going to try my best and be as honest as I can.

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A shot to the gut. Criticism... · 2:00pm Apr 15th, 2020

Criticism... if ever there was something an artist can receive to knock them down or build them up, it's the opinion of others. And... well... I got a good dose of it today.

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Tired brain poem · 6:06pm Sep 18th, 2018

Candies in the skies,
woolen and plushy
from where the birds trampoline
and eat Fluttershys frogs.


All I Ask of My Self Before This Fandom Dies [A Gift to My Followers] · 11:29am Dec 25th, 2015

is to write 3 great stories.

2 will be in 5,000 to 20,000 word range. I know what they are and what they will be about. I just need to actually start writing them.
And an epic of at least 50,000 words, because I feel that will show that I can actually write a book.

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Well, here goes everything/nothing. · 7:05am Oct 10th, 2018

Remember this blogpost?

It's getting close to a year since we've last talked. My only mode of contact left is via Facebook Messenger, and that's only because I've never used it until now.

Tonight, I have just sent a formal, true-to-the-heart apology to a friend that I deeply hurt last year. I know that there's a good chance that we may never reconcile, but I just hope that he will at least accept the apology.

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Viewing 21 - 40 of 117 results