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Jade Dawn

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Awesome speech from my favorite reactor. · 1:16am May 8th, 2019

Earlier this evening, I was watching Applegeek's reaction to "The Beginning of the End", and in the commentary section, he said something that really something that really stuck out to me...and I hope it strikes a chord with you as well.

For convenience, I've quoted it here.

"Change happens to all of us, it's inevitable, we don't know what kind of changes we'll face when the show finally ends, we don't know for certain if the fandom will survive, or if it does what it will look like.

There's a very good chance we'll look quite a bit different than it does today, just as the fandom today looks different than it did even just a few years ago.

This seems bad to many because of the fear of the unknown, but it's really only bad if we allow it to be.

While the show may have been the catalyst the show didn't make the fandom, the fans did, we are the ones who took the lessons of this show to heart and joined together to celebrate friendship, we are the ones who have inspired so many others to go and do the same.

This premiere was titled "The Beginning of the End", I think the finale should be titled "The End of the Beginning," because that's what this is, this is just the end of one chapter
of a much bigger book, whether or not that book turns a page and continues being written is entirely up to us.

Discord told the main six that they don't need him and (that) they don't need the other princesses because all it really matters is that they're together willing to give everything they have to protect their own.

Likewise, we don't really need the show to continue because it lives on in us, in our hearts, kindness, honesty, generosity, loyalty, laughter, and the very magic of friendship itself.

We ourselves having witnessed and taken to heart the lessons of this show have become the bearers of these elements in real life, when faced with a lie we will be reminded by Applejack to be honest, when tempted to be selfish we will remember Rarity's generosity, when a friend is in trouble we would be loyal and stand with them like Rainbow Dash would, when somebody's being mean we will overwhelm them with Fluttershy's kindness, when somebody's feeling down we will share Pinkie's laughter to brighten their day, and when somebody feels like they are completely alone and worthless, we will remember all the trials that Twilight faced and tell them that they are not alone, but (that) they have friends willing to stand by their side, that they are special and important to this world in ways that they cannot possibly imagine.

This is our legacy, it only dies if we allow it to."

Applegeek has always been my favorite MLP reactor because of his awesome and often hilarious reactions. But this...this absolutely cemented it for me. Honestly, this guy could be the poster boy for the best of the fandom.

But that's just my thoughts. Have a great rest of the day. :)

Comments ( 7 )

Wow, that is an amazing speech and I agree with it one hundred percent.

Well, dang. That's...heavy stuff. He seems like the kind of guy Hasbro would take in for a guest star someday.

And G5 is probably going to be as good, if not better than, this one. Isn't it meant to be aimed towards teenagers? I have hope for the fandom. Except for when I see alicorn OC stories.


He seems like the kind of guy Hasbro would take in for a guest star someday.

Yeah, Applegeek is great.

And G5 is probably going to be as good, if not better than, this one.

Well, we'll see. At best, it'll be like the debates about whether Star Trek: The Next Generation is better than Star Trek: The Original Series; both are good, but people are split on which one is better (I'm a Kirk-era fan myself). I'm trying to remain hopeful for G5 (and also praying that it's set in the same universe and world-building lore of G4), but I honestly can't say anything until we start seeing it.

I will say this, though: I really, really hope they don't make it a CGI animated show. We have far too many of those these days. Part of what makes MLP special is that it tries to resemble traditional animation. And I think it looks so much better than CGI cartoons.

Isn't it meant to be aimed towards teenagers?

Yeah, I thought I heard something about it being geared for older audiences.

I have hope for the fandom. Except for when I see alicorn OC stories.

You mean like this one? :derpytongue2:

I don't want to know about season 9 because I haven't seen it yet.

:pinkiesad2:This is *sniffles slightly*...total awesomeness.

Thank you for showing me and everyone here this post. It truly made my day, and it inspires me that no matter what, my heart as a brony will live on.

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