
Viewing 21 - 40 of 50 results

A new journey! · 8:20pm April 7th

To whom it may concern,

With this being my first blog, I wanted to set some goals for myself for what I plan to do in this site and introduce myself:

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First blog post, and progress on Rick's Mission to Equestria. · 11:38pm Feb 3rd, 2017

Figured I'd get a message out to my few followers. I'm still working on that story, but I've had a F*CKING huge bout of writers block and am currently colleging. I can't find time between work and procrastination to try to clear writers block, but I'm working on it. I have two more chapters written for Rick's mission to Equestria, but they're shite. I'm also thinking of figuring out a way to describe what Rick actually looks like. I don't want to put it here, but I want to put it in the story,

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Hi · 6:27am Sep 21st, 2017

Hi Everyone,

As some of you may have noticed, I have taken down Seline and Sol. I took it down because I wasn't happy with it. But I will be republishing it once I am happy with it and I am planning to have someone help me editing it in the near future.

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My Little Blog · 3:19pm Jan 22nd, 2016

I'm a bit new to this site and still unsure how to go about adding pics, adding stories to my own favorites, etc but I'm sure of one thing. The people on here are all very friendly and welcoming.

A little info about me:

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A few fic recommendations · 8:06am Aug 2nd, 2015

First off, hi to anyone who's following me. Dunno why you'd do such a silly thing, I'm not that interesting. :derpytongue2:

Anyway! I've been hanging around this website for about a year and I've read quite a few good stories(as I very well should), but I've also noticed a few that deserve more attention than they got. I'll share a couple of them here:

(All of these do admittedly have Sex as one of the tags, but all things considered it really isn't too heavy)

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First blog · 7:34pm Sep 24th, 2017

I feel bad for not writing anything on here when everyone else already has... so here's my first blog post.
Also, totally check out my new story The Other Side. My writing isn't the best, but I'm trying, and I have greats things planned for it. Stay tuned!


Hello, World! · 3:34pm Mar 20th, 2020

I'm new to FIMFiction (in the sense that I just got an account), so for the first day I couldn't post a blog. But now I can. I'm RandomGuy101, and barely anypony knows of my existence! I hope that any stories I post will be entertaining for all. In fact, here's a teaser for a story idea I have:

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Hi I'm FireRose! · 7:04pm Oct 17th, 2017

So you've stumbled upon my page, well I welcome you and happen to be here as well to tell you one thing. I have a story in the works! its a Tempest X Twilight shipfic! I am soo excited to share this with you all and hope you Enjoy it when i post it!


Marry Christmas! · 6:02am Dec 24th, 2020


My First Blog · 6:57am Sep 13th, 2016

Wow........ My First Blog In 4 Years...... It's funny really. I got on this site because I got curious. TBH.... I never knew why the show was so great, and I won't lie. I used to be those guys that was like, "Why are they watching this?". So, I watched the first season, just to see what's what, and was surprised. It was really cool. If you could get over that "It's a girl show", it's pretty good. I watch the show like all other cartoons "NORMAL". Like they say, "Don't knock it 'till you try it."


Update (10/13/2020) · 3:00am Oct 14th, 2020

Hello all!

This is my first blog, so I want to start it with a bang that even Trixie would have to tip her hat to.

If you have seen the latest chapter from Product of Friendship, I will begin each chapter with a bio-list of all the relevant characters. My other story, New Moon, will also receive treatment to provide a clearer image of who's who in the story.

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The end of Dawn of The Ice King. · 12:51pm Sep 5th, 2015

Scared you didn't I? No its not ending any time soon, but I do have the last chapter to the entire story worked out in my head and I was wondering if you all would be privy to having me type it up so you could read it early? All I need is a simple yes or no, unless you want to give a reason or so feel free. Honestly, I'll probably write it anyway so this is more of a 'Do you want to read it early?' type scenario.


First Blog and Anniversary · 4:32pm Jan 7th, 2022

Never made a blog on this site in years, but what better way than to make about an anniversary? This is going to be a little bit of a mess since emotions are running on high. So fair warning I guess?

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Back on FiMfiction! · 10:51am Sep 20th, 2016

SO. I know no one is following me to read this, but, it's more for the future readers anyway!

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Horse Tales Act 1 officially starting to write chapters. · 1:13pm Mar 10th, 2016

Hello all.

My name is CydiePonie and we need authors for the game and fan-fiction of Horse Tales. I've made a group about it. ^^
As explained, the writing of this fan-fiction is what will happen in the game as like an imagery of events that the game took place.

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First blog (might use for Youtube vlog!) · 3:03am Oct 18th, 2016

Hello, all you wonderful people out there! My name is Dyno8man, or you could just call me Rusty, Briar, Zen, or Dyno. Psst...I like to be called Zen the most...

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My uncle · 4:38pm Apr 8th, 2021

So it turns out, I have a great uncle who served in the Vietnam war. From what my grandad has told me he was probably a green beret or ranger, I'm not sure because of the lack of information on him. He, unfortunately, died 27 years ago due to agent orange poisoning but this is a surprising discovery.


To those who actually follow me, · 10:34pm Oct 5th, 2017

Just wanted to let you all know that I have finished outlining a big project! A fic I've been developing for awhile has been ironed out and I look forward to starting writing very soon!

This fic I've been working on is an alternate universe humanized Equestria and I am super excited to work on it. It's heavily high fantasy in its genre and it entails a very long journey with many interesting twists and turns! Plus romance!!

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My First Blog · 3:33pm Aug 27th, 2016

Okay, so this is my first blog. Of course, I don't expect many views considering I'm brand new and don't have a lot of popularity. :twilightsheepish:

But, I'd like to let you all know I will be updating my blog now! So, yay. :yay:


I'M BACK · 7:17pm Aug 30th, 2015

hello to my practically nonexistent followers (except for Miranda and Fluffysam. you guys actually talk to me :heart:)
i havent been on fimfiction in FOREEEEVEEERRRRRRRR so im just saying hi for now :twilightsmile:
i'm probably going to attempt to write another fanfic, human AU, but dont hold me accountable :trollestia:
so sorry if you guys thought i was dead, but I was very alive and very much watching lots of netflix this summer
but yeah

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Viewing 21 - 40 of 50 results