
Viewing 21 - 40 of 59 results

The chronicles of Project Horizon : chapter 21 · 2:52pm Nov 12th, 2018

I think it's time for me to give some compliments to Project Horizons since, while it has a fuck load of issues, sometimes chapters like this one can actually give some lovely moments that usually are counter-balanced by stupid and idiotic decisions but here let us talk a bit about the good and the usual bad.

Let's go !

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The chronicles of Project Horizons : chapter 10 · 1:08am Nov 1st, 2018

I finally reached the double digit ! And so I sail throught the sea of what people consider to be a fixed version of Fallout:Equestria who shares so many issues with the original while fixing some of them that I can't help but feel there is an irony regarding that expression that people didn't notice at first. However, enough padding this blogpost (there is a subtle joke), let's get on with the story.

Let's go.

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The chronicles of Project Horizons : chapter 48 & 49 · 12:03am Dec 8th, 2018

Why two chapters today again ? Because I feel like it and also because I'm reading a bit faster as of late and that these chapters do not have much things for me to talk about that in depth about. I find those chapters incredibly dull despite the action-packed nature of them and I could really do without some of the usual tiresome tropes. I think I grew dull to most thing in PH and since Project Eternity doesn't interest me, I do feel a bit... bored, I do admit.

Let's go !

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The chronicles of Project Horizons : chapter 35 & 36 · 5:06pm Nov 26th, 2018

I don't know how to summarize my thoughts regarding those two chapters. Do they have bad elements ? Most certainly. Do they have stupid elements that pissed me off to no ends ? Of course. Do they have some scenes that made me smile genuinely ? Few and far between but yes, they were there. It is a complicated thing but you'll see that, as per usual, the goods are swarmed by the bads and I honestly wish that it wouldn't be so.

Let's go !

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The chronicles of Project Horizons : chapter 20 · 2:12pm Nov 11th, 2018

The story seems to have went back on tracks after a long and unneeded detour but what we are learning in this chapter is something that either barely makes sense or in the contrary, seems convoluted. Extremely so. However, I think my biggest issue might come from the characterisation of Edge McEdgy whom I think is simply poorly handled.

Let's go !

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The chronicles of Project Horizons : chapter 45 · 1:11pm Dec 5th, 2018

A middle of the road chapter, nothing much to say about it since it does seem to be more of a filler chapter. It does have moments of utter stupidity of course but I don't think that it's a bad chapter. Just not something I'll remember that much in the long run and so I'll try to focus on the things that are important.

Let's go !

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The chronicles of Project Horizons : chapter 41 & 42 · 7:56pm Dec 2nd, 2018

A double blogpost as per usual of Sundays for me but honestly I don't think I have that much to say about those chapters because they are not that interesting nor that problematic. Chapter 42 for example is an extremely long fight sequence with characters that couldn't be less forgettable if they tried and more glorification of BJ invincible nature. The only thing I'd say would be of note is the end of chapter 42 but it is clear what it is and I don't like it. The Evil Star God shouldn't have

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The chronicles of Project Horizons : chapter 23 & 24 · 3:34am Nov 15th, 2018

That's right folks, another double edition just for your pretty eyes and believe me, I have a lot to talk about these two chapters and I am quite... saddened. Saddened because, with chapter 22, I was hoping for Project Horizons to go towards something better than the "going around in circles" we had for the first 20 chapters. However, destiny decided otherwise since, well, more info were given to us. I'll try to explain why those are an issue at a fundamental level too.

Let's go !

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The chronicles of Project Horizons : chapter 46 & 47 · 1:46pm Dec 6th, 2018

I find myself in a strange situation where I have read two chapters but I don't think I have anything of substance to say because they almost solely were action-based. So let me change the format for this double BP and let us talk about a couple of things : "Why do PH fights bore me ?", "Why do I say that they are stakeless ?" and some little details coming from the chapters themselves in order to keep you up to speed with the recent developments.

Let's go !

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The chronicles of Project Horizons : chapter 27 & 28 · 3:02am Nov 19th, 2018

I felt like making a double blogpost today and seeing how my issue with those chapters are quite similar and if I didn't adress them in one bulk, I'd feel like I would repeat myself uselessly. Again, PH had the possibility to be really interesting and poignant but... it does a lot of bad. It tries so hard to make BJ invincible that no matter how much pain, wounds and even death sentences she has on her ass, it still seems like its only cosmetic. A pretty dress of pain and angst to make her

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The chronicles of Project Horizons : chapter 19 · 3:02pm Nov 10th, 2018

Chapter 19. I never thought I would be in a position where I would have to defend FO:E on principles because of how someone use it to further their scenario. It's poetic in a way but I'm not happy about it. When you write a fiction that works at the same time than the original, you need to respect what has been said factually : you can fill the gaps but I am really against a fiction just deciding to change facts for the sake of their narrative... and it doesn't even respect its own rules too.

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The chronicles of Project Horizons : chapter 7 · 12:31am Oct 29th, 2018

Chapter 7 is the very definition of "Beware of what you wish for". I wanted to see BlackJack react to her first kill, I admit it but the way it was delivered in this chapter is abysmal. Self-pity during the whole chapter that gives me flashback to LittlePip and an aggravating trope of self-pity fueling anger so much that it intimidates people... By god, it's contrived.

Let us elaborate.

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The chronicles of Project Horizons : chapter 12 · 1:12am Nov 3rd, 2018

What was that chapter ? I am completely struck by the sheer inconsistency of tone, character development, a visible video game influence in how the structure of the story is made and I cannot for the love of me try to make sense of the memory orb in this very chapter and ergo of all the fiction but to adress all these issues, I have to elaborate a bit so let us start.

Let's go.

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The chronicles of Project Horizons : chapter 43 & 44 · 3:37pm Dec 4th, 2018

This couple of chapters are... interesting to say the least. Interesting in the sense that, while I do not mind chapter 43 despite its dispensable nature, I absolutely am baffled by 44. The former gives an interesting look into the mind of Somber and Blackjack in the sense that it allows for me to make sure that he is aware of what people says about his hero (even if I regret that this chapter will ultimately lead nowhere). The latter however feels like... a X.5 chapter, in the sense that it

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The chronicles of Project Horizons : chapter 6 · 10:26pm Oct 27th, 2018

What is this ?! Two blogposts in a row ! Is it Christmas yet or did I just need to keep up with my laziness ? Nobody will ever know. This chapter is... something alright. Let's say that it was mostly fun but I really think the ending is one of the most conceptually botched that I have ever seen. Let's elaborate together because this is actually an interesting subject to talk about.

Let's go.

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The chronicles of Project Horizons : chapter 25 · 2:26pm Nov 16th, 2018

This chapter is interesting. While I have grown completely dull to the constant fights that Project Horizons have, I have to admit that, at the very least, we do continue to advance the story in meaningful ways and it is something that I need to point out as a big positive. No more meandering jog on a threadmill for now it seems. As for P-21 suicide attempt, I have conflicted feelings about it but I'll try to vocalize them.

Let's go !

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The chronicles of Project Horizons : Chapter 31 · 3:36pm Nov 22nd, 2018

I am embarrassed to talk about this chapter. Not because it is worse than the others but because Somber simply went too far with his reference. There's winking at the camera and there's throwing a satellite into it. This chapter is mostly empty since it is mainly a battle and nothing really happens in it. There are such things as too much senseless fighting.

Let's go !

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The chronicles of Project Horizons : Chapter 15 · 1:34pm Nov 6th, 2018

This chapter is both interesting and unfortunately suffers from the continuity of the audio recordings that we have been made to listen to which I think I need to adress in details now. As for the rest, I honestly think the fight against the hydra could have been better, it was less cool than the combat against the dragon but then again, I think Somber is starting to slowly run out of giant monsters because while it was grandiloquent, I just didn't feel any rush. Mainly because there was no way

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The chronicles of Project Horizons : chapter 22 · 3:25pm Nov 13th, 2018

Finally, the story is advancing ! Finally a real moment of intensity with stakes and even an actual dilemma that makes sense and isn't completely contrived ! Praise the Goddesses ! Sure, there are a lot of issues with this chapter as per usual but I will not lie that it actually does make the story advance and give some interesting challenges to the heroes. It is not perfect but damn does it makes the whole thing go somewhere for once.

Let's go !

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The chronicles of Project Horizons : chapter 8 · 11:55pm Oct 29th, 2018

Chapter 8 is quite the fun chapter and it even tried to prove me wrong about my previous claims that BJ would try to change herself only in the long run. It was nice to see an active decision on her part to try and make her trauma have a purpose. Let's try to keep up this effort and let me give praise where it is due.

Let's go.

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Viewing 21 - 40 of 59 results