
Viewing 21 - 40 of 50 results

Black History Month: People Who Changed the World #13 · 1:26am Feb 14th, 2018

Welcome to another installment in my Month-Long anthology which depicts specific African-American people who, in one way or another, changed the world. DISCLAIMER: The Title is misleading. I am actually going to be talking about a time honored tradition known as many different things in different cultures. Yet here in America it's known generally as Mardi Gras.


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Black History Month: People Who Changed the World #6 · 3:05am Feb 7th, 2018

Welcome to another installment in my Month-Long anthology which depicts specific African-American people who, in one way or another, changed the world. Today we will be highlighting a woman who's determination as an abolitionist helped over 700 slaves to freedom in the north. Ladies and Gentlemen, I present to you a Mrs. Harriet Tubman.

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Black History Month: People Who Changed the World #28 (Final Day) · 8:34pm Feb 28th, 2018

Welcome to the FINAL installment in my Month-Long anthology which depicts specific African-American people who, in one way or another, changed the world. Today's topic is actually the man we give credit for us celebrating this month anyways. Mr. Carter G. Woodson.

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Black History Month: People Who Changed the World #10 · 11:29pm Feb 10th, 2018

Welcome to another installment in my Month-Long anthology which depicts specific African-American people who, in one way or another, changed the world. Today's topic is Sojourner Truth.

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Black History Month: People Who Changed the World #22 · 2:57am Feb 23rd, 2018

Welcome to another installment in my Month-Long anthology which depicts specific African-American people who, in one way or another, changed the world. Today's topic is our former First Lady of the United States, Mrs. Michelle Obama.

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Black History Month: People Who Changed the World #27 · 2:55am Feb 28th, 2018

Welcome to another installment in my Month-Long anthology which depicts specific African-American people who, in one way or another, changed the world. Today's topic is Chris Rock.

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Africa A to Z Facts!: Day #8: "H" · 10:23pm Feb 8th, 2019

It continues my friends, let's get into our next letter:

H is for....Hyena!

*There are 4 species of Hyena (Spotted, Striped, Brown and the Aardwolf).
*Hyenas are very social creatures and live in groups called clans.
*Females tend to be larger than males. Because of this, clans are usually a matriarchy.
*While Hyenas tend to be carnivorous, Aardwolves are actually insectivorous (eats insects/bugs).

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Happy Pride Month! · 12:36am Sunday

Aight, first pride out of the trans closet. I should probably add some serious words. Maybe share my own experience coming out twice in my 30's, and overall try and reach people either on a similar situation, or open the space for each one to talk about their experience too.

But honestly, it's been a low energy day, so enjoy this meme and if you feel like sharing, I'm all ears:

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Africa A to Z Facts!: Day #12: "L" · 8:09pm Feb 12th, 2019

It continues my friends, let's get into our next letter:

L is for....Lion!
*Lions tend to live in family groups of between 10-20 called Prides.
*A female lion usually needs about 11lbs. (or 5kg) of meat daily. Males need 15lbs. (or 7kg) daily.

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Africa A to Z Facts!: Day #6: "F" · 7:32pm Feb 6th, 2019

It continues my friends, let's get into our next letter:

F is for...Fabric!
*Kente Cloth is thought to have come from the Ghana region and was commonly sold by the Fante people long ago.
*Kente Cloth is commonly colorful. Each color means something interesting. For example, Green cloths are commonly used for girls' puberty rituals.
*Kuba Cloth are usually in more earthy toned colors and would be used by the men of Zaire to weave into varying cloth products including rugs and clothing.

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Africa A to Z Facts!: Day #3: "C" · 6:29pm Feb 3rd, 2019

It continues! My friends, let's get into our next letter:

C is for...Cheetah!

*The Cheetah is the fastest land animal in the world (top running speeds being 60-70mph).
*Cheetahs weigh between 77-143lbs (that's lighter than a baby grand piano).
*Cheetahs are actually classified as a "vulnerable" species of conservation.
*Cheetahs may be wild animals, but they actually can be domesticated.

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Africa A to Z Facts!: Day #4: "D" · 10:04pm Feb 4th, 2019

It continues my friends! Let's get into our next letter:

D is for....Doll!

*Dolls can be from varying countries in Africa.
*In ancient times, dolls were used as spiritual aides, fertility aides as well as a common child's play thing.
*Depending on which country you're in, in Africa, odds are you've seen a doll with dark skins, and beads of some kind with a luxurious looking cloth upon it.

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Africa A to Z Facts!: Day #10: "J" · 6:27pm Feb 10th, 2019

It continues my friends, let's get into our next letter:

J is for....Jaguar!

*The Jaguar can be found in rainforests primarily in South Africa (larger range in South America).
*Jaguars are often mistaken for Leopards due to their spots. A Jaguar's spots are larger and more defined than that of a Leopards.

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Africa A to Z Facts!: Day #6: "G" · 8:55pm Feb 7th, 2019

It continues my friends, let's get into our next letter:

G is for.....Giraffe!

*The Giraffe is the tallest land mammal in the world. They can range between 13-20ft. tall by adulthood!
*A group of Giraffes is actually called a Tower (honestly didn't know this myself).
*Female Giraffes give birth standing up. A baby can be born head and front hooves first and survive a whopping '4ft. 11in.' fall from being born!

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Africa A to Z Facts!: Day #1: "A" · 7:50pm Feb 1st, 2019

That's right people! Just like last year, I did (more or less) 28 days of famous African-Americans facts for the month of February. This year is more on the continent of Africa itself (as I myself am apparently 46% East African descent...most likely from somewhere around Egypt). So to kick this month off right, let's learn our facts about Africa from A to Z!

A is for.....Africa!

*Africa is the only continent that reaches all 4 hemispheres.

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Africa A to Z Facts!: Day #2: “B” · 5:46pm Feb 2nd, 2019

It continues! My friends, let’s get into our next letter:

B is for...Baobab Fruit!:
*Baobab pulp is rich in antioxidents, Vitamin C, potassium, magnesium and iron.
*Adding Baobab to the diet may be linked to weight loss by promoting feelings of fullness.
*Fresh or Powdered Baobab adds a tasty flavor to many dishes.
*The Baobab is ONLY found in Africa.
*It’s also classified as a superfruit.

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Africa A to Z Facts!: Day #5: "E" · 9:56pm Feb 5th, 2019

It ain't stopping til the 28th people! It continues my friends, let's get into our next letter:

E is for.....Elephant!

*There are 3 species of Elephant (The African Forest, African Bush and Indian).
*Elephant Tusks are made of Ivory and are highly sought-after by poachers.
*The African Bush and Forest Elephants' ears are large and shaped like the continent of Africa (Whereas Indian Elephants' ears are smaller and shaped like India).

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Africa A to Z Facts!: Day #9: “I” · 8:30pm Feb 9th, 2019

It continues my friends, let’s get into our next letter:

I is for......Ivory (coast)!

*Ivory is essentially what makes up the tusks of mammals such as Elephants, Narwhals, Walruses, etc.
*While high in value, Ivory is definitely illegal to harvest/sell in many parts of the world.
*Most commonly Ivory is used for decoration. Small (or even large) trinkets made of pure Ivory are incredibly expensive (even a piano with Ivory keys is worth a decent price).

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Bonne nuit! · 12:53am Mar 14th, 2016


Bonne nuit! Mas chères Fimfiction · 3:05am Mar 4th, 2016

Bonne nuit, tout le monde! Je te vois dans la matinée!

(Translation: Goodnight everyone! See you in the morning!:pinkiehappy::heart:)

Viewing 21 - 40 of 50 results