
Viewing 21 - 40 of 88 results

The Week Ahead · 6:10pm Jun 7th, 2015

Hello, there everyone; it's me Fireflower once more with feeling and with a new announcement: for those who had been staying with me, I have been going on hiatus infrequently due to fighting battles at college, and by fighting, I mean struggling to keep my head above the water since the start of the new year. As much as the new year has happened to sound promising at first glance, it has left me with some trace of anxiety and suspicion; well, I gotten proven right on that end so let me

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Emotional Abuse.....Help · 10:43pm Feb 2nd, 2019

Hey everyone its me and well my latest wish....Is to DIE!!! Iv fianlyl found out I have been dealing with Emotional abuse all my life for 26 Years (that's how old I am now) and im at my limit. Just This week I Finally Tried to committee Suicide by Gnawing on my Wrist while Sitting in a Corner Silently Crying "Their IS NO Hope " I CAT TAKE THIS ANY MORE My Mother Is STRAGNLING ME AND WONT GIVE ME A LIFE MY GRANDFATHER IS JSUT IGNORING IT AND NOT DOING ANYTHIGN EVEN NOW JUST TODAY HE SAID IM JUST

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A call against child abuse · 6:31am Feb 23rd, 2019

Regardless of whether or not this post offends people, it needs to be said.

Pedophilia is evil and wrong. Regardless of one's orientation, it is wrong to expose children to abuse in order to fulfill a lustful appetite or, in fact, to any abuse at all. And that goes for priests and non-priests alike, and from the president or prime ministers of the most powerful nations on down to the poorest person living in the worst of conditions.

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I need to stop comparing myself to others. · 6:19am May 24th, 2016

Far too often I find myself very invigorated, and then I look at someone else's work. It get this twinge of gut wrench that slowly consumes me until I just lose all my motivation. It's an awful feeling and even though I'm aware of it—even though I know what's happening and why it's happening—I can't overcome it.

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The Problems of Alternate Universe Fanfiction · 7:36pm May 16th, 2017

Having spent some time on FiMFiction reviewing stories for several groups (Story Standards, Blunt Reviews, and Rage Reviews), I see a lot of tag abuse, mostly overuse of genre tags, conflicting genre tags, and so on. Tag cancer. But I have quickly come to realize that the most misused of the lot is very probably the "Alternate Universe" tag. Few other tags are abused to the extent this one is.

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Hands: The Stars Revolt! Part 3 · 5:58pm Nov 30th, 2019

Deep in the Everfree Forest, in the ancient ruins of the Castle of the Two Sisters... Twilight Sparkle has at last reached the Elements of Harmony with her plucky band of friends!

That's the good news. The bad news is...

Nightmare Moon: "Shadowbolts! Seek out and destroy Celestia's Apprentice!"

Shepherd: "WAIT! Wait, you don't have to do that!" *He got in front of her* "I promise you don't!"

Nightmare Moon: "She travels here even now to destroy me!"

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Signal Boost: FabulousDivaRarity · 1:59am Oct 30th, 2021

If you've followed FabulousDivaRarity's life story before, you probably know she managed to get away from an abusive home with help from bronies here on Fimfiction. Having done so, she's now currently in California staying with a friend and trying to find a job that she can hold down with schizophrenia. Recently her friend's dad decided to start charging her rent (against her friend's objections) and the cost is unfortunately

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I am one of the people who will break the cycle of corporal punishment · 9:28am Feb 22nd, 2020

I've experienced spanking as a child when I made mistakes. When my sister was in high school, she experienced being hit with a telephone by my mom for lying about who she was talking to. She told her she was talking to a female friend when in fact she was talking to her boyfriend.

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Woah.... · 8:50pm Oct 9th, 2016

So guys, I just want to say thank you very much for reading, reviewing and liking the story. As of right now, Tainted Colors at a 41-5 like to dislike ratio and, to me, I am very surprised. The story is in 106 bookshelves and has been in the popular box for three days in a row. I have to say, the responses I am getting with this story are some of the best I have seen.

Seriously guys, thank you so much! I didn't expect such a good turnout.

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I guess my feelings dont matter then · 8:53am May 27th, 2016

Yay ... another day at school, another excuse to cry.
So ... I suppose you want a LONG blog after about a million short ones.
So here we go. My day today

2 AM:
I'm pretty sure someone in the house is trying to kill me, I woke up this morning with my earphones tied around my neck as If I was being strangled. And yet I have no recollection of listening to music the night before. Got up, drank water, realised what time it was and sanely fired up my laptop.

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¡An anonymous creatarded admin banned onlyanorthernsong for defending reality against creationism! · 6:44am Aug 10th, 2015

So a creatarded admin banned onlyanorthernsong. ¡Oh hey creatard, I challenge you to show yourself! I shall probably receive a ban. It is worth it. I shall make post about it. I shall probably receive a ban from the anonymous creatard.


Thought of the day · 3:54am Jun 26th, 2016

I really hate communism. It just grinds my gears. Grr.


Good news, everyone. · 11:08pm Jan 27th, 2017

I'm back.

Ok, I was never truly gone. I've been here almost every day reading other peoples' stories. BUT, I have finally started writing again.

Yes, I now have a setup where I feel comfortable writing again. Instead of a tablet I have... well, it's still a tablet, but it has a nice physical keyboard that isn't a hassle to connect to.

Now, for the bad news.

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Just reminiscing on the fact that my username is a failed attempt at spelling lasagna. · 9:53am Jun 10th, 2016

Oh boy. So when I was first making a username, I didn't know what to call myself. So I asked my brother what to do, and he said, and I quote, "Choose something you like and spell it wrong." And that's the story behind it.

"But wait!" you say, "It doesn't match 'lasagna' phonetically!" In reality, I failed on multiple levels. You see, I forgot the "n." It should have been "lazaunya."

It still haunts me to this day.


Help These Poor Animals · 8:47pm Jan 28th, 2022


Help Stop Animal Abuse and Exploitation!


Plot Bunny Theater: Bouncing Baby 4 · 5:53am Jun 28th, 2020

Finally, the happy day arrives, and Twilight and Shepherd go to the hospital. Twilight is breathing hard, as she goes through labor. Shepherd squeezes her hoof comforting as Nurse Redheart stands on the other side of the bed.

Nurse Redheart: “Don’t worry Princess, you’re doing fine. You’re already dilating, which is very good! Now, we’ll start with the low intensity pain killers and then apply the higher grade stuff as you-”

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Twitter Bars Milo Yiannopoulos in Wake of Leslie Jones’ Reports of Abuse · 3:32pm Jul 28th, 2016

Milo Yiannopoulos was barred by Twitter after a campaign of prolonged online abuse directed at Leslie Jones, one of the stars of Columbia's recent “Ghostbusters” movie. PHOTOGRAPHED BY SAM HODGSON

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Useless Brain, Story Dying · 3:44am May 27th, 2017

Gah, I finally have all the notes for Lightbearers done, and now I cannot wrap my fucking head around it. I can't even figure out where the fuck I was trying to go with it. Trying to put this monster together is an exercise in frustration and depression, nothing is making a single damned bit of sense and I want to just throw it all out and pretend it never happened. I think the only reason I don't is the fact that it's a fucking year's worth of work at this point and my brain won't let go of

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Countess Frollo · 7:22pm Apr 8th, 2017

Hi everyone.
I've got some free time and I just found out that the live-action Beauty and the Beast did well and I had a thought.
I never got to watch the Hunchback of Notre Dame until recently which meant Frollo's really dark and edgy themes were taken as they were implied to be (Psychologically abusing Quasimodo and sexually assaulting Esmeralda).
But I was watching his interactions with Quasimodo and I had a thought.
This kind of reminds me of Countess Magnifying Glass.

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Wholesome Rage: The Language of Lighting · 8:47am Mar 27th, 2019

All predictions made in this video were done in real time! This isn't ad-hoc analysis.

Viewing 21 - 40 of 88 results