
Viewing 21 - 40 of 57 results

Alrighty then. Let's overhaul. · 7:33pm Nov 26th, 2016

Ok, So I have been gone a while, hot a job and blah blah blah, real life bullshit, blah blah blah....

Long story short. There will be an over haul on stories like a 'pet to a princess' if you want me to keep the old versions online, please message me and tell me, and if not They will be removed when the updated version comes out.

On top of that there will be more keen stories, however a more clear timeline will be uploaded.


What does everything think about mlp:FiF? (Friendship is fucked) · 9:00pm Apr 30th, 2021

Alright, so of recent, I have made several new chapters since the last comment on the book. And currently due to my lack of followers or experience, the book and my writing hang partially in the balance of you guys (my audience), and because of the lack of comments of recent I am lacking in fan feedback relating to the book which I so desperately need due to my lack of significant experience besides my book on Wattpad called 'soviet hellscape'. So all I request is criticism in the form of

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Podcast time, and also "story" update. · 10:38pm Jul 8th, 2016

Okay you bastards, I'll write a damn Spike story.
You won't be when I'm done.

In other news, it's podcast day again, today at 4PM PST! Our guest today is Seventh Heaven, who needs to git gud at cooking. Oh, and he writes too I guess. ANYway, come ask him questions and harass us here:

The drinking words are going to be intense today. I'll see ya there, and have a nice Friday.

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OMG Novels are Hard · 12:28pm Apr 4th, 2018

Why hello darlings! Yes everything is fine why do you ask?

I've written words on both my novel ideas, and I've edited a little of my original novel. And.




Novels are fucking hard.

Short stories and novellas so efficient! Set a character's goals and move them forward. Pummel them with obstacles until their eyeballs bleed. They persist because they are a plucky type, quasi-happy ending, yay!

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QCC ~ Interlude Chapter 2.5 · 6:26am Jul 13th, 2021

>be me
>finish interlude chapter
>halfway through Episode 03
>try and do artwork for project
>suffer hard drive failure and lose artwork
>become demotivated
>get sidetracked playing Deus Ex
>"This game is soooo good."
>"I feel like I'm forgetting something... Oh well, I'll figure it out later."
>two weeks pass
>finish playing DXHR
>"...Oh shit, forgot to post interlude."
>opens browser

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The Write Stuff · 6:49pm Jul 15th, 2015

Did you know that I have no idea what I'm doing? Like, seriously, if you were to ask me how to write a story, I couldn't really tell you. I can't recite facts about story structure or mechanics or many tips for characterization. I can't explain how to write. I probably make for a terrible editor, aside from hunting for plot holes. I only ever took a creative writing class for a couple weeks before I dropped out of high school the second time (don't ask). I still wrote stuff a lot, I just had

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So, this is my first blog post. · 8:16pm Mar 4th, 2016

After I publish Chapter X on FireStarter I have decided that i want to...

Have a look at some other ideas.

What, did you think I was about to say I'd cancel it? I'll do that at the climax of the story, like all the other authors.

Anyway, I'm going to be focusing on other ideas I've had. One of which is a HiE clop.

The other two are HiE's because I have no originality.

That's all I really have to say.


Blog... [n+30] looks good, yeah, save, publish · 2:59am Mar 17th, 2021

I'm bored, so, a vague, rambling update, featuring mental health(tm), and horsewords!

First off, I hope y'all are doing well. Like, for real. Compassion is one of those things I overthink as being sarcastic or overdue -- especially in a blog post -- but yeah. claptrap voicePooOoooooOooosiTivitY!

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M or T? A query in regards to ratings · 10:19pm Sep 25th, 2019

When I started out writing Friendship is Manic, I fully intended to delve into the saucier aspects of the premise as soon as the time came. While sauciness to some degree is certainly in store sooner or later, the more I've written it and played with the ideas and concepts in my head, the less certain I am of just how hardcore some of those saucy elements will be. As in, I'm not sure if I actually can write decent porn-ish

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Unsure About a Prequel / Sequel · 10:49pm Jan 18th, 2017


You Can't Tell Me This Isn't Smolder · 1:41am Jan 16th, 2020

Smolder: *on the stage in the auditorium playing a piano* So... I just wrote this song. It was out of a little frustration, but, I hope you guys like it.

When she starts playing:

Gallus: *falls over from laughing*

Silverstream: *smiles despite not knowing what's going on)

Sandbar: *ded*

Yona: *chuckling under her breath*

Ocellus: *shrinks down behind her seat*


what am I doing? · 12:04pm Mar 21st, 2018

I'm bringing 'fixing the balance' out of hiatus, screw it! I might have very little opportunities to write it compared to while I'm at college, but with the possibility of incorporating it into a crossover with another writers story (which I'm helping reboot), there's plenty of reason to bring it back out. Now, where was I up to?

(Gets about half-way through the fic before throwing up violently)

Who the hell is this writer? I can do much better than this!

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An Update on where I am and what I'm doing · 8:26pm Dec 6th, 2022

To those who have enjoyed my stories, I come bearing news. Some good, some bad. Depends on who you ask.

The bad news first:

My incomplete stories are going into haitus for an indefinite period of time. If you caught some of my early blog posts about my real-life status, you probably understand why. Since returning to this site, I have since gotten a more demanding day-job that takes up almost every single one of my days. Full-time with nearly guaranteed overtime.

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What to Do if Your Phone is Hacked · 2:59pm Jul 20th, 2023

In today's digital age, our smartphones have become an integral part of our lives. We rely on them for communication, accessing personal information, banking, and much more. However, with the increasing sophistication of cybercriminals, the risk of our phones being hacked has also risen. If you suspect that your phone has been compromised, it is crucial to take immediate action to protect your data and secure your device. A

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Writing: Ramblings about Developing Characters · 3:14am Jun 20th, 2018

I've been told that I do original characters well,* so I thought I'd share some of my secrets with y'all.


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Regrets of a clueless YouTuber and why I began doing YouTube in the first place: a little about my goals and aspirations, what I want to do with it · 8:52pm Apr 27th, 2021

This has also been posted on my YouTube channel - posting here to make sure it isn't missed by anybody interest in the future of FireRain or if they've been wondering where I've been.


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From the (House) Land of the Rising Sun · 10:47am Feb 5th, 2018

So this update is late. Like pretty late compared to previous ones, but I'm on holiday so bleh.

"Where are you KendallKun?" I hear the small voice at the back cry. Well small voice, I've finally made my way to weaboo heaven. Yes sir, located just twenty minutes from Akihabara itself, I'm in Tokyo.

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Don't u hate · 2:12am Jul 30th, 2017

How mobile doesn't show you any of the cool shit you do on your page anymore?
And the fact that just because you removed comments on desktop doesn't mean you won't get comments from those on mobile
Like fak


Pondering · 8:00am Feb 28th, 2019

So, y'know how I've been spending time watching Netflix and generally unwinding in my freetime instead of writing?

Yeah, that's given me quite a bit of time to think as well, which led me to both the set of story ideas I pitched earlier on, and just some general pondering of what I'll even do with my stories in the future. Heck, I'm still wondering what I'll do with my life in the future.

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Sneak Peeks From Upcoming Stuff – AKA Check my Stories, I'll Give You Candy · 4:50am Oct 12th, 2018

Nope, still not dead. I'm only rewriting drafts over and over again because I can't seem to do shit right as much as I used to.
But! One of the things I've working on is opening lines!
Seriously, a good opening line for a story can help you an awful lot. A different start sets you to write a different paragraph than the one you intended, sooo you got a chain reaction from there. The typical 'take a look at things from another pov' but for writing.

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Viewing 21 - 40 of 57 results