
Viewing 21 - 40 of 208 results

When you get that one-two punch of writing a chapter that explores your favorite characters in-depth as a leadup to a chapter when you finally get to knock over the tower of cards you've been piecing together: · 7:17am Jan 6th, 2020

( •_•)>⌐■-■

It's time. :moustache:

btw this is all in the original fiction so just ignore this if you want


So many unfinished stories! · 1:14pm Oct 7th, 2021

Started going through my favorites list to unfav stories that are either cancelled or just plain dead from lack of updates. I began with a 155-page list of favorites (I've read TENS OF MILLIONS of Ponee wurds), and cleaned up the last 30 pages, which went only from 2012 up to the first couple months of 2013... and got rid of 6 pages worth of unfinished stories just from that! Excluding all the one-shots, which made up the bulk of finished stories, I roughly estimate about 50% of the ongoing

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An Archive Of (My) Own · 8:28am February 6th

Yes, that's right!

If FIMfiction ever has an outage, or some day falls over and dies (Celestia forbid!), you can still get your fix of my clopfics on Archive of Our Own, or AO3, here: Clopfic Archival


Preview of "My Own Reality" · 9:30pm Jun 8th, 2018

I've completed most of Chapter 1's conversion to original fiction. Take a look at the draft below. ^_^

My Own Reality

Everything seemed so real. The people, the places, the experiences, all nothing more than a simulation. With the abrupt severing of a single connection, it all comes crumbling down. Now, it's up to Lisa Garnet to find her way back, and along the way remember who she is... and who she was.

1 – Wake up.

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On the topic of one of the primary conflicts of Pony-Me · 7:37am Oct 13th, 2018

One of the multiple recurring conflicts throughout Pony-Me, the conflict of whether or not Twilight should return to the simulation, will be wrapping up and resolving within the next couple of chapters. In its place will be a new story arc focusing on Lisa and Samantha's lives after the simulation, which will take place at the beginning of Part 3.

Basic synopsis of Part 3 provided below the break for those eager to know.

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>tmw you write one of the final scenes of your story even though you aren't even close to halfway done with the rest of it · 8:07am Feb 14th, 2021

haha lol
at least i have a good idea of how Pony-Me's gonna be ending now



Idunno, with my personal hiatus in full-swing, I've been able to get a good amount of study time in. At the same time, replacing my writing time with reading time either to study more or to whittle down my library has actually been quite nice to have.

But at the same time, things still feel the same. The only difference is that I now typically study some notes and/or read some unread chapters over the course of my regular writing period. Same workflow, same load, etc. etc.

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Wow. · 7:07am Sep 12th, 2019

After scrapping the old plans to just directly adapt Pony-Me's entire plot to original fiction and instead rewriting everything from the ground up, it's only taken three months to hit 10k words across six chapters.

Short to say, based off of that alone, I'm pretty sure that the original fiction adaptation is gonna be quite a bit longer than the OG Pony-Me, even when counting the guest chapters and bonus bits such as the April Fools' chapters.

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Ayyyy · 5:11am Mar 20th, 2020

Hit 45k words in the original fiction adaptation of Pony-Me!

Also, at this point in the story, it's largely diverged from nearly anything related to Pony-Me as far as plot goes. It's currently closer to Into Equestria in terms of plot than it is to Pony-Me, mainly because it cuts out several areas that were equivalent to some of Pony-Me's filler chapters such as the unnecessarily long roadtrip chapters.

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My Own Reality status update (7-1-2018) · 8:22pm Jul 1st, 2018

1 - "Wake up" - draft 2
2 - "Take a look around" - draft 2 (unfinished)

Chapter 2 is currently ongoing revision after an awkwardly-written (and unnecessary) dream sequence. I've temporarily removed it from the chapter, and I'll likely do some major rewriting tonight.


Preview 2 of "My Own Reality" · 4:23am Jun 12th, 2018

I've since added quite a bit more to the first chapter, exploring additional aspects of the story's world that previously was assumed via Pony-Me's connection to the MLP universe. For example, the friendship between Twilight and Pinkie is instead transposed into Rebecca and Julie, with the latter still somewhat holding onto Pinkie's personality, but becoming largely a much more original character in and of herself, with additional traits contradicting Pinkie's to likely be revealed in later

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Status update (7/12/2018) · 6:50am Jul 12th, 2018

My Own Reality: Chapter 3 is currently in the works, and is the first chapter to fully diverge from the story's Pony-Me counterpart. As such, it's quite a bit harder to work with. I'll post what I've written so far below for feedback.

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CiF: What you guys think of the cover art? · 8:35am Jul 7th, 2016

I finally got around to fiddling with, a free-to-use website where you can make all sorts of professional graphic designs. Honestly I'm pretty happy with the results and would like to know how you guys feel about it. Also yeah I'm totally recommending use of the website. It's a great and easy tool.


Slight change in plans. · 7:03pm Jul 17th, 2015

I've decided to focus on two different stories now, and both of them happen to star none other than Moondancer. The first one will be a slice of life one-shot with her trying to make a new friend after making amends with Twilight, while the other will be a long AU story where she'll play a supporting role with Twilight Sparkle and a few other ponies. Both stories should arrive this month if all goes well, and I wish you all the best! :twilightsmile:

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Discord Server story planning session! · 3:24am Jun 13th, 2018

I'm trying to figure out potential ways to make Pony-Me, and by extension, My Own Reality more unique. Not simply by avoiding common cliches that are now solidly established by films such as The Matrix or Ready Player One, but by creating something that truly hasn't been done before in this category of science fiction.

See you there! :twilightsmile:


Pony Fiction Archive Moves to AO3 · 12:47am Dec 11th, 2022

I happened on an Admin post from Archive of Our Own in a RSS feed today. Apparently, The Pony Fiction Archive has moved their content to AO3. I looked up and all I got was a 403 "forbidden" page. Elsewhere I saw indications that it had been started in 2011 and that it is (was) popular in the Russian Federation. Via the Wayback Machine I saw

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New Pony-Me/My Own Reality chapter! · 7:57am Feb 23rd, 2021

Guess what?

Timothy's back!

EPony-Me™: Rebooted
What happens when you realize that your life is a simulation? Well, you put the headset back on. A rewrite of 2017's Pony-Me.
TheMajorTechie · 26k words  ·  133  10 · 2.1k views

Original fiction version:
My Own Reality (draft 3)


So, y'know how I've been talkin' about a Pony-Me reboot? · 12:28am Jun 15th, 2020

I just figured out the perfect way to combine the intended ending of Into Equestria with Pony-Me's official ending. :ajsmug:

Like, y'know that part where Lisa/Twilight returns to Equestria and has a talk with Celestia and says goodbye and all?

That's gonna be the flashpoint of the story.

Also, this is all actually stuff I came up with for the original fiction adaptation, but I wrote it with the ability to carry things over to Pony-Me in mind. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯


So, what's been taking Pony-Me so long? · 9:57am Jan 16th, 2021

Lisa going through an existential crisis in two different ways, that's what. Gotta love writing two versions of the same story! :V

Definitely getting closer to finishing though, but the chapter that goes up to publish isn't what I'm currently writing.


AO3 Story Mirroring · 4:17am January 15th

Been a while since I started the process, but I'm almost done mirroring M.L.G. over at Archive Of Our Own. I've gotten as far as "Shine Aqua Illusion", and I expect to have it fully posted within the next 3-4 days. So if by some chance you want to read it over there instead of here, feel free.

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Viewing 21 - 40 of 208 results